Saturday, September 5, 2020

Ranked: X-Men Films

 Ranked: X-Men Films

So after a large amount of time taken, I have watched all of the films in the X-Men universe and here I rank all of them from the worst till the best. 

14. X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) 

The worst X-Men film in my opinion has to be the third film in the original trilogy and the first not directed by Bryan Singer X-Men: The Last Stand. This film is just so dull, the story is all over the place, it tries to focus on a mutant cure story and The Dark Phoenix story but in the end neither is interesting. It takes bold decisions in curing Magneto and killing Professor Xavier but then undoes them by the end of the film. A truly bad film and one never worth watching. 

13. X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)

What is it with The Dark Phoenix story that makes terrible movies, the newer version of the story arc is almost as bad as the first attempt. Poor writing and character development really let this film down when it had quite a bit of potential, this film feels rushed and is a poor attempt at finishing the First Class story arc. 

12. X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)


The first Wolverine solo movie is easily the worst one, for some reason it thought it would be a good idea to force in every Z-List Mutant character to poor effect. Hugh Jackman and Liev Schreiber are good as Wolverine and Sabertooth but the rest of the cast are so boring and lacking any personality. The story also makes no sense and don't get me started on how bad his claws look and the awful attempt at Deadpool. 

11. The New Mutants (2020) 

The newest of the X-Men films is just average instead of bad, there are some likeable performances and cool action scenes with a cool premise but it ultimately fails to deliver. The characters are not given enough time to develop or make you care about them and this hurts the film, it doesn't help that the first half of the film is really dull too. This film isn't terrible but not worth a watch still. 

10. The Wolverine (2013)

The second Wolverine film is much better then the first but fails to hit the high levels that it could have. Jackman is great here and the setting of Japan adds a nice unique feel to the film. The action scenes are pretty cool too until it gets to its final act. The last act is just awful, the CGI is used more to really poor effect and the silver samurai reveal is laughably bad. Plus there is a weird romance here that was unnecessary, but overall, this is a decent film with some good moments in it. 

9. X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)

This film has received plenty of hate over the years but I actually like it, there are clear issues with it but I think the good outweighs the bad. The story arc of Magneto is fantastic and it does a great job with his character also I actually quite liked the new X-Men here like Jean Grey, Cyclops and Nightcrawler. It's just a shame that Apocalypse is such a dull villain or else this film could have been really good but overall it is a good watch with some issues in there as well. 

8. Deadpool 2 (2017)

Next on the list is Deadpool 2 which is a fun sequel to the original film. Ryan Reynolds is great as the main character and the additions of Cable and Domino is a real highlight and adds plenty to the film. This film has more emotion to it and a decent story but it just does some things that make it not as good as the original. There is so much going on here that the film is actually unfocused and struggles to give everything the time it deserves, this means that certain characters from the first film are left by the wayside. But this is a good film and if you are a fan of the first film then this is more of the same. 

7. Deadpool & Wolverine (2024)

The First X-Men themed film in The Marvel Cinematic Universe is Deadpool & Wolverine and it is a great fun time at the cinema. Ryan Reynolds & Hugh Jackman are once again fantastic in the lead roles and there are some really cool guest appearances that aid with the story. The Deadpool supporting Cast being written out of the film, the lack of overall plot and some pacing issues stops this film from being higher on the list but a great watch. 

6. X-Men (2000)

The film that started it all is next on the list, this film does a great job of introducing these characters to the big screen and making them memorable. Jackman, Sir Patrick Stewart and Sir Ian McKellen all do great jobs in their role and add plenty to the characters and their arcs. It has some entertaining action scenes there for sure though some of the characters are weaker and are treated worse then they deserved. Overall, this is a great and important film as it really started the comic boom movie genre off. 

5. X-Men 2 (2003)

The sequel is not as important as the first film but it is better. Looking at the personal story of Wolverine was a great choice and adds to the intensity and drama of the film, also seeing Magneto and Mystique having to team up with The X-Men was a nice change of pace and handled very well. This film raises the stakes from the first film and does a great job with is characters and showed people how to make a sequel better then the original. 

4. X-Men: First Class (2011)

The reboot for the X-Men was a brilliant film, both James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender excel as young Xavier and Magneto and the rest of the cast does great too. This film really did a great job of showing the devlopment of the X-Men and how Xavoer and Magneto eventually became enemies. If it wasn't for some terrible costumes this film would much higher on the list as it is a brilliant film. 

3. Deadpool (2016)

This film is so unique and fun it is unreal, I mean Deadpool is such a unique character and Reynolds kills it in this film. The R-Rating gives this film a different feeling, the action is brutal and the humour is great that makes this a must see. The characters are great and the plot is done well enough for a film like this and it is a must watch. 

2. X-Men: Days Of Future Past (2014)

This film is easily the best X-Men film that is an actual X-Men film if that makes sense. The merging of the original cast and the First Class characters is done so well and allows an all star cast that truly delivers. McAvoy, Jackman, Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Stewart and McKellen are all amazing here and there are more great performances really well and easily has the best Quicksilver scene that there is. The action scenes are fantastic and whether it is in the future or the 70's the film looks great and really fits the tone of the film. This is an amazing film that is a must watch and easily one of my favourite films. 

1. Logan (2017)


This film is amazing, I even struggle to class this as a comic book film, it is a personal journey for Woverine and Jackman gives such a good performance that he should have got an Oscar nomination. Stewart and Dafne Keene are also brilliant and the dynamic between the three of them carries the movie and makes you invest in the film. The R-Rating allows Logan to finally unleash the fury of Wolverine and the brutal action is intense and the best we have seen, with obviously the most emotional ending to a film ever. If you haven't seen Logan you owe yourself too and go and watch it. 


Overall, the X-Men Films have had some highs and lows but overall I am happy with what we have got. With Marvel Studios now in possession of these characters hopefully, we get a great future for The X-Men that join the higher ends of this list.  

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