Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Logan (2017) Review

 Logan (2017) Review

So even though I have watched The New Mutants, I still have a few X-Men films left to watch and the next one is the film Logan and here is my review for it. The premise of the film is set in the future and sees an older Wolverine looking after Charles Xavier when a young mutant comes into their lives and force them on the run. 

Main Character

Hugh Jackman has become famous for playing the role of Logan/Wolverine and in his final appearance in the role he gives his best performance to date. The fact he wasn't nominated for an Oscar for his performance here was an injustice as he truly deserved it for a mammoth truly emotional performance. We see a Logan worn down and fed up of life, he struggles throughout the movie and it really feels like the world has caught up with him and he is actually in danger, which has been something X-Men films have struggled with. Also this film having a more mature adult feeling means we finally get to see Jackman go full berserker Wolverine and it is fabulous and absolutely brutal. 

Supporting Characters

Sir Patrick Stewart is back one last time as Charles Xavier and similar to Jackman he is brilliant here. The father figure and strong character is gone, replaced with a weak and damaged man that has gone through a lot. The dynamic between Charles and Logan is fascinating here, as it really feels like the roles have reversed and that Logan has to look after Charles which is great to see. Dafne Keen makes her film debut as X-23 and she is fantastic, she has hardly any dialogue but you can't help but care about her and I really bought into her relationship with Logan and where it grows. The dynamic between these characters is really the thing that carries the movie and you really care about these characters and it really drives this movie. Stephen Merchant, Boyd Holbrook and Richard E Grant also all do good jobs in their smaller roles here. 


Now even though this film has characters from the X-Men universe, this couldn't be further away from an X-Men film. It really focuses on the characters and the damage that has occurred to them over their lives and why they need to go on living for this young girl. As I mentioned above, the relationships between the characters and the friendship is what gives this movie weight and plenty of heart. It is a tragic story but a really well told one that fits the characters perfectly. 


The script is really great, this world is so gritty and there is drama galore. The more mature writing fits the film perfectly and really shows where the characters are, especially Xavier when you consider what he has been like in the previous films. There are also little drops of humour too which is nice to see and ensures Wolverine still has those moments even if they aren't always meant to be funny. 


The style is brilliant, this world they created for the film fits so well, it is dark, dirty and gritty and it really feels like the end of days for the mutants. The R rating for this film was the right choice, the action is brutal and violent and it adds to this films story and the way it is presented. It is such an emotional ride that is paced really well and keeps you interested throughout. 


Overall, this is a brilliant film, whether you are an X-Men, Wolverine or just film fan then you owe it to yourself to watch this movie. It is an emotional roller coaster and by focusing on it's character give a story and journey that you won't forget. 

Rating - 10/10 

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