Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Deadpool 2 (2018) Review

 Deadpool 2 (2018) Review

So I have almost finished the X-Men films and the next film is Deadpool 2 and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees Deadpool and a team of mutants have to save a young mutant from the time traveller Cable. 

Main Character

Ryan Reynolds is back as the 4th wall breaking Deadpool and what more is there to say except that he was born to play this character and he is once again fantastic here. He is still hilarious here and the references are all still here mixed with the R Rated language. It is funny that he actually has a character arc here, there is an emotional journey he goes on here and I thought he did a really good job with it and it helped flesh out the character. 

Supporting Cast

There is a huge supporting cast here and that shows, Zazie Beetz plays the character of Domino and I thought she was great here. She comes into the film quite late but she is fun to watch and the way they show off her powers is really great and unique and is a real highlight. Josh Brolin is no stranger to comic book roles with Thanos and Jonah Hex and he now plays Cable here and I thought he did a good job. He is very clearly the dark and more serious contrast to Deadpool and it works here, you are given a reason to care about his character and his motivations and he adds plenty to the action scenes. The rest of the cast also do good jobs in their roles but the film lessens all of them, like Vanessa played by Morena Baccarin, we really got invested by their romance in the first film but even though it plays a part here it feels like her character gets short changed. The same could be said for characters like Colossus, Negasonic Teenage Warhead and Blind Al, who have less screen time and you just wish there could have been more time with them, especially Negasonic Teenage Warhead. 


The story is decent, the emotion of Deadpool's character works here and it does make you care about his character and feel like he has actually grown as a person by the end. Also the individual arcs in the film are all entertaining individually, it is just how they balance that is an issue. This film does suffer from what a lot of sequels do, that they have to raise the stakes and add much more to the film an this film does that. But there is so much going on here that elements of the film that were great in the first film fall to the wayside and aren't given the love that they deserve. 


The script has the fun and laughs that the first film had with all the references and 4th wall breaks that you can muster. The drama is just as good if not better here and does a better job in telling a fully fleshed out dramatic story. Though here, I felt like the film had some lazy writing, addressing it as lazy doesn't hide the fact that it is indeed lazy writing. 


The style of the film has some great action scenes in it, the violence is still here and the unique power sets of the characters allows for some fun sequences. The film flows nicely and you aren't ever bored which is a good thing considering how many plot points there are. There is one poor CGI fight but I am willing to accept it as it is a small part of the film. 


Overall, this is a good sequel. It keeps the humour and feeling of the first film which is a good thing, but it does struggle to balance the load of the sequel which hurts it but overall this is a worthy sequel.

Rating - 7/10

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