Saturday, March 28, 2020

Opinion - Why it is time for a Mass Effect TV Show

Opinion - Why it is time for a Mass Effect TV Show 

 So this is the first of my opinion pieces that I will be doing and after watching the first season of Star Trek: Picard and watching The Mandalorian I came to the conclusion that now is the time for probably my favourite video game franchise Mass Effect to have its turn at a TV Show. Here are a few reasons why I think this property is ideal for a TV show in the next few years.

Chance for a show led by a strong female protagonist

One of the great things in Mass Effect is tht the main character Commander Shepard can be a male or female character. I personally would prefer the male version of the character as it is the one I usually play as but if they wanted to get more people interested in this show then it might be worth taking a slight risk and focus on the female version of the character it could bring a new audience to the show and really provide a different lead character then other sci fi shows like it. 

It has some of the best supporting characters in gaming history

The highlight for me in this franchise is the teammates that you have in the games, there are some real standouts. Garrus Vakarian, Urdnot Wrex and Thane Krios are some of the best characters in any game and the different ideologies and moralities would be brilliant to watch in live action and in a series. 

It's story is epic in scale 

The story of Mass Effect focuses on the galactic community having to come together to stop a synthetic alien race called The Reapers. It has a huge scale to it and brings together people from all parts of the galaxy so it shows different cultures and motives which is really interesting. Also as mentioned it is great to see how the characters progress over the games and a show with multiple seasons could show these characters develop and change. 

Could follow the success of The Witcher 

The Witcher came out late last year on Netflix and was a huge hit, the critics, general audience and fans universally loved it and it was the most watched show last year. Now I know the show was based on the books more but it is a video game property and the care that was given shows that with the same care other Video Game properties could succeed too. 

Shows have a larger budget 

Recent shows like Picard and The Mandalorian show that some shows have larger budgets then they used too and a show of Mass Effects grandure would need a big budget but with that being capable it could be a truly memorable show.

There is too much for a film series

Now I think it is inevitable we will get a live action version of Mass Effect but I do not want a film as there is just too much story and too many interesting characters to be contained in a two hour film, even if it was a trilogy that would roughly be around 6 hours which wouldn't be clearly enough for the story to be told effectively. 


Overall, I believe that Mass Effect could be a new huge franchise that people would get invested in it will just take a studio to take a risk and trust that it can be a success. 

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