Saturday, March 28, 2020

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) Review

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) Review 

 Next step on the Star Wars review series is the first live action spinoff Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and this is my review for the film. The premise of the film sees a group of misfit rebels attempt to steal the Death Star Plans from The Empire. 

Main Character

Felicity Jones plays Jyn Erso the lead in this film and she is really good in the role, her character has plenty of depth to her and you really support her as the main character. You see her really develop over the film and it makes her journey a fascinating one to watch and makes you care about her as a character. 

Supporting Characters

This film has a huge supporting cast and Diego Luna as Cassion Andor is the main one, he introduces a new side to the Rebellion and it is great to see this more morally ambigous character associated with the Rebels as in the original trilogy they are presented as the squeaky clean heroes when it is clear there was more to them. Him and Jones has some good chemistry together and I liked how they interacted and how their characters develop during the film and bring out different sides to each other. Alan Tudyk voices the droid K2SO and he is the funniest part of the film, he makes you laugh plenty in the film but you also grow to care about him as he has more character then possibly any other droid in the Star Wars universe. Donnie Yen and Wen Jiang play Chirrut & Baze in the film and I really liked their characters, they have a really interesting dynamic together and I especially thought Yen's character was really interesting and a part of the most entertaining action scnenes in the film. Ben Mendelsohn plays the main villain Director Orson Krennic and he is the perfect Imperial in The Star Wars universe, he is very dislikeable and despicable making it easy not to like him, but it was interesting seeing his role in The Empire and how it affects him as a character. 


This film's story does a really good job of building the group and making you care about each of them, it also adds depth to them and develops them as characters. It is an exciting story and feels like a war film scenario where you care about the characters survival and want to see them succeed. Also this film does a great job in making A New Hope's plot better and adding more depth to it. However, my main criticism for the film is that the story isn't that interesting for the first act and jumps all over the place making it hard to focus on a particular journey but it improves as the film progreses. 


The script is great for this film, as mentioned it adds moral complexity to the rebels that makes them more human and more relatable to the audience. The drama feels very real and it adds to the emotion for the characters that you have especially in the last act. The humour is also well done mainly through K2SO but it was funny and felt appropriate for that character in the film. 


The film looks fantastic, the war like action scenes are brutal and exciting at the same time. Whether they are on land or in space they feel epic in scale and exactly how war should be shown in The Star Wars Universe. To help this film has possibly my favourite action scene in any Star Wars film and a film that kept me on the edge of my seat. 


Overall, this is a fantastic Star Wars film, it feels like the most warlike film in this universe and does a great job showing the earlier stages of the rebellion and how the wheels are set in motion for A New Hope. 

Rating - 9/10 

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