Thursday, March 26, 2020

Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 1 (2008) Review

Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 1 (2008) Review

 With the new season of The Clone Wars upon us I have decided to rewatch the whole series and here is my review for the first season of the show. The premise of the season sees Anakin Skywalker, Ashoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi and fellow Jedi's attempt to defeat the Seperatist forces led by General Grievous, Count Dooku & Asajj Ventress.

Main Character

Not suprisingly Anakin Skywalker is the main character on this show and as I mentioned in my Clone Wars Movie review it is really entertaining seeing the character in his prime as a Jedi Knight and we really see why he was such a respected Jedi and why both sides were keen on him being on their side. However, his character is pretty bland and actually at times quite annoying, it seems for somebody so experienced he makes plenty of mistakes and it seems like the other characters are always right over him which does hurt his character. 

Supporting Characters

Obi-Wan Kenobi is the main supporting character on the show and his dynamic with Anakin is interesting as it shows them as friends more which we less in the films so it does help make that arc feel more realistic in the films especially Revenge Of The Sith. Ashoka is back as Anakin's apprentice, even though that makes no sense as established in Revenge Of The Sith and she is a fun character, she has probably the best development of any character in the show as she really grows form her place as padawan to a more senior Jedi and it is nice to see. Captain Rex is the main clone Trooper on the show and he is great, he is battle tested but you also see his loyalty to his Jedi and it makes him a character that you care about and want to see survive. The villains share some screen time but I would say Grievous is probably the main one and even though his character is made to look very weak you find a bit more about his character and how he ended up the way he is and it interested me enough, but he needs to get the upper hand more in future seasons. 


The story shows the depcition of the war very well, it literally feels like the entire galaxy is at war and that there is really nothing but the war which keeps are heroes always heading to the next battle. However, this show is very episodic, it lacks a season long narrative to keep you invested and focuses either on one epsidode arcs or at most a three part story. This is showed by the pilot and the season finale's that feel like isolated episodes and don't really connect to anything else which is disappointing. 


The script for the show does a good job at making even the Jedi feel more natural and a bit more comedic then the films make them making them more interesting in the process. However, the show decides to make the battle droids comedic relief and they are just cringeworthy and not funny at all and it also takes away from the severity of the battles. 


The style of the show looks great when it comes to the action scenes, it is great seeing The Jedi in full force and seeing the clones and droids engage each other in huge scaled battles either on ground or in space. But I will say this season has 22 episodes and I felt like even though they are only 25 minutes long there are a few episodes that could have been cut and would have made a better contained story. Also and this is something the show can't help but it is sometimes difficult to get invested in the battles when you know the main characters can't die as they are going to be in Revenge Of The Sith. 


Overall, this is an okay first season of the show, you can tell they are getting then hang of the show and it is entertaining to watch but I hope it does improve vastly in the future.

Rating - 6/10 

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