Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Star Wars: Episode 4 - A New Hope (1977) Review

Star Wars: Episode 4 - A New Hope (1977) Review

 With The Mandalorian set to hit the UK next week and with myself being one of the people in isolation at the moment I have decided to rewatch the Star Wars films and possibly the shows in order to catch up and I have now rewatched the first Star Wars Film A New Hope and this is my review for the film. The premise of the film sees a farmer join forces with a Jedi Knight, a cocky pilot, a wookie and a pair of droids in order to attempt to save a princess from the evil Empire.

Main Character

Mark Hamill became an actor that was type cast in the role of Luke Skywalker and this was the start of his journey as the character. Luke is a character it is quite easy to root for as he is like us, learning about these big galactic events like us the audience, he doesn't start as a big confident character but he wants to do the right thing and we can relate to that as if given the opportunity we want to be the hero of the story. 

Supporting Characters

This is a part of the film where it really succeeds, Harrison Ford plays Han Solo in this film and he is easily the best character in this film. He is cocky and arrogant but he is so entertaining to watch in the film that you care about his character, his character also has the best arc in the film and he really develops as the film progresses. Carrie Fisher plays Princess Leia and judging by the premise of the film you would believe she is just the damsel in distress but she really isn't, she gives the other characters attitude and doesn't take nonsense from the other characters and shows her character has plenty of strength to her as a leader of The Rebellion. Alec Guiness plays Ben Kenobi and his role is crucial in the film, he really plays a mentor to Luke in the film and sets him on his way as a character on the journey that he goes for in this film. Darth Vader is possibly the most important villain in film history and this is the first time we see the character and he is possibly the most terrifying looking character on film. You don't get all the details about his character but it really gives you enough to get invested in the background of his character and the powers that he possesses. 


Again when you read the premsie of the plot of the film you probably think it is really basic and I guess it kind of is but it is executed so fantastically that it rises above the basic idea of the and makes it extremely interesting. Learning about the things such as the Jedi, The Empire & The Rebellion that keeps you intrigued and just sucks you into want to learn more about this situation and the characters. If any film can get away with being a bit predictable it is Star Wars as it feels perfect for the film you are watching and sets up all these characters for great arcs in the future. 


The script for this film is great, it has some truly memorable lines that are remembered by fans and casuals alike. There are some funny lines that make the characters seem more interesting and likeable, plus the drama builds to some real emotional moments thatrises this film above other films in the same genre. 


This film came out in the late 1970's and it looks incredible, the action scenes are some of the most exciting and entertaining of all time and they keep you on the edge of your seat whether it is a blaster battle, lightsaber battle or space battle it is great. I also have to mention how important John Williams score is to this film as it makes every scene feel so much bigger then it is and it makes this such a better experience. The one thing I must mention is that I watched the current edition of this film that has some added scenes with new CGI but in this film I just find these really jarring and don't think they add to the film at all and even look uncomplete. However, I felt that these scenes are few and far apart and don't take much away from the overall quality of the film. 


Overall this is one of the most revolutionary films of all time, it is a pretty perfect start to a franchise and sets up all the characters superbly for future films while providing a great film in it's own right. If you are one of the few people that haven't seen this film then watch it as soon as possible. 

Rating - 10/10 

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