Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Munich: The Edge of War (2022) Review

Munich: The Edge of War (2022) Review

Munich: The Edge of War has been very anticipated and it recently made its way to Netflix and today I watched it and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a British and German diplomat travel for peace talks before World War 2, both with their own agendas. 

Main Character

George MacKay shot to fame for his role in 1917 and he is really good here. On paper his role isn't that in interesting but he adds plenty of depth to it and gives everything to make this an interesting character and a solid performance. German actor Jannis Niewohner was really great as well, for me he was the most compelling part of the film and I liked the way they took his character as it wasn't exactly what I was expecting. 

Supporting Characters

The legendary Jeremy Irons plays Neville Chamberlain and obviously he is great in the role. It just fits him really well and having his level of star involved with this project really elevates it. It is funny, there isn't really another fleshed out character but the acting is top notch by everybody involved and I think the acting from everybody involved is something that should be commended and highlighted here. 


The story does some interesting things, it has two layered main characters that have interesting motivations and you see these play out. But I guess I just wasn't interested enough, this film is set just before WW2 which means you know what the outcome is which makes it sometimes a frustrating watch. It just doesn't do enough to make it stand out amongst the large amount of films that deal with this subject and time period. 


The script is okay, it lays it on very heavy and there is some decent dramatic dialogue involved. I liked how the film didn't shy away from characters speaking the native language of the characters instead of all speaking English for no reason. But this film is just too bleak for me and I felt like it just didn't always work with it becoming a bit mundane and repetitive at times to pad out a runtime. 


This was where the film fell down for me. It just did nothing to make me keep interested in terms of its style. It doesn't look that great and the pace is so slow, it moves at a snails pace and I just got bored. These WW2 films need to start doing more to keep them interesting as media has overused it and unfortunately this film can't rise above. 


Overall, Munich: The Edge of War is an above average film that is really well acted. I thought it was alright but I think it is for a particular taste of film fan and people might not get on with it. 

Rating - 6/10

Monday, January 24, 2022

The Puppet Master: Hunting the Ultimate Conman Mini Series (2022) Review

The Puppet Master: Hunting the Ultimate Conman Mini Series (2022) Review

This documentary made its way to Netflix a few days ago and is being watched by plenty of people. So I thought I would watch The Puppet Master: Hunting the Ultimate Conman and here is my review for it. The premise of the mini series documents the events where a man posing as an MI5 agent tricked people into giving him money and power. 

What the documentary does really well is avoid all of the fluff and get you invested from the beginning. Everything is being documented by the people involved and there is no clear separate agenda as there seems to be with too many documentaries these days. This was seemingly a big deal when the case happened but I knew nothing about it and the show gets you up to speed and gives you what you need. 

You wouldn't believe in half of the things said here as it feels so absurd, but with the people involved it clearly was and it just makes you wonder how exactly this guy got away with what he is doing and how it affects people to this current day. 

This show is only 3 episodes long and where I think that is a good thing as it does trim some of the fat off. I also think some of the parts of this show could have done with more detail. I just wanted to know more and it would have been cool if we could have got even more. 

The show also ends on a bit of a sour note and it feels a bit unfinished and that is obviously a shame. Hopefully, the release of this show brings more attention to this situation and gets it more finished. 

Overall, this documentary did a good job of getting me interested and making me care about the subject matter and for its short runtime I would say give it a go. 

Rating - 7/10

Friday, January 21, 2022

After Life Season 3 (2022) Review

After Life Season 3 (2022) Review 

This show has been going on for a few years now and the third and final season of After Life is on Netflix and here is my review for it. The premise of the season once again sees Tony trying to live a happier life after the tragic passing of his wife. 

Main Character

Ricky Gervais stars, writes and directs this show and he has always been great as the character of Tony. There is a real raw emotion to the performance and he is entertaining to watch but you also do care about him as well. You can tell the real passion he has for the show and his performance and he is easily the best part of the show. 

Supporting Characters

Tom Basden plays his boss and he hasn't always been my favourite character but I actually thought their relationship worked this season and seeing the complete contrast between the two of them allowed for some actual character development. The same goes for Tony Way as Lenny, he has always been an easy person for Gervais to bully but there seems to be more there this season and it allows for more characterisation which is pretty well done. But some of the characters are just unbearable on the show, they are either not funny or just really annoying. The cast is way too large and certain characters from the previous seasons just disappear without much explanation. 


Tony's emotional story is the real heart of the show and I like how it isn't as obvious as would be expected. It feels quite real and a guy that is really suffering and tries to find his own way of dealing with it. But there are way too many supporting characters that get more attention this season and it just does not work for me. Luckily the best episode is the finale and I must say the show does an excellent job of finishing in a great way. 


The script has some really effective dramatic dialogue and moments. The finale in particular does so much to make you care and I got to be honest I was moved by the emotion that was on display. But for a show that is meant to be comedic, I didn't really laugh at all and the show feels like it is really funny but for me it really misses the mark. 


The show is well filmed and as I say when it focuses on the more emotional and dramatic moments it really works and hits high levels. But the pacing isn't great, the show doesn't take long to watch but there is too much filler here then is necessary. 


Overall, After Life Season 3 is an above average final season. It nails its finale but has other issues, if you are a fan of the show then you will be happy, but it won't bring in new viewers. 

Rating - 6/10

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Scream 4 (2011) Review

Scream 4 (2011) Review

11 years after Scream 3, they decided to make a fourth Scream film and I have now watched it and here is my review for Scream 4. The premise of the film is set 10 years after the last film and sees Sidney return to her hometown which sees a re-emergence of Ghost Face and the killings. 

Main Character

Neve Campbell is back as Sydney and she is functional here, it is nice to see her back in the role and it seems like she is glad to be back. But once again there is very little added to her character and it just feels like she is here because it would be strange for her not to be here because it is a Scream film. 

Supporting Characters

David Arquette and Courteney Cox are back as Dewey and Gail and I have similar feelings towards there characters here as I did in the first film. They started off annoying me, but I grew on them and it was fun watching them work together after all the time since the previous film in the franchise. Emma Roberts comes in as Sidney's Cousin and she was a nice addition to the cast, she just fits the mould of the film well and she adds plenty here. But just like the other Scream films some of the other cast are overacting and it takes me out of it especially if and when they get killed. 


I actually quite liked the twist about who Ghostface is in this film. Also seeing the characters we know older and dealing with this situation is fun enough. But there is no doubt that there is plenty rehashed here and the plot isn't clever enough to get around this. There are probably too many characters which makes the film feel disjointed and for me taking a bit too long to get the blood pumping. 


The script is alright, nothing great but nothing truly bad either. It has decent twists and turns which keeps the film enjoyable but some of the characters lack depth and the story overall isn't written with enough to interest. 


Once again the Ghostface killings are fun and just as bloody as they have always been if not even more then the others. But the pacing of the film isn't that great, I just felt like the film was going through the motions for some of it and it failed to truly keep me invested and interested. 


Overall, Scream 4 is an average film. It has some good moments but is too inconsistent and shows the limitations of a franchise like this. 

Rating - 5/10

Scream 3 (2000) Review

Scream 3 (2000) Review

Next in the Scream review series comes the third film in the franchise and I watched Scream 3 today and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a film being made about the events of the previous incidents when another Ghostface killer surfaces. 

Main Character

Neve Campbell is back as Sidney and unfortunately the character doesn't work here and I am not sure it is even Campbell's fault. The character isn't even really in the first half of the film and it feels strange that this character that has been a big part of the franchise is just talked about and doesn't do much. Then when she is on screen, there isn't anything there, she has weird visions about her mother but it just doesn't feel like it hits the mark at all. 

Supporting Characters 

With Sydney not really a part of the first act it leaves David Arquette as Dewey and Courteney Cox as Gale to take centre stage and I can't deny that when I first saw them I was annoyed with their characterisation. But as the film goes on they both become there more charming selves and it is fun to see them working together and being a team. But they do waste some actors such as Patrick Dempsey and Lance Henriksen, they don't offer much to the project and thats a shame considering there star power. Also all the new young actors are over the top and I know it is a trope of this franchise but it has never really worked for me. 


The story again misses the mark, it makes fun of being the end of a trilogy but it follows all of the tropes and it becomes all basic. I thought the reveal was a surprise but the motivations felt forced and just chucked in there because they weren't sure what to use as part of the end of the trilogy. 


The script was actually okay, there was some chuckles in this one. They were in weird places but I thought it was better then the last film but the drama still falls a bit flat and the film isn't as clever in it's storytelling as the first film at least. 


The film still has exciting death and action scenes. I will always love the over the top and exciting Ghostface encounters, though I would argue we see a bit too much of him in this film. The pacing isn't that great for the film though, it takes too long to get going and that makes you a bit fed up when some exciting things happen. 


Overall, Scream 3 is a poor film that is a low point for the franchise and makes you wonder whether they even needed to make any films after the first film. 

Rating - 3/10

Scream 2 (1997) Review

Scream 2 (1997) Review 

After the success of the original Scream film, this sequel was greenlit very quickly and I have now watched Scream 2 and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees Sidney move to College in order to get away from the killings of the past, but she gets dragged back in when a copycat killer bursts onto the scene. 

Main Character

Neve Campbell reprises her role as Sidney and I think she does an okay job here. There is no denying she keeps the essence of the character from the first film alive and there isn't any doubt that she does enough to keep the character interesting. But I don't know, I didn't feel there was as much intensity here and that she kind of just went through the motions at times and I didn't care as much here as I did in the previous film. 

Supporting Characters

David Arquette and Courteney Cox are back in there roles as Dewey and Gale and they are once again fun to watch. There is an argument that the characters haven't developed that much since the original but I can't help but enjoy there chemistry together. Liev Schrieber plays a role here and it is funny seeing how young he is here but he does a decent job. His character is a bit all over the place and feels a bit disconnected but I think he was fine. I have some issues like the first film with some of the overacting, even by talented actors and it just takes me out of the film and shows its age. 


The story has some merit, it is interesting seeing a copycat killer and I couldn't work out who the killer was for quite a while which surprised me. But the film overreaches for me and I found the final reveal itself to be a bit lacking. I also don't think the characters felt the drastic repercussions from the original film as much as they should have done.  


The script is okay and once again I like how this film attempts to deconstruct horror films and sequels in general. But there just isn't as much to this script as there was in the previous film and it mostly feels like a bunch of rehashed moments. 


The film has some fun action and horror scenes. Credit has to go to the stunt people who are in the ghostface costume as they throw themselves around to make the action and horror seem even more intense. But the film doesn't hit the heights of its previous film and the film is a bit longer then it really needs to be. 


Overall, Scream 2 is an average sequel that rehashes most of the plot points from the original film but slightly worse. Unless you are a big horror fan then you can give this one a miss. 

Rating - 5/10

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Scream (1996) Review

Scream (1996) Review

There is a new Scream film out, but I haven't had the chance to see it yet, so I decided to watch the previous films in the franchise and here is my review for the original film. The premise of the film sees a slew of killings inspired by horror movies that aims at mostly young girls. 

Main Character 

Neve Campbell plays Sidney and she is good in the film. She plays the damsel in distress pretty well but there is also some toughness to her that made her more interesting. She isn't amazing but I think she deserves a lot of credit for a good performance as a female lead character in a horror film can be a difficult role to play. 

Supporting Characters

Courteney Cox plays Gale, a news reporter who is trying to get a scoop on the murder investigation. She is good in the role and it is nice to see her play a different role as this would have been amongst the friends pomp. David Arquette plays Dooey and he is fun but doesn't really stand out, he is a young but lets face it pretty inept police officer. There is enough charm there though that manages to make him a good enough character. But the rest of the cast are just a bit too over the top, it comes across as a bit cringey and I am sure that is due to the age of the film but it is something that I noticed.  


The story is interesting, it spoofs other horror films and basically deconstructs them which I really enjoyed. The focus on ghostface's killings is well handled and I liked seeing the variation and suspense that was given in each one. However, I thought a few elements were a bit rushed and underdeveloped, alongside a really rushed and uninformative ending holds it back a little bit. 


The script is a bit like the characters, it does a decent enough job but hasn't exactly aged too well. It deals with the horror really well and the drama. At times the humour raises a wild chuckle but the film clearly thinks it is funnier then it actually is and it does suffer with this. But there is no doubt that there is some clever writing here. 


The film is filmed really well, the horror scenes are great. They keep you on the edge of your seat throughout and when they do take place they are energetic and frenetic which really helps make this horror film stand out. The film is paced really well with plenty of death and scares, the first 10 mins alone is some of the best you will see in any horror film and makes you want to keep watching. 


Overall, Scream is a good film. I am not a huge horror fan but this is one of the better ones and if you like horror I can see this being right up your street. 

Rating - 7/10

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Rules of The Game Series (2022) Review

Rules of The Game Series (2022) Review

BBC recently released this show onto the IPLAYER and I have now watched the 4 episodes of the show and here is my review for Rules of the Game. The premise of the show sees a new head of HR join a company and she starts to examine the toxic working relationship of the company and take action against the culture of the senior staff. 

Main Character

Maxine Peake plays the lead character Sam and the best thing I can say about her is that she is clearly acting well. It is a strong performance and you can tell she is really giving her all in the role but the problem is that she is so unlikeable in the role. You can have flawed characters but when there is pretty much nothing to make you care then it is a pretty difficult sell to an audience. 

Supporting Characters

Rakhee Thakrar plays the new head of HR and she is okay, again she acts the role well and you are obviously on her side because of the clear issues at the work place. But she is just a bit bland and boring, the show loses the ball with her in the middle of the show and it made it a struggle to full get on board. Callie Cooke as Tess Jones is probably the best character in the show, she is really affected by the issues at the workplace and for me she was the one person that I felt was genuine with her character and I kind of wish she was given more screen time as she was my favourite character. Ben Batt and Kieran Bew play the brothers who are the executives and they are okay but there is no denying they are cliché's and it is laughable how over the top they are. The rest of the cast do their best but there just isn't much here and I would argue the show is a bit cluttered and could have done with some having a smaller role. 


The story is where the show really falls down, it is just absolutely absurd. It starts off trying to set the show in pretty realistic conditions but as it goes on you realise just how crazy it starts to get and how it is just laughable. It also doesn't help how predictable it is, I worked out what was going on by the end of the first episode and that was a big issue for me. The ending is also too abrupt, it leaves you wondering what happened to the majority of the characters and that is a big let down. 


The script does have some okay dramatic dialogue that makes the interactions feel more intense. But it also feels quite superficial, it is also a pretty dour show and that makes it hard to stick with, especially with its slower pace. Now I don't mind if a show wants to push a message, this show is clearly pushing the feminism message and that is fine, but why do shows like this have to make every male character a scumbag, it just takes me out of it and feels like the message is outweighing the actual show. 


The show is filmed well enough but it is so boring. The show trundles its way through the episodes and it can't keep the suspense and drama up enough for me. It is a shame that this is the case as the set design is pretty good but I fear people won't even bother watching till the end. 


Overall, Rules of the Game is a poor show that misses the mark. It clearly has a message but it executes it badly and I would say give this one a miss. 

Rating - 3/10

Moon Knight Series (2022) Trailer Review

Moon Knight Series (2022) Trailer Review

So it was announced over the weekend that we would be getting a trailer for the newest Disney+ MCU show Moon Knight and now we have it and these are the big things that I took from it. 

Oscar Isaac's very heavy British Accent

Now I am from England so when I heard Oscar Isaac talking in a British accent it really stood out to me and left me a bit jarred. It just sounded strange and like he is trying so hard at it that it comes across as fake. I love Isaac and think he is a tremendous actor but I am not sure if this will annoy me when watching the show. 

He struggles between day and night 

It is made clear that his character struggles with working out what is real and what is a dream. In the comics Moon Knight suffers from split personality disorder and this seems to be expanding on that and taking an interesting idea with it. 

His is identified as Marc Spector

In one of the earlier scenes he says his name is Steven, but the trailer reveals that his other personality of Marc Spector is in tact. He seems to not know about this so it will be interesting to see how it works as Marc is the personality that encapsulates Moon Knight and the character. 

Ethan Hawke is playing the Villain

It was reported a while back that Hawke would be playing a villain but little is known about his actual character. He seems to be the leader of a cult and seems to know what is going on with Marc, it will be interesting to see if he tries to help him at first or whether they are antagonistic to each other from the start. 

The show will explore it's Egyptian roots 

Moon Knight's whole deal is heavily connected to the gods of Egypt and there is a scene here showing the great pyramid and Isaac being inside what looks like one. It is great that the show kept this aspect of the character and hopefully they make this feel like a big deal. On a side note I find it funny that Oscar Isaac played Apocalypse who had links to Egypt and now Moon Knight. 

The show seems to have a more violent tone

Moon Knight isn't a character that exactly holds back against his enemies so hopefully Marvel Studios allow him to be a more violent character and that seems to be teased in the trailer. Something of a similar tone to Netflix's Daredevil would be amazing and really provide the edge that this show could require. 

The costume looks amazing

I love the Moon Knight costume in this trailer, the white is really distinctive and makes him stand out. Especially, as it seems like he will operate in darkness, it is a really great contrast that makes you stand up and take notice. 

The show has great visuals

No matter what you think of the Disney+ Marvel shows so far there is no denying that they all look great on movie budgets and this looks no different. It looks amazing and it even seems to be a little trippy, similar to how I felt when I watched the first Doctor Strange film. 


Overall, I am pretty hyped for Moon Knight and I am really excited to see Oscar Isaac enter The MCU and get given a show worthy of his level. 

Monday, January 17, 2022

Brazen (2022) Review

Brazen (2022) Review 

This film premiered on Netflix a few days ago so I decided to watch Brazen and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees after a tragedy, an author who is an expert in murder mysteries aids the police in their attempts to find a killer. 

Main Character

Alyssa Milano plays the lead character in this film and she is just really bad here. Lets face it the most famous thing she is known for these days is the fact that the ship in Guardians of The Galaxy is named after her not her current acting ability. She overacts throughout and her character is so infuriating and annoying to watch, she always thinks she is better then everybody else in the film and it comes off as pretentious. 

Supporting Characters 

The cast is small and unremarkable with their characters. The main one is the main detective played by Sam Page, the two of them are meant to have chemistry but they really don't and it kills this film. He is written badly and feels like a weak character despite the fact that he is meant to be the best detective they have which is laughable. The rest of the characters add little value and I just didn't care about anybody in this film and that was a big let down. 


The story at least has a bit of intrigue to it, the best thing I can say is that I slightly enjoyed watching the investigation into the case and how it links to together with other elements of the film. Unfortunately, though I worked out what was going on pretty quickly which made the reveal feel lacklustre to me. 


The script is bad, it does nothing to make itself too imaginative or creative. It is filled with a bunch of clichés with none of it working. The romance and humour fails and the drama overall misses the mark in my opinion. 


The film has some pretty good action sequences and I thought they did an effective job of showing this killer going after these woman, so that was one aspect that was handled well. But the film struggles with its pacing and really rushes the final act, the film also ends so abruptly that the film fails to explain what really happened and it makes you really wonder why you bothered. 


Overall, Brazen is another awful Netflix film that should be avoided at all cost. Netflix make quality programming but they really have to improve some of these original films that are just rubbish. 

Rating - 2/10

Sunday, January 16, 2022

The Bay Season 3 (2022) Review

The Bay Season 3 (2022) Review

I enjoyed the first two seasons of The Bay and now a 3rd season has come out. I have watched all of the 6 episodes and here is my review for it. The premise of the show sees a new FLO come to Morecombe, on her first day she is assigned to a family where a death has occurred. 

Main Character

So Morven Christie decided not to reprise her role as Lisa Armstrong for the third season which means we have a new lead character. Marsha Thomason plays Jen Townsend and she is an okay main character, she is effective in the police officer role and feels like a natural fit to the show. The issue is that she just isn't that interesting of a character, she is pretty basic and there was nothing really to grasp onto unlike the previous lead character which is a shame. 

Supporting Characters

Daniel Ryan is back as the head of the task force and he is so good in this role, it just feels like a real natural fit for him. The show focuses less on his personal life and I was happy to see that and it allowed him to be really great in his role. The cast from the previous seasons get more to do which is nice to see and it was cool seeing them doing some more police work. Actors such as Mark Stanley and Gary Lewis are introduced and by having that little bit of star power it adds to the overall feel of the product. I also found the victims family more interesting this season as there is plenty going on there and the show does its best to try and keep them all relevant. 


The story is interesting, it moves at a good pace and has plenty of twists and turns. I cared about the situation and I was interested throughout. But the show has a bit too much going on that could be seen as a bit unbelievable, also the show leaves plenty of the story unresolved so unless they are going to do a season 4 it makes me wonder what happened to certain characters.  


The script is pretty heavy and it does a good job of keeping you watching from episode to episode. You will get drawn into the investigation and wonder who is exactly responsible for the criminal act that has been committed. But it also feels like this show struggles with displaying anything but grief, it is so heavy that it makes it feel really dramatic and it never really relents on. 


The show is paced well and flows naturally with twists that are effective in the way the show tells its story. In this show I have always felt like Morecombe and The Bay are like a character and it is encapsulated well here showing the good and bad of the place that this show resides. It doesn't drag on and I am glad for that. 


Overall, another solid season of The Bay. It may not be the best crime show out there but The Bay is an enjoyable watch and I think if you like crime shows then this is another decent one to watch. 

Rating - 7/10

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Mother/Android (2022) Review

Mother/Android (2022) Review

This film made its way to Netflix recently and I have now watched Mother/Android and here is my review for the film. The premise of the film sees a pregnant woman and her boyfriend attempt to survive when Androids rebel on their human masters. 

Main Character

Chloe Grace Moretz plays the lead character in this film and she does an okay job. When required she manages to deliver some emotion tot the role, especially towards to the end of the film. But there is no denying that this is just a really boring character and if it wasn't the fact that she was pregnant throughout there would be literally no reason to care. 

Supporting Characters

Algee Smith plays her boyfriend and he is just such a bad character, the two of them end up arguing throughout the majority of the film. He also is incredibly selfish and basically does what we wants even though he isn't the one that is pregnant. Raul Castillo plays a character who turns up towards the end of the film and he is overacting every scene that he is in, his character is so absurd that it took me out of the film and just annoyed me. There isn't really anybody else in the film of any note which makes it really noticeable when the rest of the cast don't deliver. 


The story gets one positive and that is by making the main character a pregnant woman it adds an extra layer of tension to the majority of the film. But the film is truly nonsensical, the plot makes no sense, the whole story isn't explained. I mean why did the androids turn? I still don't know and I have watched the film all the way through, it misses the mark and gives this incredibly bland and stupid story. 


The script is awful, it is really drab and dull. There is no humour to talk of and the drama fails, you are meant to care about these characters and you just won't at all.


The film looks cheap, there are meant to be androids but you barely see them and when you do the film does a poor job of showing there power. The action scenes fall really flat and are filmed poorly which means even if it has decent action scenes you wouldn't be able to see them. The film is also paced badly, with it being way too slow and it never manages to sink its claws into us as a viewer. 


Overall, Mother/Android is a really bad film. It does nothing particularly well and don't waste your time with this rubbish. 

Rating - 2/10

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

The Tourist Mini Series (2022) Review

The Tourist Mini Series (2022) Review

BBC released all of the episodes of The Tourist on New Years Day and I have now had the chance to watch all 6 of them and here is my review for The Tourist. The premise of the show sees a man lose his memory after a car accident and have to survive while trying to piece together what exactly is going on. 

Main Character

Jamie Dornan plays the lead character in the show and he is really good. He brings plenty of intensity and dark comedy to the role and it really works, we are on a journey with this man and the show does a good job of making you care about this man. Obviously Dornan is mostly known for his role as Christian Grey in The Fifty Shades of Grey films but performances like in The Fall and this show does a better job in showing just how diverse and great an actor he can be. 

Supporting Characters

Shalom Brune-Franklin who was also in Season 6 of Line Of Duty is in this show and she is also great. The dynamic between her and Dornan is handled incredibly well and they are just really fun to watch together. She is also a really interesting character and as you learn more about her it just makes you ask even more questions. Danielle Macdonald plays a police officer involved with the situation and she does a pretty decent job, she is a fun change to Dornan's pretty aggressive lead character. They don't do a great job with her story but there is no denying Macdonald does a good job in her role. There are a few other characters that come in and out of the show but they leave little to be desired, either they are just generic or they are just annoying. 


The story has so many twists and turns that makes you want to keep watching and had me loading up another episode pretty much straight away. It is an intriguing watch and you are learning alongside our main character and that makes us care and understand his way of thinking throughout the show. But some of the side plots don't work, especially Macdonald's character and her relationship it is so frustrating and annoying to watch. The ending also falls a bit flat and I don't know if it is trying to get a second series but it trundles to its conclusion which is disappointing. 


The script is okay, there is some good use of dark humour and as I mentioned the twists and turns are there a plenty. But there does seem to be a lack of depth to the end result and the end of the show just feels a bit hashed together and like they couldn't work out what they wanted to achieve. 


The show has a pretty cool look to it, Australia is a place that isn't used enough in mainstream TV and Film so it is nice to see it showcased here. When the action hits, it does it well enough and with those cliffhangers does an effective job of keeping you watching. But the actual pacing of the episodes aren't great, they are a bit slow and at times plod along with things not being that interesting. 


Overall, The Tourist is an above average show that has some good bits. Though I would say this is one for people who watch plenty of TV and have time on their hands or else maybe give it a pass. 

Rating - 6/10

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Predictions: Cobra Kai Season 5

Predictions: Cobra Kai Season 5

With Cobra Kai Season 4 having just finished, focus now heads to the 5th season of the show. Filming has already completed for the 5th season and with everything we know and what happened in the most recent seasons here are my predictions for Season 5 of Cobra Kai. 

Mike Barnes will return

At the end of season 4, Terry Silver steals Cobra Kai from John Kreese to succeed in his vision. While Kreese is being arrested he claims that he can recruit others who know Cobra Kai. Really the only other major character connected to the organisation is Mike Barnes. He was the student of Silver in The Karate Kid 3 and I can see his return for this upcoming season. 

Johnny will go to Mexico to find Miguel

The season ends with Miguel leaving for Mexico in order to try and find his birth father. Johnny says he will find him so I can see Johnny heading to Mexico to find Miguel. Their dynamic is really effective and scenes between the two of them are always great to watch. It has also been insinuated that Miguel's father is a bad guy so Johnny may be needed to fight some cartel bad guys. 

Daniel will go on the offensive but will struggle

After the loss to Cobra Kai, Daniel LaRusso goes back on the deal and apologises to Mr Miyagi's grave that he has to go on the offensive. That is when he reunites with former rival Chozen and they agree to work together. We saw Daniel try to do this with Johnny and even though he seems more on board to going on the offence I can see Daniel struggling with this change of style. 

Tory will leave Cobra Kai

Tory ends up winning the Female All Valley Tournament and the whole competition for Cobra Kai. Throughout the season there is more complexity and depth to her and that seems to be in the pipeline for next season too. She catches Silver paying off the ref to make sure she won and surely Tory will confront him about this and especially when she finds out what happened to Kreese. 

Stingray will help take down Terry Silver 

We see Stingray return this season and aid Silver in taking Cobra Kai away from Kreese. But I can see this backfiring for Silver, he will probably reject Stingray next season and maybe with Tory and Robbie's help he will end up aiding in Silvers downfall. 

There will be no All Valley Tournament

Season 4 ended with The All Valley Tournament. But this usually means that the next season will not have the tournament and I feel like that will be the case for Season 5 of Cobra Kai. Other things are going on that won't be involved with the tournament so it is probably the best choice to hold back from using it. 


Overall, I love Cobra Kai and I am excited to see what this next season is going to do and explore in this world. 

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Cobra Kai Season 4 (2021) Review

Cobra Kai Season 4 (2021) Review

Over the last few years, Cobra Kai has been one of my favourite shows and season 4 has just come to Netflix on New Years Eve and I have now watched it all and here is my review for it. The premise of the season sees Johnny Lawrence and Daniel LaRusso being forced to team up to attempt to take down the rising power of Cobra Kai. 

Main Character 

William Zabka and Ralph Macchio have been great returning as these two characters over the last few seasons and that continues here. It is fun watching them to co-exist with their very different teaching styles and I like how both of these characters do stick to their core beliefs and don't give into each other easily. They are both great again and it always amazes me that this show has managed to turn these two into interesting characters. 

Supporting Characters

Tanner Buchanan as Robbie and Peyton List as Tory have been some of the less interesting characters for me but I thought they both really shined this season. They both go through interesting character arcs and you see how especially Tory isn't just a pure villain and has a real depth to her. Martin Kove is back as John Kreese and he is just really fun to watch, that maniacal calculating manipulator comes through really well and even he is given more time and care to make you more interested in John Kreese. Thomas Ian Griffiths reprise his role of Terry Silver from Karate Kid 3 and he owns the screen, he is the perfect addition to this show and I really think he was a shot in the arm and different dynamic that aided the show overall. The whole cast is great and it is so large to go through everybody but everybody has a role they fill well. 


The story is interesting, seeing Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang attempt to co-exist is a fun watch and shows the real issue in rivalry. When the show leads to The All Valley Tournament it is at its very best and keeps you guessing as you have no idea what is going to happen. But this show does have some issues with its storytelling, there is a story involving the LaRusso Son and I really didn't like it and felt it took way too much story time away from other characters who are way more interesting. Also after 4 seasons it does feel a little bit tiresome watching Johnny and Daniel arguing so much as it feels like maybe it is a bit too much. But by the end of the season I was very satisfied with way the season finished. 


The script is really good, it is cheesy but I guess I think this show has cheesiness that manages to work because of the overall absurdity of the show's premise. The drama really does hit this season and I felt like especially in the last two episodes that there was so much heart involving these characters. 


The action scenes have never been better then they are in this season. The Karate is filmed so well and the athletic prowess is really well realised here with some really memorable moments. There is a good balance between humour and drama as well and it does feel in sync. But there are some pacing issues here and I think that is probably due to the amount of characters that there is on the show and that the spotlight is put on so many of them and that does make it a bit all over the place at times. 


Overall, Cobra Kai Season 4 is a great season of the show. For me it is the weakest season of the show but that doesn't stop it from being really entertaining and a great watch. 

Rating - 8/10

Saturday, January 1, 2022

My Top Ten Most Anticipated Films of 2022

My Top Ten Most Anticipated Films of 2022

With 2021 being another pretty disruptive year to the cinema calendar, it leads to a pretty mouth-watering selection of films for 2022 and here are the ten films that I am most looking forward to seeing next year. 

10. Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom

So to start the list is Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom which is set to come out in December. I really enjoyed the first Aquaman film and after watching The Snyder Cut I had a bit more hope for this set of characters. With Jason Momoa really doing a great job and Black Manta being set to play a larger role I am pretty excited for this film. 

9. Mission Impossible: 7

Very little is known about the details of Mission Impossible 7 but there can be no denial that this series has been knocking it out of the park lately. Ghost Protocol, Rogue Nation and Fallout are all fantastic action films and with this team of actors and director together I am hoping for something special once again. Plus, Tom Cruise will probably do some mad stunt that will make it memorable at least. 

8. Black Panther: Wakanda Forever 

After the tragic death of Chadwick Boseman it wasn't sure what was going to happen with the Black Panther franchise. But Black Panther Wakanda Forever is set to come out later this year. This film has some real intrigue and exciting rumours about it with little concrete. The only reason it isn't higher on this list is due to the difficult filming situations that have been reported that does make me slightly worry about the direction of the film. 

7. Black Adam 

Another DC Comic Book Film that I am excited for is Black Adam. Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson is playing the villain/anti-hero and it is going to be fascinating to see him in action. It seems like the film will be more violent and have a more mature feeling and I am also really excited to seeing Pierce Brosnan as Doctor Fate. 

6. Lightyear

A prequel about Buzz Lightyear coming out is actually pretty exciting. This film has so much potential that it is impossible to not be excited about it. Chris Evans is voicing Lightyear and seeing the real person that the toy is based on in action is sure to be a great watch. Also the visuals look stunning and this could be one of the best looking films ever. 

5. The Flash 

It is going to be a big year for DC and my next film is The Flash. This film has me excited because of how grand it is setting itself to be. After The Snyder Cut I really liked Ezra Millers Flash and with a loose recreation of The Flashpoint story that is pretty exciting. The piece on top of the cake is Michael Keaton reprising his role as Batman which for an old school fan like me is why this film is really so high up this list. 

4. Thor: Love and Thunder

The top 4 on this list are really close together and Thor Love and Thunder is one of those films that I am so excited for next year. I love Thor Ragnarok and the whole story arc that Thor went through in Avengers Endgame. With an exciting cast, ambitious director and the promise that Jane Foster will become Female Thor this is a comic book film that can't be missed. 

3. Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse Part 1

Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse is legitimately one of my favourite comic book films ever made so any sequel is going to have me excited. I am really excited to get back into this world because it is so unique and there is so much that can be done. With it being a two part film I really hope this film doesn't feel like build up to an even better film that we will eventually get. 

2. The Batman 

Up until a few weeks ago this was my number 1 and I am so pumped to see The Batman. All the footage that we have seen from the trailers looks amazing and after waiting so long for this film I am now buzzing that it is only a few months away. I really hope this is a great film and sees a new set of really fantastic new Batman stories. 

1. Doctor Strange: In The Multiverse of Madness

My number 1 film is Doctor Strange: In The Multiverse of Madness. After watching Spider-Man: No Way Home, Wandavision and the trailer for this film I knew that this was the film that held my attention for next year. Seeing Strange and Scarlett Witch travelling The Multiverse is going to be lots of fun and I genuinely think this will be a Marvel hit. 


Overall, as you can see I am really excited for the selection of comic book films next year but there are other films I am excited for and I hope 2022 can be one of the best years for film in recent years.