Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Moon Knight Series (2022) Trailer Review

Moon Knight Series (2022) Trailer Review

So it was announced over the weekend that we would be getting a trailer for the newest Disney+ MCU show Moon Knight and now we have it and these are the big things that I took from it. 

Oscar Isaac's very heavy British Accent

Now I am from England so when I heard Oscar Isaac talking in a British accent it really stood out to me and left me a bit jarred. It just sounded strange and like he is trying so hard at it that it comes across as fake. I love Isaac and think he is a tremendous actor but I am not sure if this will annoy me when watching the show. 

He struggles between day and night 

It is made clear that his character struggles with working out what is real and what is a dream. In the comics Moon Knight suffers from split personality disorder and this seems to be expanding on that and taking an interesting idea with it. 

His is identified as Marc Spector

In one of the earlier scenes he says his name is Steven, but the trailer reveals that his other personality of Marc Spector is in tact. He seems to not know about this so it will be interesting to see how it works as Marc is the personality that encapsulates Moon Knight and the character. 

Ethan Hawke is playing the Villain

It was reported a while back that Hawke would be playing a villain but little is known about his actual character. He seems to be the leader of a cult and seems to know what is going on with Marc, it will be interesting to see if he tries to help him at first or whether they are antagonistic to each other from the start. 

The show will explore it's Egyptian roots 

Moon Knight's whole deal is heavily connected to the gods of Egypt and there is a scene here showing the great pyramid and Isaac being inside what looks like one. It is great that the show kept this aspect of the character and hopefully they make this feel like a big deal. On a side note I find it funny that Oscar Isaac played Apocalypse who had links to Egypt and now Moon Knight. 

The show seems to have a more violent tone

Moon Knight isn't a character that exactly holds back against his enemies so hopefully Marvel Studios allow him to be a more violent character and that seems to be teased in the trailer. Something of a similar tone to Netflix's Daredevil would be amazing and really provide the edge that this show could require. 

The costume looks amazing

I love the Moon Knight costume in this trailer, the white is really distinctive and makes him stand out. Especially, as it seems like he will operate in darkness, it is a really great contrast that makes you stand up and take notice. 

The show has great visuals

No matter what you think of the Disney+ Marvel shows so far there is no denying that they all look great on movie budgets and this looks no different. It looks amazing and it even seems to be a little trippy, similar to how I felt when I watched the first Doctor Strange film. 


Overall, I am pretty hyped for Moon Knight and I am really excited to see Oscar Isaac enter The MCU and get given a show worthy of his level. 

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