Monday, January 17, 2022

Brazen (2022) Review

Brazen (2022) Review 

This film premiered on Netflix a few days ago so I decided to watch Brazen and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees after a tragedy, an author who is an expert in murder mysteries aids the police in their attempts to find a killer. 

Main Character

Alyssa Milano plays the lead character in this film and she is just really bad here. Lets face it the most famous thing she is known for these days is the fact that the ship in Guardians of The Galaxy is named after her not her current acting ability. She overacts throughout and her character is so infuriating and annoying to watch, she always thinks she is better then everybody else in the film and it comes off as pretentious. 

Supporting Characters 

The cast is small and unremarkable with their characters. The main one is the main detective played by Sam Page, the two of them are meant to have chemistry but they really don't and it kills this film. He is written badly and feels like a weak character despite the fact that he is meant to be the best detective they have which is laughable. The rest of the characters add little value and I just didn't care about anybody in this film and that was a big let down. 


The story at least has a bit of intrigue to it, the best thing I can say is that I slightly enjoyed watching the investigation into the case and how it links to together with other elements of the film. Unfortunately, though I worked out what was going on pretty quickly which made the reveal feel lacklustre to me. 


The script is bad, it does nothing to make itself too imaginative or creative. It is filled with a bunch of clichés with none of it working. The romance and humour fails and the drama overall misses the mark in my opinion. 


The film has some pretty good action sequences and I thought they did an effective job of showing this killer going after these woman, so that was one aspect that was handled well. But the film struggles with its pacing and really rushes the final act, the film also ends so abruptly that the film fails to explain what really happened and it makes you really wonder why you bothered. 


Overall, Brazen is another awful Netflix film that should be avoided at all cost. Netflix make quality programming but they really have to improve some of these original films that are just rubbish. 

Rating - 2/10

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