Wednesday, January 5, 2022

The Tourist Mini Series (2022) Review

The Tourist Mini Series (2022) Review

BBC released all of the episodes of The Tourist on New Years Day and I have now had the chance to watch all 6 of them and here is my review for The Tourist. The premise of the show sees a man lose his memory after a car accident and have to survive while trying to piece together what exactly is going on. 

Main Character

Jamie Dornan plays the lead character in the show and he is really good. He brings plenty of intensity and dark comedy to the role and it really works, we are on a journey with this man and the show does a good job of making you care about this man. Obviously Dornan is mostly known for his role as Christian Grey in The Fifty Shades of Grey films but performances like in The Fall and this show does a better job in showing just how diverse and great an actor he can be. 

Supporting Characters

Shalom Brune-Franklin who was also in Season 6 of Line Of Duty is in this show and she is also great. The dynamic between her and Dornan is handled incredibly well and they are just really fun to watch together. She is also a really interesting character and as you learn more about her it just makes you ask even more questions. Danielle Macdonald plays a police officer involved with the situation and she does a pretty decent job, she is a fun change to Dornan's pretty aggressive lead character. They don't do a great job with her story but there is no denying Macdonald does a good job in her role. There are a few other characters that come in and out of the show but they leave little to be desired, either they are just generic or they are just annoying. 


The story has so many twists and turns that makes you want to keep watching and had me loading up another episode pretty much straight away. It is an intriguing watch and you are learning alongside our main character and that makes us care and understand his way of thinking throughout the show. But some of the side plots don't work, especially Macdonald's character and her relationship it is so frustrating and annoying to watch. The ending also falls a bit flat and I don't know if it is trying to get a second series but it trundles to its conclusion which is disappointing. 


The script is okay, there is some good use of dark humour and as I mentioned the twists and turns are there a plenty. But there does seem to be a lack of depth to the end result and the end of the show just feels a bit hashed together and like they couldn't work out what they wanted to achieve. 


The show has a pretty cool look to it, Australia is a place that isn't used enough in mainstream TV and Film so it is nice to see it showcased here. When the action hits, it does it well enough and with those cliffhangers does an effective job of keeping you watching. But the actual pacing of the episodes aren't great, they are a bit slow and at times plod along with things not being that interesting. 


Overall, The Tourist is an above average show that has some good bits. Though I would say this is one for people who watch plenty of TV and have time on their hands or else maybe give it a pass. 

Rating - 6/10

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