Monday, August 17, 2020

Crisis On Infinite Earths Crossover Event (2020) Review

Crisis On Infinite Earths Crossover Event (2020) Review

So finally all 5 parts of the DC Arrowverse crossover Crisis on Infinite Earths has hit the UK and I have got through them all and here is my review for it. The premise of the crossover sees the heroes of the multiverse have to come together and stop The Anti Monitor from unleashing power to destroy every Earth in existence. 

Main Character

Stephen Amell is at the end of his road with playing Oliver Queen/Green Arrow and for his last crossover he does a good job here. He is given a different role then he is used to in the previous crossovers but it is done well and it feels like the show gives Oliver more of a spotlight for being the first hero in this universe. Though I thought other main characters The Flash played by Grant Gustin and Melissa Benoit as Supergirl weren't given the shine as much because of it, it just feels like ther importance isn't played up as much which feels surprising considering how much the first half of The Flash season 6 has been setting up The Flash for Crisis. It is not that they are bad it is just they don't have that much to do. 

Supporting Characters 

There is a huge supporting cast here but I will mainly aim for the ones who have the largest role here. I have watched the first half of the first season of Batwoman and I haven't been sold on Ruby Rose's performance as Kate Kane but I actually think she is better here bouncing off of the other heroes, I mean it looks like this will be her last crossover and that is a disappointment as I feel there was potential for her to improve here. Sarah Lance played by Caity Lotz has always been a great character whether on Arrow or Legends Of Tomorrow and she is really great here, she really takes charge in the last few episodes and gets more time to shine and she does a great job adding some depth to the drama in the show. I have to admit that when Jon Cryer was cast as Lex Luthor I wasn't sure if he was a great choice, but wow I was wrong. He is fantastic in the role and just has such a quick wit and charisma that he is devilishly charming in the role and even though he is a clear villain you can't help but find him entertaining. But this show also wastes some of his characters, I mean if you are a fan of certain characters in this universe you will be let down as quite a few of the characters aren't really here or given a chance to shine. Plus the characters of The Monitor and The Anti Monitor are wasted and ultimately boring, Arrow set up The Monitor to be more interesting but this crossover fails on that and he just becomes a boring character and The Anti-Monitor is more boring as he is just a dumb villain that literally has no character. 


The story is the largest this universe has ever done and it demonstrates that pretty well, some things happen here that feel huge in nature and it feels like it could affect it for the future and this really allows some exciting things that could happen in the future. But this character does struggle with balance, it has so many characters and it tries to give too many of them individual story arcs and especially at the beginning of the crossover it can be hard to follow and feel like too much is going on for unnecessary reasons. Also there are some cameos that feel really forced here which takes away from the story and it feels like it doesn't do much to help the telling of this tale. 


The script is okay, it has some decent drama and nice humour I mean mainly from Lex Luthor but I can't deny that it is here. Though it must be said there is some poor dialogue here that feels pretty cringe which isn't the first time that it has happened with these shows. 


Now this is the largest ever event in this universe so the action should be the biggest yes, and yeah it is, it is large in scale and it does feel cool seeing all these heroes working together and fighting these large forces. But the enemies aren't that interesting and it is clear that the budget was stretched here and at times the CGI looks poor and like it just can't hold up what is needed. 


Overall, this should have been the biggest and best crossover for The Arrowverse but for me it just felt pretty short. It is just distinctly average and doesn't do enough to hit the levels that it wanted to and it feels like the build to this hasn't been worth the time and hype. 

Rating - 5/10 

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