Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Interstellar (2014) Review

Interstellar (2014) Review

Next on my list of Christopher Nolan films is possibly his most ambitious movie at the time and maybe ever Interstellar and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees the future of Earth suffering from a food shortage, in order to save the planet a group of astronauts travel through a wormhole in space to find new worlds. 

Main Character

Matthew McConaughey plays the lead here and I thought he was great. He just fits the role so well and provides a real emotional weight to his performance and character, his relationship with his daughter Murf is the real emotion of the film and it really puts the weight on the story and on him as a character as you can just see how much it affects him throughout the film. 

Supporting Characters

Anne Hathaway plays the main astronaut along with McConaughey and I also thought she did a good job, you see how both of there characters clash but also find kindred spirits in each other and it makes them have a really nice friendship here. Jessica Chastain plays the adult version of Murf and she also is good here with another strong and emotional performance, Michael Caine and Casey Affleck are also good here. But I have to mention Matt Damon, who only has like 15 minutes of screen time but is phenomenal, his character is so interesting and his motivations are really clear and add a sense of grey to the proceedings of the film. 


The story really hinges on the bond between father and daughter, McConaughey really seals this and ensures the emotion of the story hits really well. Also I loved how space travel was treated here and the more scientific route felt really well done and like they paid attention to detail and provide an interesting universe here. Though I will admit, this film can get a bit convoluted at times and be a bit hard to follow, also I felt like the first act of the film dragged a bit and led to a pretty dull opening part of the film. 


The script is really good here, the drama is really well done and as I have gone on throughout it really sells that father daughter relationship that the film clearly hinges on. There is also a decent amount of humour mainly provided by the main robot of the team that added a bit of levity here. 


This film looks amazing, even on the small screen the visuals are jaw dropping and even now 6 years later are some of the best you will ever see. The film is made with traditional cameras but also Imax and the Imax looks incredible and makes this film seem even more amazing, I kind of wish the whole film could have been filmed this way but I understand why it wasn't. Also just the way there is no sound in space and how space looks is great and makes it feel huge. But this film is almost 3 hours long and you do feel it, it is slower paced and can be a bit of a drag at times. 


Overall, this is a great experience just as much as it is a great film. It is visually one of the best films ever made and has a great cast that makes this a film you should watch if you have 3 hours and time to focus on it.

Rating - 8/10 

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