Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Predictions: The Umbrella Academy Season 3

Predictions: The Umbrella Academy Season 3

So the second season of The Umbrella Academy hit Netflix on Friday and has been a huge hit for the streaming site so it is pretty certain that there will be a third season of the show so I wanted to look at potential things that could happen in Season 3 of the show. Obviously, this blog will include spoilers for the first two seasons of the show so be mindful of that. 

Number 5 will get a name

Number 5 is probably the best character on the show but it has always irked me a bit that while every other character goes by a name he is reduced to just a number making him feel less human. I get that the first two seasons of the show are time sensitive to stop the apocalypse but the next season feels like the right time for him to finally get a name. 

Lila will join The Umbrella Academy

Lila is a complicated character from the second season of the show, but with the time commission plot seemingly finished her escape could feel like a loose end. However, the end of the season makes it clear she is interested in joining the group and I can see her jumping to 2019 and joining Diego and the academy. 

The Umbrella and Sparrow Academy's will join together

At the end of season 2 the group travel back to 2019, to find The Umbrella Academy never existed and that it is actually The Sparrow Academy led by a now alive Ben. I feel like these characters won't be the main antagonists of the season and that after some bickering and tension the two groups will work together to take down the main enemy. 

The Main Villains will be Alien 

Possibly the biggest twist of season 2 was that father of The Umbrella Academy Reginald Hargreeves is actually and alien using this as a disguise. It makes more sense for him to know about The Apocalypse, but it feels like either the rest of his species or another alien race could be the villains of the season and looking to invade Earth for their own reasons. 

A member of The Umbrella Academy will die

Technically Ben died again in season 2, but over the two seasons our main characters have remained pretty unharmed which has been fine but I think this season is the time that one member of The Academy meets there maker. I think potentially Luther would be a good choice but it would depend on how the season progresses. 

Overall, I really enjoy The Umbrella Academy and I think after the twists at the end of the season the third season could be the best one yet. 


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