Sunday, August 23, 2020

The Batman (2021) Trailer Review

 The Batman (2021) Trailer Review

So DC Fandome hit last night and it truly delivered, there are a few trailers I need to talk about this morning but I wanted to start with the one that interested me the most and that is next years The Batman starring Robert Pattinson in the lead role.

This is going to be a smaller more personal film

Batman has had plenty of iterations over the years but all of them have dealt with huge scales in their films such as Gotham being destroyed or the world ending. But we have seen that when the character goes more personal such as The Dark Knight it makes the film more interesting and this looks even more small scale and personal. Watching Batman attempt to stop a serial killer is going to be fascinating and if done right could provide a real character study.

This is the darkest and grittiest version of Gotham City

We have seen some dark versions of Gotham City, but this looks the darkest yet. The world looks grim and dark with not much happiness and it adds to the real serious feeling of this film and how this film will show Batman. 

Pattinson looks amazing as Batman, and is brutal

I must admit when Robert Pattinson was cast as Batman I was sceptical, but wow does he look the part here. The suit looks fantastic and really fits the feeling of a Batman at the early stages of his career and then there is that scene with the thug where he goes mental on him. That one action scene was fantastic and shows how intense his Batman will be and I am all here for that. 

Catwoman is that early stage of her career 

We see Zoe Kravitz here as Selina Kyle breaking into a safe and having a clash with Batman, she doesn't have a costume yet so it is safe to say she is new to this city. Seeing a rookie Batman and rookie Catwoman could be an interesting proposal and add to their complex relationship. 

We are going to get a more serious Riddler

This trailer makes it clear that The Riddler played by Paul Dano will be the main villain here and I think that is great. I mean for me Jim Carrey didn't do the character justice in Batman Forever so it will be cool to see a new version of the character. Hopefully this film keeps the essence of the character but makes him way more serious here. 

We might finally get a detective Batman

In the comics Batman is known as The Worlds Greatest Detective but when it comes to the films we have seen little of this apart from a few scenes here or there. With him hunting a serial killer I am really hoping to see Batman do some detective work here and just show how smart he is alongside his brutality. 

Batman has an interesting relationship with The GCPD

We know that this film takes place pretty early in Batman's career but it is clear that he has some sort of relationship with the Gotham City Police Department. We see Gordon invite him to a crime scene at the beginning of the trailer but then later we see Batman fighting and clashing with officers, This provides an interesting dynamic and sees that maybe the police is conflicted about Batman. 


Overall, this is a fantastic trailer. If you weren't excited for this film then this trailer must have changed your mind and I cannot wait to watch this film.  

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