Sunday, August 23, 2020

The Suicide Squad (2021) - All the confirmed members of Task Force X

 The Suicide Squad (2021) - All the confirmed members of Task Force X

So the last of the big DC Fandome reveals was that of The Suicide Squad and though we didn't get a proper trailer for this film we did learn some new details and more importantly we learnt who the characters and members of Task Force X will be. Now I am going to look at the characters, what actors will be portraying them and I mean some of them how likely they are to die, I mean we have been told not to get to attached. 

Viola Davis as Amanda Waller

Let's start with the returning cast, first off is Viola Davis who will be once again playing Amanda Waller. She will be the one who sets up Task Force X and I am not sure how large her role will be in this film so it is likely she makes it out alive. 

Joel Kinnaman as Rick Flag

Another one back from the first film, Kinnaman will play the leader of Task Force X, I do wonder if this film will address his relationship with Enchantress or whether this is a fresh start for the character. He is seen wearing a bright yellow shirt in the mini clip so maybe this is a different version of this character. I think he has a decent chance to make it out alive but could be sacrificed in the final act.

Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn

The most popular member of Task Force X, Robbie is fantastic as Harley Quinn and it is exciting to see her on screen with these large personalities. I wasn't a huge fan of Birds Of Prey but I think with the right film Robbie can be given the time to shine here. She has no chance of dying as DC see Harley Quinn as a blockbuster character. 

Jai Courtney as Captain Boomerang

The last of the returning cast, Courtney was a real highlight of the first Suicide Squad film so I am happy he is returning and I am excited to see how he fits into this group. I think it is also unlikely that he dies in this film. 

Idris Elba as Bloodsport

Rumours have been swelling for months who Idris Elba would be playing in this movie, characters from Bronze Tiger to Vigilante were rumoured but it has been confirmed he will be playing Bloodsport. In the comics, Bloodsport is basically obsessed with war so that could make an interesting character alongside the others here. With an actor as large as Elba I doubt he will be killed off as DC might see future for him to be in a sequel. 

John Cena as Peacemaker

Former wrestler John Cena has been growing his Hollywood career and now he is set to play Peacemaker or as he describes it a bad Captain America. Basically Peacemaker is a guy who goes about murdering dictators and tyrants but a mental illness sees him kill anybody on his way to achieving that. For some reason I actually think Peacemaker isn't going to survive this movie and if I was going to guess if any of the main characters were going to die then he would be the one. 

David Dastmalchian as Polka Dot Man

Now onto a quite outlandish character which will be David Dastmalchian as Polka Dot Man. His ability is that he can turn polka dots on his costume into weapons. I mean this shows this film will be more unique then the first film and for that I actually think he has a chance of making it out of this film alive. 

Michael Rooker as Savant 

Michael Rooker has been a part of many James Gunn projects so it is not surprising to see him here as the character Savant. I don't know much about the character but it seems he is basically a more brutal Batman who doesn't care about innocent people. I believe that Rooker won't be alive for long here, director Gunn has killed him off before and I feel like he is an easy choice to have his head exploded. 

Flula Borg as Javelin

Another obscure DC villain, Javelin was an athlete that turned to crime using Javelin weapons which is again absurd. I mean there isn't much known about the character here so I think it is about 50/50 whether Javelin makes it out of the film alive. 

Daniela Melchoir as Ratcatcher 2

Usually a male in the comics, Daniela Melchoir will play a female version of Ratcatcher and it seems like she is the 2nd version of the character in this universe. I mean a character who can control rats is about as absurd as you get so once again I am not sure what James Gunn has planned for this character, but it is a pretty unique power. 

King Shark

The highlight of the panel is that King Shark will be in this film in all of his CGI glory. We have seen on The Flash TV show how well King Shark can be done on a smaller budget so imagine how great he will look on the big screen. Steve Agee will play the motion capture but the voice hasn't been confirmed and it has been heavily rumoured that the great Taika Waittiti will be voicing the character which would be a great choice and there is pretty much no chance he will be killed off here. 

Mayling Ng as Mongal 

Mongal is one of the characters with actual superpowers here so that will be interesting to see. Mongal is a Superman villain and she has super speed and strength so that will be entertaining to see in this film. Again she is one of those characters that I am just not sure they will make it out alive, but with her power-set it seems likely she could live. 

Peter Capaldi as The Thinker

Exciting news for Doctor Who fans as Peter Capaldi will be playing The Thinker in this film. We saw The Thinker as the main villain of the fourth season of The Flash and it will be interesting to see him used here. Again with his powers using the Thinking Cap makes it seem like he would survive. 

Alicia Braga as Solsoria

Another seemingly gender swapped character is Solsoria, in the comics she is obsessed with joining the Justice League despite being a lowly mercenary. I wonder if they will keep the Justice League connection here but either way I think she is one of the characters who won't make it out of here. 

Pete Davidson as Blackguard

Pete Davidson has been a well known figure for a few years now and I have to admit I really liked the King of Staten Island, so I am excited to see him here as Blackguard. Blackguard is a Booster Gold villain so if that film ever gets made it would be interesting to see if he was used, so for that reason I give him a slightly better chance at surviving. 

Nathan Fillion as TDK 

This is an interesting one as I have looked TDK isn't really a character in the DC universe but fans have theorised he has detachable arms which could be cool to see. Having Fillion play him is a big coup though I'm not sure he is getting out of here alive. 

Sean Gunn as Weasel

Brother to director James Gunn, Sean played Kraglin in The Guardians Of The Galaxy films and also did the motion capture for Rocket Raccoon so it sin't too surprising to see him here. It also seems like this will be a motion capture role as Weasel, who literally is a big looking Weasel so I mean who knows what is going to happen there. 


Overall, this is a weird set of characters with the majority being unknowns, which is exciting as it gives James Gun plenty of freedom with what he wants to do with them. Don't expect all these characters to have large roles as some of theme see there heads exploded off but lets hope they all at least get a little bit of time to shine here. 

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