Friday, October 30, 2020

First Impressions - The Mandalorian Season 2

First Impressions - The Mandalorian Season 2

So after months and months we have the first episode of the 2nd season of The Mandalorian and it has come to save 2020. I watched it as soon as I could and here are my thoughts on the episode and what it could mean for the rest of the season. I have to warn though that if you haven't watched the episode then don't read this as there will be big spoilers. 

The Child is still the cutest

This is just a quick one, The Child doesn't really do much in this episode but react to Mando but he is still really cute and adorable and I am sure as the season goes on we are going to see more of him. 

The Longer run time works in its advantage

This episode run at just over 50 minutes which was longer then any of the episodes from the first season and it really paid off. It allowed the show to take its time and allows us to get more time with Mando and even give a particular supporting character more backstory then pretty much any character got in the first season. 

Timothy Olyphant was great as Cobb Vanth 

It was reported a few months ago that Timothy Olyphant had joined the cast and we see him here as Cobb Vanth a protector of a village in Tatooine. He has possession of some Mandalorian armour and the longer runtime allows his character to be fleshed out and makes us care about him and even though it seems his business with Mando is done, the door is open for him to be seen again. 

Tusken Raiders given the limelight

I have always felt like The Tusken Raiders have been cool, but in the films they are always portrayed as evil slave owning monsters but that changes here. Though they are not straight up heroes they are portrayed in a more positive light and I thought the show did a great job of it and made them more well rounded characters. 

Made Chapter 5: The Gunslinger Worthwhile 

I think the majority of people agreed that the weakest episode of the first season was the 5th one where Mando made his way to Tatooine for no real reason. But this episode makes it worthwhile, it allows Mando to get on with his quest easier and move on to the interesting parts.  

Similar to Chapter 4: The Sanctuary 

Though I will say this episode reminded me of Chapter 4 Sanctuary where Mando and Cara Dune have to protect a village from an ATST. This time Mando and Cobb Vanth have to protect a village and Tusken Raiders from a big creature, I mean this isn't necessarily a bad thing I just thought it was funny how similar it was. 

The Visuals are amazing 

The first season of The Mandalorian looked fantastic, but this episode took it too an new level, I mean it looks better then the majority of movies. Tatooine has never looked better and the creature design is fantastic with some great action scenes and you will saw wow when you see it. 

When we will meet Ahsoka, Greef Karga, Cara Dune & Moff Gideon.

This episode is very contained like the first season but what that means is many of the interesting characters from the first season are not here to be seen. Hopefully these characters will get bigger role as the season progresses. 

Temuera Morrison is back as Boba Fett 

Okay, lets face it this is the biggest news of the episode. Cobb Vanth is in possession with some familiar Mandalorian armour that belonged to fan favourite character Boba Fett. At the end of the episode Mando is back in possession of the armour, when a mysterious character can be seen watching him, he then turns around and it is Boba Fett himself. He looks like he has been through a tough time but at least he is alive and the two characters will clash in the next episode. 


Overall, this is a great first episode of season 2 and if they keep up this quality then it can be even better then the first season, I just hope the characters are given the depth that Cobb Vanth was and the Supporting Players are given as much to do. 


Thursday, October 29, 2020

Assassin's Creed TV Series announced by Netflix and why it could be awesome

Assassin's Creed TV Series announced by Netflix and why it could be awesome 

So out of nowhere Netflix announced that they have gained the rights to Assassin's Creed and a new Live action TV series is in development. Now I am not a huge fan of the games but I have always thought these games have so much potential either on the big screen or small screen and well the film was terrible so now it is TV's chance and here are my thoughts on it. 

Ignore the film 

Now I feel like this is a given, the Assassin's Creed film came out a few years ago and was universally hated despite its great cast, so it is pretty obvious that it should be ignored. It will be best for this show and others in the universe to just ignore that and start from scratch. 

Spend more time in the Animus 

The biggest criticism of the film is that it barely spends its time in the Animus, the whole point of the damn games and you know the part that focuses on the Assassin's. This show needs to spend the majority of the time in the Animus to give us more interesting stories and opportunities for great action.

Go to different time periods

The games have gone through different time periods which allows them to stay fresher then some other franchises and the show should take note. Whether that is in episode form or even whole seasons, it would allow the show to stay fresh and unique to others in its genre. 

Take inspiration from The Witcher 

Netflix knocked it out of the park with The Witcher last year and if they take inspiration from that show then they are in for a winner here. Delve into the mythology and storytelling with strong actors and this could be a new big money franchise for Netflix. 


Overall, despite the terrible film I am actually excited for this show. Obviously it will be a while before we see this but I think with the right people involved this could be a huge hit. 


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Minority Report (2002) Review

Minority Report (2002) Review

So with The Minority Report TV show hitting the UK, I thought before I watch it I would re-watch the original film that the show is a sequel too and here is my review for it. The premise of the film is set in the future where a special police force manage to arrest murderers before they commit the crime, but an officer must go on the run when he himself is accused of a future murder. 

Main Character

Tom Cruise plays John Anderton here and he is really good, he just has that leading man about him here, he leans heavily into his Mission Impossible routes and delivers a really physical performance. Also his character has plenty of depth to him, you care about Anderton and as we follow his journey you get more invested and want to see him succeed. Also in typical Cruise fashion, he runs a lot here and lets face it Tom Cruise has the best run in Hollywood so appreciate it in all its glory here. 

Supporting Characters

To be honest this is mainly the Cruise show, but there is a solid supporting cast with him. First Colin Farrell plays an agent who goes against Cruise and he is great here, he also gives a very physical performance and when these two go head to head it is a joy to watch. Max Von Sydow plays Cruises boss here and he is great as always too, the relationship between the two of them feels real and genuine and it adds to the movie greatly. A young Samantha Morton plays Agatha and she is great too with a really interesting performance that adds layers to the film, which is strange when you think just recently she was Alpha on The Walking Dead. Other great actors such as Tim Blake Nelson, Peter Stormare and Neal McDonough add plenty to their roles and add quality to the film. 


The story of this film has a really unique idea that has unfortunately been copied plenty of times since. This film has plenty of philosophical and deep conversations to be had and it does it in a great way while keeping this film exciting and keeping you on edge. For the first almost 2 hours, the film's plot is tight, exciting and interesting. But then I felt like the last 20 minutes wasn't very strong, there is a big twist but if you have watched any film ever you can see it coming from a mile away. Also the ending didn't do much for me, I won't go into spoilers but for a film that is so interesting it felt like the ending was a bit generic and plain. 


The script is great, there is some fantastic dramatic dialogue here and interesting dialogue that keeps you invested. The script is really well written, in terms of keeping the plot interesting and not overcomplicating a film that could have been very easily overcomplicated so it deserves credit for that. There is also some nice little bits of humour added here that rises it above just a dull action film. 


The style of the film is great, even though the film came out 18 years ago it still holds up and looks great, the tech looks really flashy and the whole world looks really cool. The cars in particular look really unique and cool, this film has some really cool action scenes in it, even though one of them clearly inspired an action scene in Attack Of The Clones which brings it down a little bit. It is also funny seeing what stores they thought would be popular in the 2050's, let's just say they get it totally wrong. But this films style is great and adds plenty to the whole experience. 


Overall, this is a fantastic film, an action thriller that has plenty of depth to it that should be on everybody's list to watch. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Oscar Isaac to play Moon Knight in Disney+ Series

Oscar Isaac to play Moon Knight in Disney+ Series

So last night had some big news but this has to be the biggest, it has been reported that Star Wars star Oscar Isaac will play Marc Spector AKA Moon Knight in the MCU for a Disney+ Series. Now obviously this is big news and this is what I think about it. 

Isaac can nail the multiple personalities

For those that don't know Moon Knight is a mercenary who has multiple personalities, that range from billionaire to Taxi Driver and that requires a top quality actor and it seems they have got that. Isaac is super talented and his star power will get people interested in a character that isn't well known except for big comic book fans. 

He can get comic book redemption after Apocalypse

Oscar Isaac has played a Marvel character before when he played Apocalypse in the X:Men film of the same name and let's just say he wasn't given quality to work with which led to a really mediocre performance. But with the interesting and unique character that Moon Knight is and the fact that they have multiple episodes means he can really sink himself into the role. 

Shows that Disney are serious about these shows

With the casting we have seen for the Disney+ shows they haven't been huge names but this changes that. Isaac is a huge name with huge projects so it shows just how invested Disney are in not only Moon Knight but these Disney+ Shows and with this casting I think there is a good chance that we see Moon Knight on the big screen at some point. 


Overall, this news really came out of nowhere and is really exciting. Isaac is a fantastic actor and will be given plenty to work with Moon Knight, also it means Marvel are progressing with this show which means there will be plenty of Disney+ Marvel content coming our way over the next few years. 

Red Hood look revealed for Titans Season 3

Red Hood look revealed for Titans Season 3

So big news came out last night showing the look for Red Hood in Titans Season 3. After Jason Todd appeared in Season 1 of the show it has been theorised that this day would happen and that he would progress to this role but now I will look at the suit and what it means for season 3 of the show. 

The Costume looks fantastic and comic accurate 

Let's start with the actual look of the costume and it is fantastic, it looks like it took inspiration from Arkham Knight but it really works for this show and hits the gritty feel. Also it is great that he has his handguns which shows that he will be more hardcore then he was previously. 

Why this show will avoid The Red Hood origin

So in the comics, Jason Todd is killed by The Joker and then resurrected as the more brutal Red Hood with a real grudge against criminals that basically turns him into DC's Punisher. But obviously it is unlikely that this is where the show is going, it seems after being failed by The Titans in Season 2, Jason is going to do his own thing and he just decides on The Red Hood moniker. 

Will be a wildcard in season 3

The question is how will Red Hood play into the third season of the show. It seems Starfire's storyline will be the main antagonists of the season so how will he be used, my guesswork is that he is doing his vigilante thing where Nightwing and Batman have to bring him back in to the fold in order to team up with them at the end. 


Overall, the costume looks fantastic and I am actually excited to see Red Hood in season 3 of Titans and hope he can be an interesting part of the show. 

Monday, October 26, 2020

Rebecca (2020) Review

Rebecca (2020) Review

So this film is a remake of the famous film directed by the legendary Alfred Hitchcock of the same name and has now made its way to Netflix and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a young newlywed arrive at her husbands family estate where the legacy of his former wife Rebecca remains. 

Main Character

Lily James has been in the news lately for some pretty bad things but let's just talk about her performance in this film and unfortunately I didn't care about her character at all. She is just so dull and she never seems like a human being, she is either overacting every scene or just moping about. Also her character is so inconsistent, it is tough to explain without spoilers but she makes some decisions that just feel very strange and like they don't fit with what we have seen throughout the ret of the film. 

Supporting Characters 

Kristen Scott Thomas plays the head maid in the house and I thought she did a good job, she is very chilling and stern in the film, she comes across as a dastardly person and she just does a good job at it here. Sam Riley who I like as an actor has a small role here and I thought he did a good job, it's just a shame that he doesn't have more screen time and more to do here. Armie Hammer plays the husband in this film and he didn't do much for me, he also was a dull character, that I never cared about him or their relationship. They just lacked chemistry and the problem is that neither of them gave me a reason to care about them and this relationship that we are meant to be rooting for. 


The story in the film has some interesting things in it, especially towards the end of the film as more is revealed about what exactly is going as reveals get made and things get more crazy. But none of it really matters, it is very jumbled and not expanded upon, it is like the film meanders so much for the first half of the film that it has to rush the last act and it is clear to see with a truly awful ending. 


The script isn't very good, there is no memorable bits of dialogue and nothing that fleshes out these characters. As I said earlier the writing is so poor and rushes lots of its plot to the 3rd act which makes you confused. 


The best part of this film is that it is really nice to look at, it has great costumes, great locations and great visuals and that is about it. This is a really slow film that feels 3 hours when it is only 2, with not much going on it just feels like a real slog to get through. 


Overall, this is a really poor film and shows why sometimes remakes and reboots are just unnecessary unless it is going to be done to a high quality. Save yourself 2 hours and skip this one. 

Rating - 3/10

First Impressions - The Undoing

First Impressions - The Undoing 

So this morning I woke up to find this new Limited Series' first episode on Sky and I saw that Nicole Kidman and Hugh Grant were in it so I gave it a watch and here are my first impressions of this show, there will likely be spoilers for this episode of the show here.  

Was mainly build up

This episode didn't offer to much for a pilot episode, it mainly felt like we were just being introduced to these characters and that nothing really goes on. Yes the last 15 mins start getting interesting and pushing the plot forward but it does take its time to get going. 

Hugh Grant is great and easily the most interesting character

Nicole Kidman is the main character, but there isn't much too her at the moment, so I found myself interested by Grants character. A doctor dealing with Cancer who seems to be a fun and great guy until the very end of the episode where he has disappeared out of nowhere. Hopefully, he doesn't spend too much time off screen as I want to see more of him here. 

It seems like the reveal has been showed - or has it?  

I mean it seems pretty obvious that the night that a woman who has been creeping on Kidman is killed is the same night that her husband plays by Grant vanishes. It seems likely that Grant killed her for some reason, but I kind of hope that isn't the case. For this show to stand out amongst the crowd it has to do something different. 


Overall, I didn't really think much of this first episode of The Undoing. It wasn't terrible by any means but it was just not a lot happened for the majority of it. Obviously with the end of the episode it seems things are going to pick up and become more interesting, which it needs to make the show be a memorable one. 

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Joe Manganiello to return as Deathstroke for The Snyder Cut

Joe Manganiello to return as Deathstroke for The Snyder Cut

So after the news that Jared Leto will be returning as The Joker for The Snyder Cut, it now is being reported that Joe Manganiello is on the set of The Snyder Cut and will reprise his role as Slade Wilson/Deathstroke. Now this adds another interesting wrinkle to the mini series and here are my thoughts on it. 

Will Jesse Eisenberg return as Lex Luthor?

If you have watched the theatrical version of Justice League you know that Slade Wilson appears in a post credit scene where he meets with Lex Luthor. So if this arc gets expanded does that mean Eisenberg is going to shoot extra scenes, at this point I wouldn't be surprised. 

Deathstroke will break Lex Luthor out of prison 

So in the original cut we see the aftermath of Deathstroke breaking Luthor of of Arkham Asylum, but I think that we will actually see Deathstroke take out the guards and show off his great combat skills. 

Could Lex Luthor, Deathstroke & The Joker create the Injustice Society? 

As mentioned in the movie version of Justice League, the film ends with Luthor and Slade discussing creating their own league, I think we will see something similar here but with Jared Leto's Joker added to the mix thus giving a more legitimate feel to the group. 

Could we see Deathstroke return in the future

I truly believe that if The Snyder Cut gets the success I think it will then there is a chance that DC and Warner Bros move forward from this mini series and that could mean the return of Deathstroke, plus there is so much potential for the character. We could see The Injustice Society as a villain of a future Justice League film, him as a villain in a Batman film, a Teen Titans Film, Be in a Suicide Squad film or heck in his own standalone film. 


Overall, it will be interesting to see how Deathstroke is used here and I really hope we get to see Manganiello as Slade Wilson in the future as I think he is a really good choice for the role. 

Borat: Subsequent Moviefilm (2020) Review

Borat: Subsequent Moviefilm (2020) Review

So last month a trailer came out of nowhere for Borat 2 and would be released on Amazon Prime and for fans of the first film that came out 14 years ago this was something to look forward to and now it is here with us and I have just watched it and here is my review for the film. The premise of the film sees Borat return to The United States to gain favour with Donald Trump for his home country of Kazakhstan. 

Main Character

In my opinion Sacha Baron Cohen's iconic role is that of Borat so seeing him return to the role all these years later is fantastic, he still has it and even after all these years he still is as outrageous as he was back then. It is nice to see that he can give a strong dramatic performance in Trial Of The Chicago 7 and then not long after switch it up and play this really funny off the wall character. Some of the things that come out of his mouth in this film are crazy and will make you laugh. 

Supporting Characters

Maria Bakalova is a new actress to me and she plays Borat's daughter in this film and she really shines here, she even manages to go punch for punch with Cohen in terms of outrageousness and craziness. This is an actress that will probably get more work after this and it will be great to see just where her acting career goes from here. Now this film is unique as pretty much everybody else are real people that weren't exactly sure they were in a movie and it mostly works as the reactions are genuine and it is funny throughout. 


The story isn't the most important part of a film like this but I have to talk about it. There is actually more depth to this plot, the relationship between Borat and his daughter is quite sweet and is well done and just the stuff to do with politics is crazy and highly entertaining. But there were some elements of the plot that didn't work for me, there are just some unnecessary parts of the film that are there just to set up a specific joke which didn't work for me. Also there is a twist at the end of the film and even for a film as controversial as this one I am not sure now was an appropriate time for it and it felt a bit tasteless.


Now let's face it a film like this the most important thing is whether it is funny and the answer is yes it is funny, but not really funny. There are some really funny bits here, some of the things that are said are just really funny and really fit the tone of this film. Also the little bit of heart added here is nice to see. But there are some jokes that do fall flat, it is mostly the ones involving the less mad storylines, and when the other person to Borat doesn't really play along. 


This film will go down as one of the mad styles ever, so basically Sasha Baron Cohen went around as Borat without people knowing they were being filmed. Obviously the now well known scenes with the politicians have been controversial but really feel unique and show the awfulness of politics, also this film does a great job of just insulting everybody. Though more then the first film, it feels like this is a really strong 1 hour special that had to force an extra 30 mins in order to qualify as a film which makes some parts of the film to feel much less funny. 


Overall, this is a funny film, not as good as the first film but a worthy sequel. Now even though I am going to give this a positive score, I must say that you have to know what you are getting into and I would say fans of the first film are really the ones who will enjoy this film and maybe avoid if you aren't. 

Rating - 7/10

Thursday, October 22, 2020

The Haunting Of Bly Manor Mini Series (2020) Review

The Haunting Of Bly Manor Mini Series (2020) Review

So with it being October, we have the obligatory Horror TV shows and films and this is the biggest one so far this year, the second in The Haunting Hill Collection - The Haunting Of Bly Manor and here is my review for it. The premise of the show sees when a nannie dies, she is replaced by an American girl who has to go to The English Manor in Bly, where she comes across interesting people and possibly more spiritual things amongst the house. 

Main Character

Victoria Pedretti who played a role in the first Haunting Hill show plays Dani the lead here and honestly I felt like she was the worst part of the show, it is fair to say that for a show to succeed you have to care about the main character and I never did. She was just so bland and I don't know what it was about her performance but I just thought she was really boring and I found it hard to ever really care about her and I felt like the show never really gave the audience a reason too. Also another issue that the majority of the supporting cast are great and it makes her stand out more. 

Supporting Characters

As I said above the supporting cast are really good, first onto the two creepiest kids on television. The young girl who voices Peppa Pig which is really creepy in itself is particularly great but these kids are a real highlight of the show and add so much to it. T'Nia Miller & Rahul Kohli are great in there roles as the housekeeper and chef respectively, they add a lot to the show and they are the most likeable and probably some of the more interesting characters here. To be honest the rest of the cast are pretty good too, even though I think the show tries to focus on a few too many characters but that doesn't hurt the pretty strong supporting characters. 


The story is interesting and build the suspense well, you are curious as to what is going on and what is wrong with this place. Some of the characters have interesting backstories and characters with decent arcs to them, but this show suffers from having to show pretty much every characters backstories. It feels like at least half of this show is just flashbacks, heck there is at least one whole episode of flashbacks which was unnecessary and could have been done in a cleverer way. Also I wasn't a huge fan of the final episode of the show, it just seemed to drag and it felt quite different to the other 8 episodes of the show. 


The script is okay, there is some decent dramatic scenes and some well written characters and the tension is built pretty well. But this show is a bit too convoluted at times, you are kind of trying to piece things together and then they throw something else at you not giving you time to take in the last big thing. Also I thought the use of the narrator here didn't really make much sense, even though it does have a good payoff at the end. 


This show does a good job of building tension and being pretty creepy. The score and atmosphere do a great job in emphasising that and really making you feel that you are trapped in this manor with these people. Though like most shows there are too many episodes here, maybe if they didn't have to spend so long on everybody's backstories there could have been like 6 episodes and it would have flowed better. Also for a show that is meant to be scary, I was rarely scared, though thank god there is hardly any jump scares so that is a good thing. 


Overall, this is another average show, what is it with this year and shows that have promise but ultimately fail. It has some creeps but falls flat but go and watch The Haunting of Hill House as I have heard it is much better then this show. 

Rating - 5/10

Jared Leto returning as The Joker for The Snyder Cut

Jared Leto returning as The Joker for The Snyder Cut 

So pretty big news came out last night that Jared Leto will be reprising his role as The Joker for the Snyder Cut version of Justice League set to hit TV screens next year, here are my thoughts on this news. 

This will be a small role 

Even though The Snyder Cut is going to be 4 hours long there is going to be plenty for it to get through before this announcement was made. The Joker is an iconic character but he doesn't quite fit in with the plot involving Steppenwolf & Darkseid so, I wouldn't believe this will be a huge part and that Leto will maximum only have a few scenes on screen. 

He will be in The Knightmare Scenes

In Batman V Superman there is a sequence where Batman dreams of a world where Darskeid has taken over and Superman is evil - these were dubbed Knightmare scenes but haven't been followed up since. From The Snyder Cut trailer it is clear that these scenes will be showed again and there was a Joker card in the trailer so it seems that is where he will appear. How and why he will appear is unclear but if I was a betting man this would be my guess.

The Snyder Cut is nowhere near finished and now totally different

It is interesting that The Snyder Cut is meant to be director Zack Snyders vision for Justice League, but this news kind of changes that. Leto was never supposed to be in the version of Justice League so it is clear that this is a late decision that can now be made. Also it has been reported that Leto is off to film scenes for the project which means that more time and money will be spent on The Snyder Cut then initially reported and DC will be banking on lots of views when it is released. 

Could we see Leto's Joker after this?

After Suicide Squads poor performance it was pretty much guaranteed that Leto was done as The Joker but that obviously isn't the case and could we even see him return after his appearance here. We know Ben Affleck is going to appear as Batman in The Flash film, so could we see Leto return for not only that film but one day set up an Injustice storyline. 


Overall, I don't think anybody is particularly excited for Leto to return as The Joker, but it is another interesting wrinkle for The Snyder Cut and it continues to be one of the projects I am most excited about for next year. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Fast & Furious main franchise ending with 10 & 11 - What does this mean for the future?

Fast & Furious main franchise ending with 10 & 11 - What does this mean for the future?

So big news came out this morning that the very popular and huge Fast & Furious franchise will end with a huge two parter in the 10th & 11th film in the main franchise. This is big news and here are some of the things that I think will come out of this news. 

The 11th film will see the crew head to space. 

For a while now there have been big rumours that Fast & Furious will be heading to space, I mean most of those rumours have come from star Tyrese Gibson but it does make some sense. This franchise has just got bigger and bigger and more ridiculous as the films have gone on so why not space, also you can see this series and Mission Impossible competing to see which one gets to space first.

The final film could be one of the highest grossing films of all time

As the films have got crazier the success has just got larger, both Furious 7 and The Fate Of The Furious hit over a Billion Dollars worldwide which is crazy coming off a film which was basically point break with cars. With the news way in advance that Furious 11 will be the final film in the franchise that is just going to drive people to the cinema, especially if Furious 9 and 10 are good then this final film has the chance to possibly sneak into the top grossing films of all time. 

Gal Gadot's Gisele will be resurrected 

Fast and Furious was the first time the mainstream was introduced to Gal Gadot and she was a great part of Fast and Furious 5 & 6, unfortunately due to her being cast as Wonder Woman she couldn't return for the later films and her character was killed off, but that doesn't mean this is the end for her. With the reveal that Han has been bought back to life in Furious 9 and Michelle Rodriguez' character Lettie being bought back it is pretty easy to get Gadot back and she would be a big name to add to the last few films in the franchise. 

The Rock and Jason Statham will return 

Hobbs & Shaw was a very entertaining movie and was well received by critics, now it is well documented that The Rock and Vin Diesel don't like each other but I think they will put their differences aside in order to make the biggest film in the franchise, I even think they have to appear here due to my next point. 

The Director of Eteon will be the main villain 

Now if you have not seen Hobbs and Shaw, you will have no idea what this point means, but basically Idris Elba's villain takes orders from a higher power, the director of Eteon, who is set up as a future villain in the franchise. However, I think this villain is going to be the main bad of the whole franchise and be the link through to get the two franchises back together, there will probably be a reveal on who it is but I will save that speculation for a later date. 

There will be more Fast and Furious spinoffs

Even though the main franchise might be ending, the Fast and Furious name makes money so there is no way that this is the end. We will probably get a Hobbs & Shaw sequel and who knows what else, so don't expect this will be the exact end. 


Overall, this is a huge franchise but it does seem a good time to end Fast & Furious' main franchise and hopefully they go out as the crazy over the top fun that it can be. 

Monday, October 19, 2020

Lovecraft Country Season 1 (2020) Review

Lovecraft Country Season 1 Review (2020) 

So after 10 weeks the first season of the new show Lovecraft Country has finished and here is my review for it. The premise of the season sees a young African-American travel across the UK in the 1950's to find his missing Father. 

Main Character

Jonathan Majors who might be more busy in the future if reports that he will play Kang in the MCU plays Atticus the lead role here and he does a great job. It is just really easy to root for Atticus and it is interesting to see his character develop over the season and he is more then just your one dimensional hero and that makes him a worthy character here. Jurnee Smollett who played Black Canary in Birds of Prey plays Leti and she was the star of the show for me, she is just such a strong character and honestly she owns every scene that she is in. She is an interesting character and along with Atticus they are two great lead performers and really drag this show to a higher level. 

Supporting Characters

Michael Kenneth Williams is a great actor and he plays Montrose and he gives a really strong performance, there are elements of his character that don't quite work but Williams does a great job anyway and gives a really strong emotional performance. But I thought the rest of the supporting characters were really forgettable, whether it be the generic White female villain, or the supporting female cast that don't really have much to do, none of them were that interesting and the Majors, Smollet and Williams are carrying the show on their backs. 


The story does some really good things, the show feels very brutal especially when it focuses on its racial tension that is here in force. But I also liked somewhat how this subject matter was well handled and was blended with Horror and Sci-Fi to make this show have a more unique feeling and more unique storytelling options then other shows that deal with racial inequality. But this show overreaches so heavily, it tries to do so much that it becomes hard to follow and over the top taking away from some of the great acting and great visuals. Elements of the story weren't necessary and it felt like they were just filling time because certain characters had to return later on in the season, which I also wasn't a huge fan of the ending of the season either. 


The script has some really good and powerful dramatic moments, there is real emotion there and you actually will feel emotion towards elements of the show. But then there are some overly confusing things and clearly parts of the plot that the writers took less time and less effort with and it is very clear what those are. 


The style has a huge budget behind it, you can tell HBO are looking for a Game Of Thrones replacement and there is no doubt that visually this show is brilliant and really impressive and add to the quality of the show. But the pacing is off, there are just too many episodes and too many story arcs that don't matter and could have been left on the cutting room floor which would have made the show much better. 


Overall, this is an average first season of this show. I feel like there is so much potential here and if there is a second season then that could be much better but as it stands the first season just isn't worth the time put into it. 

Rating - 5/10

Sunday, October 18, 2020

American Murder: The Family Next Door (2020) Review

American Murder: The Family Next Door (2020) Review

This documentary hit Netflix a few weeks ago to quite a lot of fanfare and I have now had the chance to watch American Murder: The Family Next Door and here is my review for it. The premise of the doc is that in 2018 a normal mother and two young children disappeared and the doc tells the story into what happened. 

Now the things I thought that was good about this documentary, first I really liked that the footage used was all authentic tapes from the situation involved. It wasn't like some Docs that have high production values and try to recreate certain aspects, it feels very real and very raw and disturbing which it is clearly going for so it does its job well. 

Also, sometimes I feel like they like to make documentaries about anything these days but this was truly shocking, I am not going to go into too much depth as to what happens but it is one of those things that you will thinking about long after you have watched it, it just manages to stick into your mind. 

Usually I find documentaries that are only 90 minutes long to suffer from a lack of detail but this film doesn't suffer from that. If anything it suffers from the opposite, maybe it just takes a little too long to go into all the details keeping you waiting but it does still do it well enough. 

Overall, this documentary is truly disturbing and chilling and at around 90 minutes is a short watch so I would highly recommend it, especially if you are a fan of documentaries like this. 

Rating - 9/10 

Friday, October 16, 2020

The Trial Of The Chicago 7 (2020) Review

The Trial Of The Chicago 7 (2020) Review

This film hit Netflix today and has been highly anticipated and here is my review for The Trial Of The Chicago 7. The premise of the film is based on the true story of 7 men put on trial for various charges surrounding the uprising at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. 

Main Character

This film is definitely and ensemble cast but I will pick a few as the main characters, Eddie Redmayne is a top actor when he isn't in Jupiter Ascending and he does a really good job here. He just gives a very strong performance as he is an interesting character that has an interesting backstory and approach in the movie. When it comes to Sasha Baron Cohen I always imagine him in the over the top comedic roles like Borat but he gives a great dramatic performance here The dynamic between the two of them is fascinating to watch and actually Cohen's comedy is just funny, it isn't shocking but is naturally funny which is a nice surprise. 

Supporting Characters

For me though Mark Rylance maybe gives the best performance here, he plays the groups lawyer and he gives a really strong performance. You can see he is trying to defend these people and he is getting more and more frustrated, he kind of feels like the audience and you feel like he is the character you see the film through. Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays the opposition lawyer and he does a really good job too, you can tell he is very good at his job and even though he isn't completely believing of the case he gives his all to his work. Yahya Abdul-Mateen II plays basically the 8th member of the group and he does a really good job in his role, he is just a really strong actor and his character does go through a lot in the film. Also credit to Frank Langella who plays the Judge and this guy is one of the most unlikeable people ever on film and I just couldn't stand watching him, which means he does a good job here. All the acting is great here and it is the films biggest strength. 


I am a big fan of Courtroom dramas and this film nails it, it is so intense and has twists and turns throughout. The setting is uncomfortable and the room becomes more and more stressed and disturbing as the film progresses. But I thought the film didn't do as good a job when it was out of the courtroom, it kind of skips over part of the plot and characters and then tries to make you care about them and you just don't, I would have been happy in seeing a longer film with the extra context but alas that is not here. 


This film is written and directed by acclaimed writer Aaron Sorkin and his fingerprints are all over this film. It is just very clever writing and finds a really good balance between unsettling drama and some well done comedy making this a memorable script.


The style of this film is pretty uncomfortable and pretty gripping, the courtroom setting is great and adds so much drama to the plot and the direction. It's just as I said before the pacing of some of the story arcs isn't great and for once I just wish the film had been a bit longer. 


Overall, this is a great dramatic film. It has a brilliant cast and a brilliant production to make it an interesting film and one I would say is worth a watch. 

Rating - 8/10

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Riviera Season 1 (2017) Review

Riviera Season 1 (2017) Review

Riviera's third season has just hit the Uk and I have not watched any of it so I thought I would start the show and I finished the first season and here is my review for it. The premise of the season sees a woman find out her family's fame and fortune has been built up by Blood and Criminal Activity which has put her in the crosshairs. 

Main Character

Julia Stiles is a great actress and she plays the lead role here and does a really good job. She is a very strong character and seeing her finding out about all these shocking things makes you care about her and it makes her a relatable character. She isn't one dimensional though and has plenty of depth making her an interesting character and one that develops over the season in a natural and compelling way. 

Supporting Characters

Lena Olin is really good in this show, her and Stiles rivalry is an interesting part of the show and their dynamic is really interesting and she is one of the more interesting characters on the show. Igal Naor plays a gangster here and I thought he was very good in the role, he played the role well and he just has a presence on screen, his particular part of the show isn't as interesting but he delivered in his role. Iwan Rheon who plays Ramsey Bolton on Game Of Throne is here and once again he does a really good job here, surprisingly he is a character you actually feel sympathy for and it goes someway in moving him away from his iconic role. But there was also some weaker characters, Dimitri Leonidas and Roxane Duran play the other children and they do their best but the writing for their characters is poor and it just gives them very little to do to make them standout. Same with the whole police angle, there is this cop going after the family and one leading the investigation and they end up not really mattering and you wonder why the show bothered with it. 


The story is interesting, this woman played by Stiles is our window into this just crazy world and it just gets more crazy as the show goes on. The show's plot is pretty convoluted, but it is interesting and keeps you on your toes throughout. This show has family drama and it mostly works, it is just the individual arcs that don't really work, It is like there is this great idea here but they have to pad it out over 10 episodes so they have to add these dull plot lines. 


The script is fine, it has some good dialogue, mainly with Stiles bringing her A game and rising it up, also some of the other characters have good moments. But as I mentioned above, some of the other characters are poorly written and what doesn't help is that the plot focuses on too many different things and some of it just doesn't get enough interest. 


The show looks great, The Riviera is beautiful and is a great backdrop for this show which adds a bit of uniqueness to it. There are also some exciting scenes involved, I know I said some of the story arcs didn't work but the show flowed nicely and the 10 episodes didn't feel too long even though I just wish certain things had been improved. 


Overall, this is a good first season of this show. It has intrigue and style to it, I mean it does nothing to rise it above good but if you like dramatic shows then this could be worth a watch. 

Rating - 7/10

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Just Mercy (2020) Review

Just Mercy (2020) Review

It feels like an important time to watch this film with it being Black History Month and here is my review for the film Just Mercy. The premise of the film is based on true events that sees a Civil Rights Defence Attorney aim to free a wrongly convicted man. 

Main Character

Michael B Jordan is seriously one of the best actors around and once again he knocks it out of the park here. He is fantastic as the defence lawyer, you truly believe that he really cares about the cases he takes on and how that makes him so different to the other lawyers shown in the film. He is just so good and I thought his presence was just really powerful in this film. 

Supporting Characters

Jamie Foxx plays the man convicted of the crime and he is brilliant, he conveys so much emotion and you just feel so much sympathy for him and really care about him and want to see him succeed. I mean Jordan and Foxx don't have too many scenes together but the two of them knock it out of the park here and when they are together they shine even more. The rest of the cast are great too, Brie Larson is great, Tim Blake Nelson is great, Rafe Spall is great and O'shea Jackson Jnr is great. They just add so much quality to this film and their roles feel genuine and compliment the two main performances even better. 


The story is incredibly powerful, seeing this man really go above and beyond to try and get this man freed, who from the very beginning of the film you can pretty much tell is innocent. With this being based on a true story it didn't exactly give them much room to manoeuvre and I thought they were respectful and showed just how bad racism can be and how it can really change people's lives.  


The script is really good, the drama is there and you feel the emotion when you are supposed to, you care about the characters and want to see them succeed in their journey. Characters are pretty layered and they range and aren't all stereotypes, in fact there are few stereotypes which helps improve the film. 


The Style of the film does its job, it is a really gripping film, without particularly gripping things happening. There is just an intense feeling about the film that something bad can happen. Also the film flowed really nicely and despite the slower feeling was paced well. Now onto my one criticism of the film and that there are a few parts of the film that are never followed up on and feel like they didn't have to be here, also for a film involving law, there is a lack of court scenes and I think the film could have used more here. 


Overall, this is a fantastic film, it hits the levels necessary for a story like this and is one of those films that are really important. It is an important watch and one that I think people should find to watch.

Rating - 9/10

Monday, October 12, 2020

Brave New World Season 1 (2020) Review

Brave New World Season 1 (2020) Review

This show recently hit The UK and I have now got around to watching the 9 episode first season and here is my review for it. The premise of the show sees in a new utopia a man from another society arrives and causes chaos in the society. 

Main Character

Alden Ehrenreich who played young Han Solo plays the lead here and he really tries. You can tell there is a really good charismatic young actor in here and he has real moments of quality here that makes him a fun watch. The issue is just the writing for the character, it is something I will go into more later in the review but none of the characters are written particularly well and the same happens here. His character is just really hypocritical, I won't go into too much detail about why but it just isn't a character to really care about. 

Supporting Characters

Jessica Brown Findlay and Harry Lloyd play the main supporting characters and they do decent jobs in their role. Their acting rises them above their characters and they give strong performances to at least provide some intrigue and interest to this show. The rest of the cast didn't do anything for me, Nisa Sosanya plays a strange character that isn't give much depth or explanation, she just turns up for like a scene or two in each episode with not much explanation and not really any reason to care. Hannah John Kamen is a fantastic actress but I wasn't a fan of her character here, I get her role it just isn't one I would usually associate with her. She is silly and over the top and again it is hard to take her seriously as a character. 


The story if I am honest is an absolute mess, it is part convoluted and part generic and it astounds me. There are no likeable characters and nothing to attach yourself to, even though it hides behind all this mumbo jumbo it is a simple society class story and you have seen it millions of times before, and it goes pretty much how you would expect and don't get me started on the underdeveloped romance and love triangle that takes place. Also the majority of the characters are just stupid and act and do things that make no sense and make you wonder just when this show takes place. 


The script is also really weak, as I said it is difficult for a show to literally have nobody to care about but these scriptwriters manage to achieve it. The humour is lacklustre when its there and for me the drama never hit the levels because there was nobody to care about. 


The show looks really good, visually it has a really great unique look to it mixed with a costume and sound design that really shines. Also the action scenes and lets face it Sex scenes because there are tonnes and tonnes of them are well filmed and well acted. But the show is easily a few episodes too long, you could have knocked 2 or 3 episodes off and this would have been a more cohesive enjoyable watch. 


Overall, this is a poor show. It is clearly trying to start a new franchise but I just can't see it, it is bland in its storytelling and has no memorable characters and some great visuals and decent acting can't hide that and make this a show not really worth watching. 

Rating 3/10    

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Predictions: The Boys Season 3

 Predictions: The Boys Season 3 

So the Boys wrapped up its second season on Friday and did it with a bang leading into many potential plot points for the third season and here are some of the things that I think will happen. 

Black Noir will get more to do 

I start with a more personal one to me is that I just want to see more of Black Noir in season 3 of The Boys, he ended up in a coma at the end of Season 2 due to his nut allergy but I'm hoping he can recover in time for the start of the third season. He is the most mysterious character on the show and I just want to know more, I don't want a complete backstory but I want more and a chance to really see him throw down with The Boys and other Supes. 

Stormfront will be alive and play a smaller role

In an interview with the showrunner Eric Kripke, he confirmed that Stormfront survived at the end of Season 2 but will remain deformed. With her being disavowed as a member of The Seven it seems that she will play a smaller role and have less to do, but I actually think there is a potential story arc for her in the upcoming season. 

Soldier Boy will be going after The Boys and Stormfront

It was confirmed a while ago that Supernatural actor Jason Ackles was cast as Captain America spoof Soldier Boy, he is basically described as the leader of the group that came before The Seven. From what has been talked about it seems he might be even more hardcore then The Seven, the question is what brings him out of retirement. I believe seeing a Nazi like Stormfront is what brings him out and makes it his mission to take out Stormfront, but maybe also Homelander, The Seven and The Boys themselves. 

The Boys will have issues with their new jobs

So Butcher and The Boys seem to have been recruited by the government to basically keep an eye on the Supes. On paper, this seems a good idea, they do their same jobs, get paid and have larger resources. But I get the feeling that there is going to be a clash their about how they do their jobs and that will be down to a certain head exploding Supe Senator.

Victoria Newman will play everybody for her own needs

So the big reveal at the end of the season was that the one behind the attack at the courthouse was Senator Victoria Newman who is also revealed to be a Supe. It is clear she is no longer working with The Church Of The Collective and I don't believe she is in allegiance with Vought so her exact motivations are unclear. It seems she will be The Boys boss which will allow for some interesting ideas, especially if she makes them do her dirty work.

Cindy will return to cause damage

For those that aren't sure who Cindy is, she was the powerful Supe who escaped the mental facility in Episode 6 of Season 2 but she isn't seen again. The Boys doesn't include things like this by accident, it is pretty clear that Cindy will return for Season 3 and will cause some damage, heck she might go after Stormfront as they had bad terms in that episode. 

The Deep will go to extreme lengths to get back in The Seven

For a season and a half now The Deep has been trying to get back In The Seven and for me it has been the most boring part of the show. However, I think now the head of The Church Of The Collective is dead, either The Deep will take over the organisation or will go to even greater lengths to get back into The Seven. 

A Supe will die

Season 2 saw some death but very few were Supers, especially, the big ones and I think that will change this season. But I think we are going to see a large death in Season 3 and my main prediction will be Queen Maeve, she has been pushing Homelander for a while now and I feel like the third season will see it catch up with her. 


Overall, as you can see there are plenty of things that could happen next season and heck none of them might happen but I am really excited for when it eventually comes. 


Saturday, October 10, 2020

The Boys Season 2 (2020) Review

 The Boys Season 2 (2020) Review 

So with The Boys controversially releasing the second season in weekly episodes it has taken longer to watch then the first season, but I have now finished the 2nd season of the show and here is my review for it. The premise of the season sees after the death of Madelyn Stillwell The Boys are now being hunted down by the law and Vought, while Starlight and Homelander have to deal with a new member of The Seven called Stormfront. 

Main Character

Karl Urban as Billy Butcher has easily been one of his best roles ever and he continues to shine here. He maybe doesn't have the stand out moments from the first season but the core of the character is still there, the charisma, the charm and the roughness is back with plenty of action and it allows Urban just to have so much fun with the role and it very clearly translates to screen. When I heard there would be a new villain for the second season, I was worried as Homelander played by Anthony Starr is fantastic and I didn't want his role to get reduced, but luckily this doesn't happen and Starr absolutely nails it. Homelander isn't just the most complex character on The Boys but he is probably one of the most complex character's in the whole of Television and Starr deserves huge credit for this. 

Supporting Characters

The cast of The Boys is huge and everybody does good jobs in their roles but I will mainly talk about the main ones. Eric Moriarty has always been great as Starlight and I thought she does a good job here, she kind of goes away from being the all good superhero, there is more complexity to her and she is forced into tough decisions, especially in the latter half of the season. Aya Cash coming in as Stormfront is great, her character is also one of the most interesting parts of the show and the more you find out about her the more interested you are and more concerned about what plans she has. The show also does a great job of fleshing out the characters of Mothers Milk and Frenchie as we find out more of why they are so close with Butcher. Jack Quaid as Hughie definitely had more of an impact in the first season but he is still good in his role and I actually think they take his character is an interesting direction during the season and at the end of it. Also any show that has the great Giancarlo Esposito is a win for me and even though he isn't a huge part of the show, he does a great job as always when he is on screen. 


Most of the story is interesting this season. Seeing Butcher, Homelander and Stormfront's character arcs is really fascinating and you really just want to find out more about them and where they are going throughout the show. The boys still does a great job of using its stories to reflect real world issues but add the craziness of The Boys too it and this show still does a good job this. However, this season struggles with the same issue as the first season, there are just a few too many story arcs that aren't really that important and really take up more time then it should. For example the whole Church Of Collective stuff feels pointless and like it could have been ripped from the show and it would be no different and I would have rather spent more time with fewer characters then force us into watching story arcs that aren't that interesting. 


The script still has plenty of laughs and drama to it, it is clever but not in the way that it knows it is clever, meaning it feels very natural for the show that we are watching. But some of the characters are written really well, mainly Homelander which again I can't stop talking about. But this season more then most have a few things that don't quite make sense and it feels weaker then the previous season with its writing and that hurts the overall product.


The style is still excellent, the visceral action scenes are still here, I just love how unapologetic this show is and this season is no different with the show really throwing plenty of punches. It is exciting and mostly keeps the pacing up and keep you invested overall. The fact that the episodes were released weekly sucked, but this isn't the first show to do it and it won't be the last so it didn't really affect my watching experience.


Overall this is another great season of The Boys, If you loved this show you will enjoy the second season and with a third season and a spinoff show announced, hopefully we will see much more.

Rating - 8/10 

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Benedict Cumberbatch to return as Doctor Strange in Spider-Man 3 - What does this mean?

Benedict Cumberbatch to return as Doctor Strange in Spider-Man 3 - What does this mean?

With the untitled third Tom Holland Spider-Man film set to begin filming soon we are starting to get more news in terms of casting, first the news of Jamie Foxx returning as Electro and now the news that Benedict Cumberbatch will be in the film as Doctor Strange and will be a mentor to Peter Parker. Now what does this and the Electro news tell us about the plot of the film, if anything at all. 

The film will focus on the Multiverse

Ever since the Jamie Foxx news came out it has been rumoured that he will be playing the same character from Amazing Spider-Man 2 and now due to this news I believe he will be. Strange is heavily linked to the multiverse and his addition to the cast makes me believe that somehow Electro and possibly other characters have appeared from other dimensions. It was teased in Far From Home but it would be interesting to see a Spider-Man film delve into this, especially after the praise that Spider-Man Into The Spider-Verse received when it came out. 

Will we see Tobey Maguire or Andrew Garfield 

Now the obvious question would be whether we will see any other Spider-Men, mainly Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield. With Electro appearing here, I think there is a chance Garfield appears even in a small role, the same with Maguire. Sam Reimi who directed the original Spider-Man trilogy is directing the Doctor Strange sequel so could we see Maguire arrive here setting up an appearance in that film and heck will we see any other characters from the other franchises appear. 

How will this affect the ending of Far From Home 

The post credit scene of Far From Home was fantastic, revealing Spider-Man's secret identity and marking him as a murderer was a great idea and exciting and the question now is how will this news affect that plotline. I really hope it doesn't ignore it and it now adds more questions then answers in terms of the storytelling. 

This continues Marvel Studios Spider-Man Strategy 

The deal between Marvel Studios and Sony for Spider-Man is clearly a bit complicated but the strategy between the two companies has been very clear and that is Spider-Man must have a big MCU character as an ally in his solo films. Tony Stark and Nick Fury were in the previous films and now Strange and it does a good job of adding a new feel with Spider-Man and I mean the characters did meet in Infinity War so at least they have some history. 

This has to be the last mentor for Peter Parker

I understand that part of Peter Parkers character is that he looks for a father figure type mentor but after this film that just has to end. First it was Tony Stark then Quentin Beck now Stephen Strange, sooner rather then later Spider-Man has to grow on his own and become his own character. 

This film could introduce Miles Morales

A few months ago I said I wanted to see a live action Miles Morales and now I think this is a chance to do that. If the film explores the multiverse, then potentially we could see a version of Spider-Man that is Miles from another dimension, seeing how these two younger versions of the characters operate allows for some great future stories.

Could we see a Multiverse Sinister Six set up 

For years we have known that Sony really want to do The Sinister Six and hopefully Marvel Studios will get the chance to do this after this film. If this film deals with the Multiverse the possibly we could see the team created and maybe seeing characters from different universes come together. I mean the combinations are endless and are really exciting for Spider-Man fans in the future. 


Overall, this is really interesting news and hopefully Spider-Man and Doctor Strange can continue their fun dynamic from Avengers Infinity War and provide a fascinating dynamic. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Hubie Halloween (2020) Review

 Hubie Halloween (2020) Review 

So Adam Sandler said if he didn't win the Oscar for his performance in Uncut Gems then he was going to make the worst film ever and here it is Hubie Halloween and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a man who loves Halloween but ridiculed amongst his town have to save the people from certain peril. 

Main Character

It must be rare to see an actor give one of the best performances of the year for a film and then also give one of the worst performances of the year in another but Sandler has managed to do it. He is so bad here, it is like he is trying to challenge Water Boy but it doesn't work here in this day and age and it is horrendous here. The voice is so weird and he is actually quite hard to understand and even though you are clearly meant to care, never for one minute did I care about him, also for a guy who loves Halloween so much why does he get so scared of everything, it makes no sense. 

Supporting Characters

There are some fun supporting characters here, mainly because of the shock value that they would actually be a part of this film, I mean it is full of comedic talent and they rise the film up a bit but not much. I don't want to spoil them just in case you don't know, because I didn't know and it made me enjoy this film a little bit, but then there are some really bad performances. Kevin James is used to being in Sandler films and he is just not funny here, he just phones it in and is happy to get another paycheck in another terrible film. Julie Bowen who I actually think is funny in Modern Family is also really bad here, she is so over the top and the writing for her character is also bad and makes her just seem so stupid. 


The story actually has quite a nice story to it about accepting others and not being mean to them due to insecurities about yourself, but that is all it has. The relationships between the characters is poor and the twist involving the villains is unnecessary and actually makes no sense and makes you scratching your head as to why certain things are here. I mean there is this romance between these two kids and it is such a weird thing to add here and adds nothing to the film at all, it feels like they had a 45 minute plot and had to pad out the remaining hour to make it a feature length film. 


Now the most important thing in a comedy, unless I have it wrong is to make you laugh and this film didn't make me laugh once, which means it fails. It is basic and not good humour, I would say it was made for kids but then it makes adult jokes and you just aren't sure who the hell this movie is for and why it even exists. 


Now the most important thing of a horror film is to be scary and this film fails that as well, so it fails as a comedy and a horror so this style is all over the place. Things just aren't scary or spooky at all and it makes this film feel way longer then it has any right to be and just don't bother with it. 


Well I don't think it is the worst film ever but it is still awful and should be avoided at all cost. I know people will tell me just to turn my mind off and enjoy it for what it is, but no that excuse didn't work for The Wrong Missy and it doesn't work here and hopefully this crew just stops making these comedies and retire so we don't have to put up with this any more. 

Rating - 2/10 

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

The Fall Season 3 (2016) Review

 The Fall Season 3 (2016) Review

So I have now finished the third and final season of The Fall and here is my review for it. The premise of the season sees Paul Spector recovering from the shooting from the end of Season 2 while Stella is trying to get him into Court and get justice for the victim. 

Main Character 

Gillian Anderson is back for one last run as Stella Gibson and she does a great job here. Her character has developed so much since the very first episode and this last season really shows the humanity of Stella and how the case has truly affected her as a person and as a police officer. Anderson has done fantastic work with this role and it makes Stella Gibson a captivating character that is easy to watch and care about. Jamie Dornan is back as Paul Spector and he does his best with what he is given this season and still gives a really strong performance. His chilling demeanour manages to allow Spector to still be an intimidating presence even though some of the writing for the character isn't as strong this season. These two characters have really carried this show on their backs and have done phenomenal jobs in making these interesting people so hats off to them. 

Supporting Characters

John Lynch as Jim Burns has been a really strong character in this show, but they take his character in an interesting direction this season and he excels in it. Just like some of the other characters it shows just how much this case has affected everybody involved and him in particular this season. Aisling Franciosi as Kate has been an interesting part of this show and this season you see her pretty much crack and her obsession with Paul is taken too a new level and it really shows just how weak she is and how easy it was for Paul Spector to charm her. I can't believe I am about to say this but Aisling Bea, who I know for being a comedian is here in a dramatic role and she is really good, she plays a nurse and delivers a really strong performance. Everybody brings there top game here and the acting is a real highlight of this show. 


For a final season, the story is really important, it has to finish appropriately and I feel like this show does that. The ending really fits the show and it does justice to pretty much all of the main characters, maybe not always in a happy way but in an appropriate and satisfying way. But this is a weaker story, there is some cliché storytelling and I thought for the majority of the season that Spector wasn't given that much to do which was disappointing. 


The script is really good, the dialogue is top notch and and makes you feel like this is a pretty gruesome narrative that has transitioned well from its first season to now. Yes there are some inconsistencies but I think it is told well enough to get over these and make it an interesting story piece. 


The style still has the intensity and drama that the show had before and it really ramps up to get you super invested in the last few episodes. But this show goes a more medical drama route, which feels like a real departure from the show, though it gets over this, I just felt we spent way too long in the hospital with not much going on. 


Overall, I thought this season of The Fall was the weakest, but it still is great and a fitting ending to this show that makes this one of the best British shows that there has been in recent memory. 

Rating - 8/10


Monday, October 5, 2020

Opinion - Why UK Cinemas will close until 2021

Opinion - Why UK Cinemas will close until 2021

So it has taken me a few days to put anything up about this subject but it has been officially announced that Cineworld will be shutting all of its UK and US cinemas for the rest of 2020 due to the lack of blockbuster films set to hit in 2020. This news came about after the new James Bond film No Time To Die was delayed until April 2021, and while this is sad news for film fans and staff alike I understand the decision and this is why I think other companies like Odeon and Vue will follow suit. 

Tenet's Low Box Office Scared Other Studios

So since Lockdown the one big budget film to be released was the Christopher Nolan directed Tenet and though I really enjoyed it and thought it was a film that is best watched on a cinema screen the general public didn't agree. Considering the situation the Box Office wasn't that bad, but it was not good enough for a huge budget movie and that clearly scared off the studios and made them decide that patience was best for them. 

Death On The Nile, Dune & Wonder Woman 1984 will all move to 2021

The only big budget films that are still set to come out this year are the Murder On The Orient Express sequel Death On The Nile, Dune and Wonder Woman 1984, but Cineworld have called their bluff here and closed anyway. Clearly these films are huge in scale and need to make plenty of money to hit their targets and with this news there is no way these films will keep there 2020 release dates and will move to when all the cinemas are back open. 

Cineworld is the largest Cinema chain in The UK, if they are worried, the other Cinema chains should be terrified

It is fact that Cineworld is the largest Cinema chain in The UK and with that shutting it is clear that the other will have to follow its lead. I just can't see Odeon and Vue being able to justify staying open from now till January with no new films to entice people, there are only so many old films you can convince people to see. 

Streaming offers people with safer watching 

Another factor that has to come into play is that of streaming. Why would people risk going to the cinema right now if they can just stay at home and watch something on Amazon Prime, Netflix or Disney+. Without those big name new movies people just aren't willing to go to The Cinema which makes this decision worthwhile. 


Overall, this is obviously sad news, with other businesses getting back on their feet, it seems like Cinema is going to be recovering for some way to come. Lets just hope that when things get back to a more normal that people support their cinemas and help them succeed and recover.