Sunday, October 11, 2020

Predictions: The Boys Season 3

 Predictions: The Boys Season 3 

So the Boys wrapped up its second season on Friday and did it with a bang leading into many potential plot points for the third season and here are some of the things that I think will happen. 

Black Noir will get more to do 

I start with a more personal one to me is that I just want to see more of Black Noir in season 3 of The Boys, he ended up in a coma at the end of Season 2 due to his nut allergy but I'm hoping he can recover in time for the start of the third season. He is the most mysterious character on the show and I just want to know more, I don't want a complete backstory but I want more and a chance to really see him throw down with The Boys and other Supes. 

Stormfront will be alive and play a smaller role

In an interview with the showrunner Eric Kripke, he confirmed that Stormfront survived at the end of Season 2 but will remain deformed. With her being disavowed as a member of The Seven it seems that she will play a smaller role and have less to do, but I actually think there is a potential story arc for her in the upcoming season. 

Soldier Boy will be going after The Boys and Stormfront

It was confirmed a while ago that Supernatural actor Jason Ackles was cast as Captain America spoof Soldier Boy, he is basically described as the leader of the group that came before The Seven. From what has been talked about it seems he might be even more hardcore then The Seven, the question is what brings him out of retirement. I believe seeing a Nazi like Stormfront is what brings him out and makes it his mission to take out Stormfront, but maybe also Homelander, The Seven and The Boys themselves. 

The Boys will have issues with their new jobs

So Butcher and The Boys seem to have been recruited by the government to basically keep an eye on the Supes. On paper, this seems a good idea, they do their same jobs, get paid and have larger resources. But I get the feeling that there is going to be a clash their about how they do their jobs and that will be down to a certain head exploding Supe Senator.

Victoria Newman will play everybody for her own needs

So the big reveal at the end of the season was that the one behind the attack at the courthouse was Senator Victoria Newman who is also revealed to be a Supe. It is clear she is no longer working with The Church Of The Collective and I don't believe she is in allegiance with Vought so her exact motivations are unclear. It seems she will be The Boys boss which will allow for some interesting ideas, especially if she makes them do her dirty work.

Cindy will return to cause damage

For those that aren't sure who Cindy is, she was the powerful Supe who escaped the mental facility in Episode 6 of Season 2 but she isn't seen again. The Boys doesn't include things like this by accident, it is pretty clear that Cindy will return for Season 3 and will cause some damage, heck she might go after Stormfront as they had bad terms in that episode. 

The Deep will go to extreme lengths to get back in The Seven

For a season and a half now The Deep has been trying to get back In The Seven and for me it has been the most boring part of the show. However, I think now the head of The Church Of The Collective is dead, either The Deep will take over the organisation or will go to even greater lengths to get back into The Seven. 

A Supe will die

Season 2 saw some death but very few were Supers, especially, the big ones and I think that will change this season. But I think we are going to see a large death in Season 3 and my main prediction will be Queen Maeve, she has been pushing Homelander for a while now and I feel like the third season will see it catch up with her. 


Overall, as you can see there are plenty of things that could happen next season and heck none of them might happen but I am really excited for when it eventually comes. 


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