Friday, October 30, 2020

First Impressions - The Mandalorian Season 2

First Impressions - The Mandalorian Season 2

So after months and months we have the first episode of the 2nd season of The Mandalorian and it has come to save 2020. I watched it as soon as I could and here are my thoughts on the episode and what it could mean for the rest of the season. I have to warn though that if you haven't watched the episode then don't read this as there will be big spoilers. 

The Child is still the cutest

This is just a quick one, The Child doesn't really do much in this episode but react to Mando but he is still really cute and adorable and I am sure as the season goes on we are going to see more of him. 

The Longer run time works in its advantage

This episode run at just over 50 minutes which was longer then any of the episodes from the first season and it really paid off. It allowed the show to take its time and allows us to get more time with Mando and even give a particular supporting character more backstory then pretty much any character got in the first season. 

Timothy Olyphant was great as Cobb Vanth 

It was reported a few months ago that Timothy Olyphant had joined the cast and we see him here as Cobb Vanth a protector of a village in Tatooine. He has possession of some Mandalorian armour and the longer runtime allows his character to be fleshed out and makes us care about him and even though it seems his business with Mando is done, the door is open for him to be seen again. 

Tusken Raiders given the limelight

I have always felt like The Tusken Raiders have been cool, but in the films they are always portrayed as evil slave owning monsters but that changes here. Though they are not straight up heroes they are portrayed in a more positive light and I thought the show did a great job of it and made them more well rounded characters. 

Made Chapter 5: The Gunslinger Worthwhile 

I think the majority of people agreed that the weakest episode of the first season was the 5th one where Mando made his way to Tatooine for no real reason. But this episode makes it worthwhile, it allows Mando to get on with his quest easier and move on to the interesting parts.  

Similar to Chapter 4: The Sanctuary 

Though I will say this episode reminded me of Chapter 4 Sanctuary where Mando and Cara Dune have to protect a village from an ATST. This time Mando and Cobb Vanth have to protect a village and Tusken Raiders from a big creature, I mean this isn't necessarily a bad thing I just thought it was funny how similar it was. 

The Visuals are amazing 

The first season of The Mandalorian looked fantastic, but this episode took it too an new level, I mean it looks better then the majority of movies. Tatooine has never looked better and the creature design is fantastic with some great action scenes and you will saw wow when you see it. 

When we will meet Ahsoka, Greef Karga, Cara Dune & Moff Gideon.

This episode is very contained like the first season but what that means is many of the interesting characters from the first season are not here to be seen. Hopefully these characters will get bigger role as the season progresses. 

Temuera Morrison is back as Boba Fett 

Okay, lets face it this is the biggest news of the episode. Cobb Vanth is in possession with some familiar Mandalorian armour that belonged to fan favourite character Boba Fett. At the end of the episode Mando is back in possession of the armour, when a mysterious character can be seen watching him, he then turns around and it is Boba Fett himself. He looks like he has been through a tough time but at least he is alive and the two characters will clash in the next episode. 


Overall, this is a great first episode of season 2 and if they keep up this quality then it can be even better then the first season, I just hope the characters are given the depth that Cobb Vanth was and the Supporting Players are given as much to do. 


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