Monday, October 12, 2020

Brave New World Season 1 (2020) Review

Brave New World Season 1 (2020) Review

This show recently hit The UK and I have now got around to watching the 9 episode first season and here is my review for it. The premise of the show sees in a new utopia a man from another society arrives and causes chaos in the society. 

Main Character

Alden Ehrenreich who played young Han Solo plays the lead here and he really tries. You can tell there is a really good charismatic young actor in here and he has real moments of quality here that makes him a fun watch. The issue is just the writing for the character, it is something I will go into more later in the review but none of the characters are written particularly well and the same happens here. His character is just really hypocritical, I won't go into too much detail about why but it just isn't a character to really care about. 

Supporting Characters

Jessica Brown Findlay and Harry Lloyd play the main supporting characters and they do decent jobs in their role. Their acting rises them above their characters and they give strong performances to at least provide some intrigue and interest to this show. The rest of the cast didn't do anything for me, Nisa Sosanya plays a strange character that isn't give much depth or explanation, she just turns up for like a scene or two in each episode with not much explanation and not really any reason to care. Hannah John Kamen is a fantastic actress but I wasn't a fan of her character here, I get her role it just isn't one I would usually associate with her. She is silly and over the top and again it is hard to take her seriously as a character. 


The story if I am honest is an absolute mess, it is part convoluted and part generic and it astounds me. There are no likeable characters and nothing to attach yourself to, even though it hides behind all this mumbo jumbo it is a simple society class story and you have seen it millions of times before, and it goes pretty much how you would expect and don't get me started on the underdeveloped romance and love triangle that takes place. Also the majority of the characters are just stupid and act and do things that make no sense and make you wonder just when this show takes place. 


The script is also really weak, as I said it is difficult for a show to literally have nobody to care about but these scriptwriters manage to achieve it. The humour is lacklustre when its there and for me the drama never hit the levels because there was nobody to care about. 


The show looks really good, visually it has a really great unique look to it mixed with a costume and sound design that really shines. Also the action scenes and lets face it Sex scenes because there are tonnes and tonnes of them are well filmed and well acted. But the show is easily a few episodes too long, you could have knocked 2 or 3 episodes off and this would have been a more cohesive enjoyable watch. 


Overall, this is a poor show. It is clearly trying to start a new franchise but I just can't see it, it is bland in its storytelling and has no memorable characters and some great visuals and decent acting can't hide that and make this a show not really worth watching. 

Rating 3/10    

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