Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Minority Report (2002) Review

Minority Report (2002) Review

So with The Minority Report TV show hitting the UK, I thought before I watch it I would re-watch the original film that the show is a sequel too and here is my review for it. The premise of the film is set in the future where a special police force manage to arrest murderers before they commit the crime, but an officer must go on the run when he himself is accused of a future murder. 

Main Character

Tom Cruise plays John Anderton here and he is really good, he just has that leading man about him here, he leans heavily into his Mission Impossible routes and delivers a really physical performance. Also his character has plenty of depth to him, you care about Anderton and as we follow his journey you get more invested and want to see him succeed. Also in typical Cruise fashion, he runs a lot here and lets face it Tom Cruise has the best run in Hollywood so appreciate it in all its glory here. 

Supporting Characters

To be honest this is mainly the Cruise show, but there is a solid supporting cast with him. First Colin Farrell plays an agent who goes against Cruise and he is great here, he also gives a very physical performance and when these two go head to head it is a joy to watch. Max Von Sydow plays Cruises boss here and he is great as always too, the relationship between the two of them feels real and genuine and it adds to the movie greatly. A young Samantha Morton plays Agatha and she is great too with a really interesting performance that adds layers to the film, which is strange when you think just recently she was Alpha on The Walking Dead. Other great actors such as Tim Blake Nelson, Peter Stormare and Neal McDonough add plenty to their roles and add quality to the film. 


The story of this film has a really unique idea that has unfortunately been copied plenty of times since. This film has plenty of philosophical and deep conversations to be had and it does it in a great way while keeping this film exciting and keeping you on edge. For the first almost 2 hours, the film's plot is tight, exciting and interesting. But then I felt like the last 20 minutes wasn't very strong, there is a big twist but if you have watched any film ever you can see it coming from a mile away. Also the ending didn't do much for me, I won't go into spoilers but for a film that is so interesting it felt like the ending was a bit generic and plain. 


The script is great, there is some fantastic dramatic dialogue here and interesting dialogue that keeps you invested. The script is really well written, in terms of keeping the plot interesting and not overcomplicating a film that could have been very easily overcomplicated so it deserves credit for that. There is also some nice little bits of humour added here that rises it above just a dull action film. 


The style of the film is great, even though the film came out 18 years ago it still holds up and looks great, the tech looks really flashy and the whole world looks really cool. The cars in particular look really unique and cool, this film has some really cool action scenes in it, even though one of them clearly inspired an action scene in Attack Of The Clones which brings it down a little bit. It is also funny seeing what stores they thought would be popular in the 2050's, let's just say they get it totally wrong. But this films style is great and adds plenty to the whole experience. 


Overall, this is a fantastic film, an action thriller that has plenty of depth to it that should be on everybody's list to watch. 

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