Thursday, October 29, 2020

Assassin's Creed TV Series announced by Netflix and why it could be awesome

Assassin's Creed TV Series announced by Netflix and why it could be awesome 

So out of nowhere Netflix announced that they have gained the rights to Assassin's Creed and a new Live action TV series is in development. Now I am not a huge fan of the games but I have always thought these games have so much potential either on the big screen or small screen and well the film was terrible so now it is TV's chance and here are my thoughts on it. 

Ignore the film 

Now I feel like this is a given, the Assassin's Creed film came out a few years ago and was universally hated despite its great cast, so it is pretty obvious that it should be ignored. It will be best for this show and others in the universe to just ignore that and start from scratch. 

Spend more time in the Animus 

The biggest criticism of the film is that it barely spends its time in the Animus, the whole point of the damn games and you know the part that focuses on the Assassin's. This show needs to spend the majority of the time in the Animus to give us more interesting stories and opportunities for great action.

Go to different time periods

The games have gone through different time periods which allows them to stay fresher then some other franchises and the show should take note. Whether that is in episode form or even whole seasons, it would allow the show to stay fresh and unique to others in its genre. 

Take inspiration from The Witcher 

Netflix knocked it out of the park with The Witcher last year and if they take inspiration from that show then they are in for a winner here. Delve into the mythology and storytelling with strong actors and this could be a new big money franchise for Netflix. 


Overall, despite the terrible film I am actually excited for this show. Obviously it will be a while before we see this but I think with the right people involved this could be a huge hit. 


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