Monday, October 26, 2020

Rebecca (2020) Review

Rebecca (2020) Review

So this film is a remake of the famous film directed by the legendary Alfred Hitchcock of the same name and has now made its way to Netflix and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a young newlywed arrive at her husbands family estate where the legacy of his former wife Rebecca remains. 

Main Character

Lily James has been in the news lately for some pretty bad things but let's just talk about her performance in this film and unfortunately I didn't care about her character at all. She is just so dull and she never seems like a human being, she is either overacting every scene or just moping about. Also her character is so inconsistent, it is tough to explain without spoilers but she makes some decisions that just feel very strange and like they don't fit with what we have seen throughout the ret of the film. 

Supporting Characters 

Kristen Scott Thomas plays the head maid in the house and I thought she did a good job, she is very chilling and stern in the film, she comes across as a dastardly person and she just does a good job at it here. Sam Riley who I like as an actor has a small role here and I thought he did a good job, it's just a shame that he doesn't have more screen time and more to do here. Armie Hammer plays the husband in this film and he didn't do much for me, he also was a dull character, that I never cared about him or their relationship. They just lacked chemistry and the problem is that neither of them gave me a reason to care about them and this relationship that we are meant to be rooting for. 


The story in the film has some interesting things in it, especially towards the end of the film as more is revealed about what exactly is going as reveals get made and things get more crazy. But none of it really matters, it is very jumbled and not expanded upon, it is like the film meanders so much for the first half of the film that it has to rush the last act and it is clear to see with a truly awful ending. 


The script isn't very good, there is no memorable bits of dialogue and nothing that fleshes out these characters. As I said earlier the writing is so poor and rushes lots of its plot to the 3rd act which makes you confused. 


The best part of this film is that it is really nice to look at, it has great costumes, great locations and great visuals and that is about it. This is a really slow film that feels 3 hours when it is only 2, with not much going on it just feels like a real slog to get through. 


Overall, this is a really poor film and shows why sometimes remakes and reboots are just unnecessary unless it is going to be done to a high quality. Save yourself 2 hours and skip this one. 

Rating - 3/10

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