Tuesday, June 9, 2020

365 DNI (2020) Review

365 DNI (2020) Review

This film recently hit Netflix and has been seen by quite a few people so I have now decided to watch it and review 365 DNI. The premise of the film sees an Italian mafia boss kidnapp a woman and give her 365 days for her to fall in love with him. 

Main Character

The main girl in this film is called Laura and I checked the actresses history and she has done nothing before this film and it really shows as she is terrible here. It feels like she was hired just because she is attractive and was willing to do things that maybe other performers wouldn't be. Her character is laughably bad and has no depth to her at all, she is so weak and you really wonder why you should care about her in the film. Then there is the main guy who is probably even worse, he is so aggressive towards her and unlikeable, the fact that these two people would have any type of relationship is absurd and is hard to watch as it is all the film gives to you.

Supporting Characters

There are literally no interesting supporting characters, it is all the stereotypes you would expect. The ex partners of both people, the crazy bestfriend and the old school gangster but none of them are performed well at all and you are given no reason to care.


There is a slightly interesting premise here but it requires good acting and good storytelling which this film has neither. The two leads have no chemistry together and actually their relationship is pretty abusive and really hard to root for even though the film tries to make you. There are some generic side plots that are there to pad out the film and play no part of the main plot, plus the ending is awful with no explanation at all. 


The script is shocking, the dialogue is truly laughable, there is no hu,our and no drama which makes the film even worse then it should be. 


The film's style mainly focuses on it's sex scenes and yeah they are well done but honestly it is not worth the time, you can find things on the internet that is the same and quicker to watch. This film forgets what it is, it goes on for two hours which is way too long and makes this film feel longer then it has any right to be.


Overall, this is one of the worst films I have ever seen, this film is there for it's sex but the rest of them film has the porn level of acting and storytelling that comes with it making it a truly awful film.

Rating - 1/10

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