Friday, June 12, 2020

Artemis Fowl (2020) Review

Artemis Fowl (2020) Review

This film was meant to be released to cinema around this time but due to the pandemic Disney decided to put it on there streaming service Disney+ so here is my review for Artemis Fowl. The premise of the film sees a young man have to hunt down a secret society of fairies in order to locate his missing father. 

Main Character

Young actor Ferdia Shaw plays the titular character and I don't want to be to harsh but he is not good in this film. He is such a bland character and you are literally given no reason to care at all, that is due to the poor pacing of the film but also due to his performance which isn't inspired at all. It takes all the interesting parts of the character from the book and waters them down to make him a really boring character. 

Supporting Characters

Josh Gad has a pretty big role here and he did a good job here, not his best work but he is the most entertaining character here and the one who looks like he actually wants to be there and wants to try and make the film decent. Nonso Anozie does a decent job here too, we don't learn much about him but he has some moments to shine. Now onto the rest of the cast, Lara Mcdonell is here as a fairy and I didn't really care for her as a character, she doesn't get much development and the performance didn't do anything to stand out for me. Colin Farrell is in this film and he tries but he has nothing to work with and he is wasted here making it more frustrating to why he was even cast in this role in the first place. Then we get to Dame Judi Dench and wow she is terrible here, she has some weird Irish accent and has the worst dialogue imaginable to make this easily one of the worst performances that she has ever given.


The story is so chopped up that you won't care about anything. First of all there is no indication as to really why Artemis is so intelligent and why exactly everything is going on, you are given no reason to care about anybody here and the plight that they are in. The issue is that with this film being rushed out I feel like plenty of scenes were left out which included character development scenes but they are not here and the film just makes no sense at times with a cringeworthy sequel bait ending which will never be followed up on. 


The script here is really poor, there is no humour and the drama is really weak as I said earlier which makes you not care about any of the characters. The screenplay is really poorly written and deserves all of the crticism that it gets.


The style has some okay action sequences and some of the designs are good to see and have real potential. But the CGI doesn't always hold up and makes this film feel like it was from the 90's instead of 2020. The pacing of this film is also awful, it clocks in at 90 minutes and with the rush it feels like you learn nothing and aren't given a reason to remember this film. 


Overall, this film is a waste of time. This film was clearly meant to be a start of a franchise but it won't be because it is a terrible film that had potential but was executed poorly and is not worth a watch.

Rating - 2/10

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