Friday, June 5, 2020

The Last Days Of American Crime (2020) Review

The Last Days Of American Crime (2020) Review

This film hit Netflix today and I have had the chance to watch The Last Days Of American Crime and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a crew attempt to commit a heist just before a signal comes in to play to stop anybody from commiting a major crime. 

Main Character

Edgar Ramirez plays the main character here and honestly I have never been a big fan of his, I just find him really boring to watch and this film is no different as he is such a boring lead character. There is nothing unique about him at all as a lead character and the film gives you no reason to care about him or why he is doing what he is doing so it leads you to become bored by him.

Supporting Characters

The great Sharlto Copley is in this film and when he is on the screen he is clearly the best actor here, I just don't really understand why he was here. His character plays no part in the plot really and it feels like a weird excuse to pad out the length by putting him in here. Anna Brewster plays Ramirez's love interest here and I mean she has the best motivations here, but they still don't work and I didn't care about their romance. There was just nothing there and no chemistry between the two performers to make it interesting or compelling. Michael Pitt plays there associate and he is that character who is just insane for being insane's sake, he has family issues but none of it is expanded enough for you to care and you really wonder why Ramirez's character even decides to work with him as it makes no sense.


The premise of the film is pretty interesting but it is just executed so poorly, you don't care about the characters and the heist doesn't get the attention that it deserves so you aren't exactly clear why and what they are planning to do. There is a side plot with the police that isn't expanded at all and it feels like it is there for no real reason at all. The end of the film is crazy and tries to make you care about the characters but you just don't.


The script is really boring here, the drama didn't connect with me or make me care about anything and there is literally no real humour making this a very sombre and frustrating experience. 


The style of the film has some decent action scenes that are really over the top making them fun experiences, it is just there aren't enough of them. Plus the film is 2 and a half hours which is absurd, it drags on to a slow painful death, the film should have known what it was and aimed for 2 hours or even a little less instead of dragging on with one of the slowest paced movies you will see all year.


Overall, this is a really poor film, so boring and so slow. It just about avoids a 1 rating because of some fun action scenes and Sharlto Copley but it was close because I was so bored watching this film and recommend nobody waste over 2 hours of there day with it.

Rating - 2/10

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