Monday, June 29, 2020

Eurovision Song Contest: The Story Of Fire Saga (2020) Review

Eurovision Song Contest: The Story Of Fire Saga (2020) Review

This film hit Netflix on Friday and being British I know what The Eurovision Song Contest is so I decided to watch this film and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees two Icelandic Musicians given the opportunity to represent their country in The Eurovision Song Contest and attempt to achieve their dreams. 

Main Character

Rachel McAdams plays one of the main characters here and I thought she was really good here. She is the character that I cared about the most here and her journey is the most interesting part of the film. She is a great actress and even though this film doesn't take itself too seriously she tries too at times. Will Ferrell plays her partner and I thought he was fine here, this is nowhere near his strongest performance but he does have some funny moments and even though his story arc is cliche it does work for the film.The two's chemistry is good and they bounce off of each other well, which is good as it is the part of the film that you have to be invested in. 

Supporting Characters

Dan Stevens is one of the best actors going around today and for me he was the standout for this film. He is uber charismatic and really balances on the borderline of being super cool or super annoying but he nails it and oozes style in every scene he is in. Pierce Brosnan plays Ferrel's dad and he is good here, again he isn't the most interesting part of the film but for the role he has to do he does it effectivley. Everybody else also does good jobs and it is nice to see Graham Norton have his real life role here. 


The story here is pretty basic, but the chemistry between the two leads is really good plus it is great seeing the song contest being played out in all of it's glory. But there is this side arc involving the Icelandic government that had potential but it feels really out of place. Plus as I have mentioned there are parts of the film that are very generic leading to it being a predictable film. 


The script has some funny moments in it and some nice drama to it. But there just aren't enough of those funny moments, I am pretty sure this film is trying to be a comedy but it isn't funny enough to be a great comedy unfortunately. 


The style of this film is absurd, you see just how crazy Eurovision is, and what is funny is that this film doesn't even make it much crazier then it is in real life. The song sequences are fantastic, they feel grand on scale and feel epic in nature. But the issue is that you can tell that every actor is lipsyncing and it does take you out of what is happening. Also I felt like the last act is rushed a little bit and it leads to a pretty abrupt ending.


Overall, I feel like this is a very entertaining film, I think if you know little about Eurovision this might not be a film for you. But if you know about the show then this is a fun if not flawed experience that could be worth a watch. 

Rating - 7/10

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