Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Sergio (2020) Review

Sergio (2020) Review 

This film hit Netflix not that long ago and I have now seen Sergio and here is my review for it. The premise of the film is set in the aftermath of the US invasion of Iraq and focuses on the life of UN diplomat Sergio Viera De Mello. 

Main Character

Brazillian born actor Wagner Moura plays the lead actor and he does a good job in the film. Obviously Sergio was an important person in real life so it was high pressure to live up to the person and he lives up to it. You can see he is one of those people who is a nice guy and sticks by his belief to stop war, he is just an easy character to root for because you know he stands for good things and the actor delivers a strong performance here. 

Supporting Characters

Ana De Armas from Knives Out plays his love interest in the film and she does a good job. She has a strong character and I actually thought they had pretty decent chemistry together making them a decent partnership and a romantic couple you want to succeed. Though the rest of the cast don't have anything to them, they aren't given as much of a focus so at times when you are meant to care I just didn't because the film gave me no reason too. 


The story is actually more of a love story here and as a love story it works and they are a good couple together. Seeing there relationship grow is a highlight of the film and is nice to see. But I must admit when I heard about this film I was hoping to see him as a diplomat, it happens but it isn't expanded enough to make it interesting or really see him doing what he is known for. Plus the ending of the film for me wasn't presented that well, it can't be changed due to the real life events but it could have been made larger and more epic then it was. 


The script has some decent drama to it mostly romantic dialogue but nothing that stands out. There are no standout dramatic scenes and I know this is quite a serious film but nobody has any funny moments which just feels unnatural as human beings are funny, so it is hard to believe that not one person would have some humour to them. 


Now we get to the style of the film, alot of this film happens through flashbacks but they go a bit all over the place and aren't that interesting. Plus this film is really slowly paced, it never picks up its pace and feels like it lulls it's way through 2 hours that won't be very memorable. 


Overall, this is a very average film, the person it is about is more interesting then this film about him and I would say unless you are interested in Sergio Vieria De mello then this is one you can skip.

Rating - 5/10

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