Saturday, June 27, 2020

Margot Robbie set to lead a new Pirates Of The Carribean Film and why I don't care

Margot Robbie set to lead a new Pirates Of The Carribean Film and why I don't care 

So there has been quite a bit of movie news this week and this is the newest one. It was confirmed last night that Margot Robbie will be the lead in a new Pirates Of The Carribean Film, this news isn't that suprising as it has been rumoured for a while. I just wanted to give my thoughts on it and why this news doesn't interest me and why The Pirates Of The Carribean franchise either needs a long break or to be stopped completley. 

Margot Robbie is not a bankable movie star

Margot Robbie is a fantastic actress, her performances in films such as The Wolf Of Wall Street and Once Upon A Time In Hollywood prove she is a great actress, when amongst bigger names such as Leonado DiCaprio. But with her role of Harley Quinn as good as she is in the role it is clear her star power isn't enough for fans. Suicide Squad & Birds Of Prey failed both commercially and critically and it just gives me the feeling that this film will do similar. 

Johnny Depp is this franchise

Lets face it the main reason that people have watched 5 of these films already is that of Johnny Depp's enigmatic performance as Captain Jack Sparrow. But even that failed, his performance in Salazaar's revenge felt flat and like he was just phoning it in at that point. Obviously, due to Depp's legal issues there is very little chance of him appearing here and I wonder whether audiences are going to care as much. 

What is left to tell? 

It's hard to remember but this film's origins come from a ride at the Disney theme park, the first film was one of the biggest suprises in film history being a fantastic film and a cult classic. But it amazes me that they have managed to get 5 films out of this concept, a trilogy would have been perfect but they had to force 2 more films that felt unnecesarry and now this film that I feel like is just a cheap cash in on this franchise.

Overall, this news doesn't excite me one bit. The Pirates Of The Carribean has it's moments but it risks being dragged down and remembered for being a poor franchise which it is already at the risk of doing. 

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