Thursday, June 4, 2020

Jurassic World (2015) Review

Jurassic World (2015) Review

Before watching this film's sequel I have decided to rewatch Jurassic World and here is my review for the film. The premise sees in 2015, Jurassic World has been opened on Isla Nubla, when a new genetically modified Dinoasur escapes it causes chaos.

Main Character

Chris Pratt plays the lead in this film and he is good in the role. He is very charming and charismatic like you would expect from him but he actually has a pretty interesting character. You can see he feels about the dinosaurs in a different way to previous lead characters that he does care about them and doesn't just want to see them all destroyed.

Supporting Characters

Bryce Dallas Howard plays a large role in the film and I thought she was fine. She has an arc here and does change throughout giving some decent emphasis here but it wasn't perfect by any means. Her chemistry with Pratt wasn't great and seeing her run through the park with high heels was laughable. Vincent D'onofrio plays a bad guy here and he is usually a great actor but I thought his character was silly here. He is very campy and over the top with an absolutley absolutley ridiculous plan that feels like a stupid part of the film. Like Jurassic Park there are two kids who need rescuing but it worked there and doesn't here, the two kids are annoying, the older one is a creep and the younger one spends most of the film crying and I didn't care about them at all during the film.


The best part of the story is easily seeing John Hammond's vision come to life by seeing a Jurassic theme park even though after the events of the other film it makes no sense for it to open but it is great to see. Seeing this new Dinosaur go through the park is fun to watch and enjoyable as it does feel like something new and fresh. But there are some absurd side plots mainly including D'onofrio's character's idea which is beyond believeable, plus this film does follow the trend of Jurassic Park 3 a bit with a very long chase scene taking up plenty of the plot but it doesn't go to those lengths. 


The script has some decent dialogue, it actually has some cheesy moments that I think peppered in actually worked here. Some of the humour took away from the drama and I could have done with being a bit less, but it was nice to see a return to the nature vs nurture debate that was part of the original film. 


The style for the film is great to be honest, yes the dinosaurs are all CGI here but they look great. In this modern era CGI is so good that it was the natural choice here and it makes the Dinosaurs feel larger and more scary then they have in previous films. As I said it is nice to see a Jurassic Park and I could have done with seeing even more of the park as it really is an interesting idea.


Overall, this is a good film, it doesn't hit the iconic nature of the original film but it is a fun film that brings in a new audience and is a worthy addition to the Jurassic franchise.

Rating - 7/10

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