Thursday, June 25, 2020

7500 (2020) Review

7500 (2020) Review

This film hit Amazon last week and has a big star in Joseph Gordon-Levitt in it so I was interested, I have now watched 7500 and here is my review for the film. The premise of the film sees an American pilot forced to attempt to save his passengers lives when his plane is taken over by hijackers.

Main Character

As mentioned above Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays the lead character and he is just fabulous here, this is easily one of the best performances I have seen all year. The guy is just a movie star and he just nails it here, you feel so much sympathy for him and he manages to make you care about him in literally every scene that he is in. He delivers a very powerful performance and he carries this movie and drags every little bit out of every scene that is possible. 

Supporting Characters

There is one of the terrorists that Levitt has to connect with and for a young foreign actor I thought he did a decent job. He does shout a bit much, but the film does a good job with his character as you see he maybe isn't into the terrorism as his older partners and that makes it an interesting scenario. I mean there aren't too many other supporting characters here but they all do good jobs and add to the emotion for Levitt which means they manage to do their job well. 


The story is really thrilling for me, the fact that the film takes place in just a cockpit of a plane adds to the intrigue as it makes you feel very clostraphobic and like you are stuck in with Levitt. This feels like a very real scenario compared to something like the Liam Neeson film Non-Stop which has a similar premise which is absurd. It takes it's time and puts you in the shoes of Levitt and makes it a character piece in a really intense film. But I felt like this film could have done a bit better with the terrorists motivations as it isn't explored at all. Also the ending is quite abrupt, I get why it is like it but I could have maybe done one or two more scenes with Levitt to truly finish his story.


The script is great, there is so much fantastic drama and intense scenes that will leave you on the edge of your seat. I also love the fact that when some characters are speaking German there are no subtitles so we don't understand them just like Gordon-Levitt, it puts you in his role and makes you as confused by certain aspects which was a fantastic choice. Also when the humour is used at the beginiing of the film it does a good job in building the rapport between Levitt and his colleagues. 


This is one of the reasons I feel like this film has been criticised, it is methodical and a slower pace. Do not expect this high octaine action film, expect a slower intense character study that will grip you. But this film is 90 mins long and honsestly I could have done with an extra 10 mins which could have fleshed it out a bit more and raising the overall quality.


Overall, this might be the sleeper hit of 2020 for me, other people might not enjoy this film but I was gripped throughout. If you are looking for an intense slighlty slower thriller then 7500 is a must watch.

Rating - 8/10

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