Thursday, May 14, 2020

Code 404 Season 1 (2020) Review

Code 404 Season 1 (2020) Review

 This show recently debuted on Sky and I have now had the chance to watch the first season of Code 404 and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a policeman killed, when he is bought back to life he and his partner go on the hunt for his killer. 

Main Character

Daniel Mays and Stephen Graham play the main characters on this show and I thought they both did a good job in their role, Graham more then Mays. Mays is the character the show is about and I thought he was quite charming and funny at times, there are times also when he just becomes too much and becomes irritating more then funny. Stephen Graham is a fantatsic actor and he gives his best in everything and he really carries this show in my opinion, he is clearly the best actor and it is great to see him work. Their chemistry is pretty good together and it is the best part of the show to be honest. 

Supporting Characters

And now onto the weaker parts of the show, the supporting cast is probably the biggest one, I just don't care about anybody else in this show. Whether it being May's wife on the show or the villains or the police officers nobody stands out at all as somebody you should like or care about and it does drag the show down. 


The story is pretty generic, imagine Robocop meets Hot Fuzz but in all the wrong ways. The dysfunctional partners are here, the forced love triangle is here, the crooked cops are here, the useless police chief is here. It is the most basic plot there is, it is predictable and just dull, there is nothing new here at all and the twists towards the end of the season you can see from a million miles away even though the show thinks it is really clever. 


The script is also not the most unique, it has some decent humour and drama in it that improves the show but again nothing you haven't seen before. The characters aren't made more interestiing by it and the plot isn't made smarter by the writing. 


The style of the show again is very basic, the action scenes are a particular weak point. When you have Artificial Intelligence involved it can lead to interesting fight scenes but this show doesn't do it and leaves it being very generic. It only has 6 episodes and feels like maybe it could have done with an episode more or two to really focus on the overall villain but it doesn't and leads to more questions then answers. 


Overall, I didn't enjoy this season, apart from the lead performances there isn't really anything here. There are much better shows out there to watch at the minute so I would just ignore this one and not give it the 3 hours it takes to watch it. 

Rating - 3/10 

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