Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Ruby Rose leaves her role as Batwoman after the first season - why it is sad

Ruby Rose leaves her role as Batwoman after the first season - Why it is sad

Big news came out this moring that actress Ruby Rose has decided to leave her role as Batwoman after the first season of the show. The first season has finished in the US but is still in the middle part of it's season in The UK, I haven't watched any of the show yet as I will be saving it for a bulk watch but this is a news post and why this news could be seen as a sad thing for everyone involved.

Could have been down to a serious injury she suffered on set

As heard earlier this year while she was filming the first season Rose suffered a serious injury, she had two herniated discs in her back which made it difficult for her to feel her arms and even could have led to facial paralysis. Now it is believed that this wasn't anybody's fault in particular but it must have been a very difficult situation for her. It has been rumoured that due to this she didn't want to put her body at extra risk and decided it would be better to let the show progress without her. 

Could have been down to Social media abuse

This one is maybe even worse then the first option, when she was cast in the role for the Arrowverse crossover 'Elseworlds' she suffered plenty of abuse on Twitter forcing her to quit the social media site. This was mainly due to Rose's views of being Gender fluid which some people said wasn't gay enough to play the role of Batwoman who is seen as a lesbian character. This was absurd as she is an actress and the criticism was unwanted and it should never lead to a person deciding to leave a job especially if they enjoy that job, so this would be a terrible reason for her to leave.

It was her real first big break

Rose has appeared in other TV Shows and films but this was the first time that she would be seen as the lead of her own show, a comic book show which are seen as some of the most popular that there is. It is sad that from what I saw she seemd an appropriate pick for the role and that she won't get the chance to really cement herself in the role.

The person taking over will have a hard job

Obviously now this will lead to speculation as to who will play the role in Season 2 and beyond but I think whoever that is will have a hard job. It is always difficult for a show to have one actor as a character and then have to replace them, it can work such as Spartacus that had to do it unfortunatley, but it is never easy especially at the beginning. 

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