Monday, May 18, 2020

The American (2010) Review

The American (2010) Review

 This film is one of the most watched on Netflix at the moment so I thought I would give The American a watch and here is my review for the film. The premise of the film sees a Spy have to move to Italy to take part in his final mission.

Main Character

George Clooney plays the main character in this film and he does an okay job, he isn't his usual charismatic self, with a more dramatic character and he does okay at times, you see he is trying to give a good performance even if that isn't totally possible. Though I have to say his character is incredibly boring, there is no depth to him at all, you learn nothing about his character or his motivations. He is a really poor spy and you even question how he even got this role in the first place. 

Supporting Characters

The other characters are just as dull, it is pretty much a foreign supporting cast but none of them have any development either. There is a generic love interest and I swear every female character feels like they were created by a teenage boy as all they do is get naked and spend the film trying to get Clooney's attention. 


The story is so boring it is hard to explain, I have finished watching the film and I am still not sure what the plot was about. Why clooney is doing this job and why people are after him is never explained. Certain characters motivation including Clooney are so wishy washy and hard to understand, which is added even more with a very abrupt and lackluster ending. 


The script is incredibly bland, this film takes itself so seriously but provides nothing interesting, the fact is that Clooney's character has very little dialogue and nothing of interest to say, no in depth drama or comedy making this a boring script.


The style for the film has some good cinematography and location, seeing Italy as the backdrop is nice and interesting but also a little quiet in terms of population. Now onto the pacing which is so slow, I get what they were going for with a slower more methodical pacing instead of an action heavy film but it doesn't work and makes this film feel incredibly slow and a drag to get to the end. 


Overall, I don't understand why people have been watching this film as I think it is really bad, it is just really slow and an absolute drag to get through making this a film you should avoid. 

Rating - 2/10

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