Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Gentlemen (2020) Review

The Gentlemen (2020) Review

This film was one of those that came out earlier this year and actually made it to the cinema but I missed it and now I have seen The Gentlemen and here is my review for the film. The premise sees an American drug manufacturer looking to sell his business in London which leads to many different parties looking to get involved.

Main Character

Matthew McConaughey plays the lead in this film and you can tell he really thrives in this role. He is intimdiating and charming mixed into one to make him this interesting character, you don't learn too much about him but that adds a bit to the mystique to his performance and he is just fun to watch.

Supporting Characters

This film has a big cast and everyone does a good job, Charlie Hunnam plays a big part in the film and I thought he was good. He has his usual gruff here but he actually had quite a bit of personality in this film and again he just looked like he was having plenty of fun here. Hugh Grant has a big role and he is brilliant here, he like transforms here, if nobody told me this was Hugh Grant I would not have suspected it at all. He is funny and sarcastic with him really guiding us the audience through the film and really does a great job in leading us through the journey. Colin Farrell is also really good in this film, he is incredibly funny and charming, plus he is a really menacing but likeable presence which adds plenty to the film. 


The positives for the story is that it is presented and told in a pretty unique way which suprised me and kept me on my toes. It also moves very quickly making you wonder what crazy thing is going to happen next which is something most films can't do. However, the actual plot is pretty basic, there isn't much unique about it, there are some gangsters and deals and backstabbings that you aren't that unpredictable plus a few of them could have been cut out in order to make the better parts of the plot more interesting. 


The script has plenty of quick witted and sharp dialogue, the humour is there to make these funny characters and add to the hyper reality that is on show. Though the dramatic dialogue was lacking for me, I wasn't sure why the characters fully cared about each other or felt there lives were in danger because the film doesn't take the time to focus on it.


The style of the film is great, it is ridiculous and over the top, it has violence throughout which is to be expected and as mentioned it moves really quickly which does keep you interested throughout. 


Overall, this is a real return ro form for Guy Ritchie and it is a great watch which is full of fun and worth a watch if you like this style of film.

Rating - 8/10


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