Monday, May 4, 2020

New Star Wars Film Announced To Be Directed by Taika Waititi - What Could It Be?

New Star Wars Film Announced To Be Directed by Taika Waititi - What Could it Be?

 So with it being May The Fourth everybody has been watching Star Wars films and TV series including me, when around 5pm news was announced that a new Star Wars film was being made directed and written by Thor Ragnarok Director Taika Waititi. So with this announcement speculation is obviously necessary so I have decided to look at potential avenues they could go down for this film, but this is guess work for sure. 

Continue Rey's Journey

So I think this isn't going to happen but the first idea would be to continue the story following The Rise Of Skywalker. The end of the film sees Rey embrace her destiny as a Skywalker and a Jedi so we could see her attempt to restart the Jedi but to me it doesn't hold much interest for me and I am not sure what villains could be used as they shouldn't bring back any new villains like it did with Palpatine. 

A Mandalorian Film

Now I am putting 2 and 2 together and getting 7 here. Waititi directed the first and last episode of the first season of The Mandalorian as well as starring in it. I would much prefer this franchise to be just a TV Series but, he knows the character very well and I can see Disney wanting to profit on the popularity of the show by making a film to go alongside it with a shared vision which this would be. 

Solo 2 

Now I know Solo was not a loved film but I want to see a sequel mainly to see Han's story progress and where they go with Maul before his story continues in Rebels. Solo maybe didn't hit the high levels but with the humour that Waititi has and the style he has I think he could be the perfect person to breath life into this franchise and get it on track. 

An Old Republic Film

This is something that people have been asking for forever, people want to see a film based on The Knights Of The Old Republic and the Sith vs Jedi War with me being one of them and this could be the chance to do it. The only thing is with Waititi's style I just think this probably wouldn't be the right fit and think more of the tone of Rogue One would be a better fit. 

Something completley new

Now I think this might be the best chance, with Star Wars going more into the TV realm I think we might see less films but they might want to start new franchises out of Star Wars and trusting somebody like Taika Waititi with this would be a great choice. 

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