Saturday, May 9, 2020

Ocean's Twelve (2005) Review

Ocean's Twelve (2005) Review

 So after the highly successful Ocean's Eleven, Hollywood thought it would be a good idea to come up with a sequel a few years later in Ocean's Twelve and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees the crew reunite and add a member in order to commit some international heists to pay back Tony Benedict after their heist in the previous film. 

Main Character

Brad Pitt is given more of the screen time in this film and he is his usual charismatic self in this film, it is entertaining to see him in action and I think that is because he is simply Brad Pitt. The problems I have are with his character there are some things retconned from the previous film to attempt to give him more character but it didn't work and actually goes against the methods he had in the previous film. George Clooney is also back as Danny Ocean and he is fine in the film, similar to Pitt I feel like I only like his character in this film because he is George Clooney, there is no progression in his character and it just feels like Clooney being Clooney which isn't particularly interesting. 

Supporting Characters 

It is really entertaining to see the crew back together for sure, Matt Damon, Don Cheadle & Elliot Gould have some good moments in the film and I thought they were just as fun if not more fun in this film then the previous one. Also shoutout to Vincent Cassell who gives a fun performance but not really given enough to make you care about his character. Julia Roberts as Tess is back as the extra member of the team and once again like the previous film I just don't care about her character and there are some questionable things about her character that just made me believe there was not really much care about her character in this film. Catherine Zeta-Jones plays the detective going after the crew but she was really bland to me, for some reason there had to be a detective in the film and she has a forced story arc that links her to Pitt but it feels very tacked on and like she again wasn't the part they took the most time with. 


It's hard because for a heist film it usually has a fun story, seeing a crew have to rob something and this film does an alright job at it. I really enjoyed how the team come together, it feels like an homage to the previous film in all the right ways, though there are way more issues with this film's story. The motivation for the plot doesn't really feel important enough and you don't have as much interest in the heist as you did in the previous film. The film decides to focus on the relationship between Zeta Jones and Pitt's characters and Cassell's motivation both which are weak and a shallow part of the film. Also just thought I would mention there is a story arc involving the character as Tess and it is just absurd, in a film you are meant to take seriously it really takes you out of the film. If you have seen the film you know what part I mean and honestly it belongs in something like a Deadpool movie it is that stupid and crazy. 


The script starts off with some great humour and has a bit to keep you liking it, but it gets less funny as the film goes on. This film also has less clever writing and tries to be so crazy that it feels to much, for me one of the best parts of Ocean's Eleven is that it is very clever but it feels logical for the most part where this film doesn't at all. Also the drama in this film is a clear weak point and is linked to the weaker elements of the story.


The style of the film has a nice background, it is entertaining seeing these guys go more international and comitting crimes in places such as Amsterdam and Rome and adds a different flavour to this film. It is just the pacing for the film is a bit off, as mentioned it focuses on stories that don't really matter and things that hold the film back.


Overall, this is a very average movie, it feels like after a great first film they had to make a sequel so they made this film and even though there are some positives it isn't a film I would suggest watching. 

Rating - 5/10 

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