Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Man From Uncle (2015) Review

The Man From Uncle (2015) Review 

 This film seems to be gaining a bit more popularity during lockdown as it is one of the most poular films on Netflix and I have rewatched  the film The Man From Uncle and here is my review for the film. The premise of the film sees an American and Russian agent have to work together in an aim to stop a nucleur bomb from being detonated. 

Main Character

Armie Hammer is the Russian agent and Henry Cavill is the brilliantly named Napoleon Solo who is the American agent and they are both fine in this movie. I like Cavill and I think Hammer is okay and that is all I feel coming out of the movie. They are functional and have okay chemistry but there just isn't anything that really stands out in this film, Cavill plays the loud and obnoxious American but there isn't much depth and Hammer plays the stoic Russian but again its a pretty generic character but both performers try it's just they aren't very memorable characters. 

Supporting Characters

Alicia Vikander is in this film and I thought she did a good job in the film, she is just a great actress and she does some good work here, her character keeps you guessing and is entertaining to watch. But again like the lead characters there isn't much to her character but she is a good actress who works in this film. Hugh Grant plays a small role in the film and he is very entertaining here but he isn't given a large role but when he is on screen he is a very likeable person. But nobody else does much in this film Jared Harris does very little and is a pretty dull character and Elizabeth Debicki plays the villain and there is nothing to her in this film and she can't rise above her very bland character. 


Easily the worst part of the film here is the story, if you read the premise of the film you know exactly what you are getting from the plot of the film but the film just doesn't nail it as well as it should. I was entertained watching the film but there was no depth to anything in the film, none of the characters progress in an interesting way and it feels like just an excuse for some cool action sequences and an homage to old spy films. 


The script is very cheesy, but that isn't a problem really at all because as mentioned this is an homage to old spy films, I laughed a bit and thought for this film it did work. It's just the drama doesn't work, the film tries to make you care and I just didn't really, if it didn't try you could maybe excuse it but it really tries to make you care and just fails for me. 


Here is the best part of the film though, this film is directed by Guy Ritchie and yoy can really tell as this film has his fingerprints all over it. It is one of those films that come across as very cool, the action scenes were decent but nothing that stood out but it is just the way it is presented it comes across very well and is memorable for sure. 


Overall, this film for sure is entertaining to watch and I think people who watch this film will enjoy it, just for me it was an okay spy film and if maybe given a bit more depth we could have had a truly brilliant film but it does fall short. 

Rating - 6/10 

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