Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 7 (2020) Review

Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 7 (2020) Review

 After many years and a big buildup we have finally seen the 7th and final season of The Clone Wars and I have finished the season and here is my review. The premise of the season sees Ahsoka attempt to move on from her exile from the Jedi while Captain Rex attempts to prepare his troops for the end of the war. 

Main Character

Even though the first few seasons focused on Anakin Skywalker in my opinion the real main character of the Clone Wars is easily that of Ahsoka as we see her story really develop through our eyes. From the movie where she is introduced as this young padawan to this season where she is more of this conflicted person who isn't exactly sure of her place in this war but also wants to help people and do things the Jedi won't. Her character is so well done this season and I think the way her arc ends this season is done flawlessly and really gives a payoff for really 12 years of a character on this show. 

Supporting Characters

The other original character that gets a great story arc is that of Captain Rex. To see his characrter arc from the movie to now is enthralling. This season alone you see his character go through all types of emotions, I think the point if this show was to make you care about The Clone Troopers and I really cared about Rex this season and thought he had a really interesting story. Maul was a character introduced in The Phantom Menace but in my opinion he didn't become an interesting character till he returned on this show. His character is very menacing but he is a great opposite to Ahsoka and there stories are fascinating, they are both thrust into the limelight away from there masters and you see Mauls own plans and how they affect the story. Anakin & Obi-Wan are in this season less but they are well handled, ties to Anakin's eventual turn are still here and are heavily implied. The relationship between Anakin & Ahsoka is pretty heartbreaking here and again it feels like a worthy payoff for the show.


The show has two great story arcs in it, seeing Rex and The Bad Batch's story was great showing the development of Rex and how the clones really differ at this point. Then Ahsoka's character plot is fascinating, this could be as a bit of a spoiler but the show comes to the point of crossing over with Revenge Of The Sith and the way it is handled is truly emotional. Plus with it being the end of the show is has to have a satisfying ending which this show truly does and it is handled perfectly. Though I have an issue with the story being the middle story with Ashoka hanging out with the Martinez sisters, as much as I like Ahsoka as a character I just didn't care for this story and it takes up way too many episodes with very little payoff in my opinion. 


The script is brilliant this season, the drama feels much more mature this season and there are some truly gutwrenching moments that even though we have been expecting them I thought they were handled brilliantly. Also when used the humour is better this season and makes the characters feel much more human and a more complete package for the characters which previous seasons have lacked.


The style of the show is the best ever for sure, it is crazy to see how the animation has developed from the movie to now. The characters feel more alive and the action scenes are brilliant to watch. The lightsaber fight between Maul & Ashoka is memorable and a great moment which will stand out for many years to come. The show also benefits from having only 12 episodes and it flows much better then any of the other seasons for sure.


Overall, this is easily the best ever season of the show it ends brilliantly and it really makes the 12 year journey feel worth it and this is easily one of the best Star Wars things around and I think may lead to Star Wars trying to nail more animated shows for sure.

Rating - 9/10 

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