Thursday, May 21, 2020

Wonder Woman (2017) Review

Wonder Woman (2017) Review

With the news about Justice League coming last night I only have this film left before watching Justice League so today I watched Wonder Woman and here is my review for the film. The premise of the film is set 100 years before Batman V Superman and sees Diana have to leave her home in order to track down The God Of War Ares and attempt to stop World War 1.

Main Character

Gal Gadot is back as Wonder Woman in this film and she does a great job in this film, I kind of wish this film was her introduction as it is a great character piece and you see her develop so much throughout the film. She looks the part and fills the role very well, she is charming and stubborn but you grow to care about and I must say to this point she was easily the most fleshed out character in this universe after the job they did with Superman in Dawn Of Justice. 

Supporting Characters

Chris Pine plays Steve Trevor in this film and I thought he did a really good job, he usually plays the macho charismatic male lead so it is nice seeing him in this role where he is the less dominant character on screen. He is an interesting character aswell, the dynamic between him and Gadot is fantastic and it is one of the most believable partnerships that I have seen recently. There is also a character in this film Charlie played by Ewan Bremner who is a fascinating character and leads to some dark moments in this film that makes him a more interesting characters. The film falls down though on it's villains, they are all so over the top, they feel like they are from a different movie, everybody else feels like they are in an important dramatic film but they came from an over the top 80's film. 


The film has a really interesting story, it is about a character from a paradise learn about the real world and how men aren't perfect and everybody makes mistakes. Learning about this character and her motivations is really fascinating as you see her deal with men for the first time and the huge thing that is World War 1. I know some people crticise the last act but I thought the story elements worked for the film and provided some really emotional moments and you see why she is the character she is in present day. 


The script is really good, it is the first film in the DCEU to this point to really hit the blend between drama and humour, I laughed when I was supposed to, the drama hit some emotional moments and it really did a great job of improving this film. 


The style of the film has some good action scenes and has a really effective setting. There is some issues though, the overuse of slow motion is a detriment, every action scene has some sort of slow motion and it feels lazy. Also the last act of the film goes down to the generic CGI action scene and it is really genric. Though I will say this film includes one of the greatest moments in Comic Book films ever in my opinion, if you have seen this film you know what moment I am talking about. 


Overall, this is a great origin film and does a great job in building up the character of Wonder Woman. There are some things that can be improved in the future but this is a great start.

Rating - 8/10 

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