Friday, July 31, 2020

The Grudge (2020) Review

The Grudge (2020) Review

I have to admit out of all the genres of films there is Horror is my least favourite but I am going try and watch some more Horror movies to see if my opinion can be changed and it starts with the 2020 version of the film The Grudge and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a cursed house with a vengeful ghost that goes after everybody that enters. 

Main Character 

Now while watching the film it became difficult to pin down a main character but in the end I went with Andrea Riseborough who plays a detective and she is fine making her easily the best performance here. It is just you learn nothing about her character, and she disappears from the film for like 20 minutes which feels like forever and I feel like she was hurt by this film just being an utter mess in terms of its storytelling. 

Supporting Characters

The Supporting cast is just a waist here, it is a bit surprising as there are some good actors such as John Cho and Lin Shaye but they are so uninspired and dull that the film gives you no reason to care. There are also some truly awful performances that are just laughably bad and really make this just seem like a silly film. 


The story is not only boring and one dimensional but it is so convoluted and makes no sense. The way the film is set up mixes flashbacks and present day but it presents it so badly that you don't even realise, plus it ends up with way too many characters making it hard to get invested with anybody. The whole motivations of The Ghost too is never explained and just feels like a way to have pointless horror. 


One thing that is usually a weakness in Horror Films is the script and this film is no different. The characters act really stupid and they are just laughably wooden and boring with no life into them at all. 


The style of any Horror film is important and there are some moments of genuine tension here but they are few and far between. If you like jump scares then this is the film for you, they are such a cheap scare and it becomes tiresome so quickly and it really hurts this film. 


Overall, this is not the film to change my opinion on horror, it is truly terrible and just one of many cheaply made dull films. I would advise against watching this unless you love horror which means you have already sat through this snooze fest.

Rating - 2/10

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Prodigal Son - First Impressions

Prodigal Son - First Impressions

So I am giving this a go, I have watched the first episode of Prodigal Son and I just wanted to give my opinion on the first episode and my first impressions of the show. This blog will include spoilers for the first episode so if you haven't seen it yet then maybe read this at a later time. 

Tom Payne is Fantastic in the lead 

I mostly know Tom Payne for appearing on The Walking Dead as Jesus and I always thought he was underutilised and a pretty dull character. But here I thought he was fantastic, his relationship with his serial killer father is really interesting and seeing how it influences his life and work in the police force is fascinating and not just your generic heroic lead.

Looks like it is building a fun crew

A Cop show like this relies on it's crew of characters and I thought this show established this well. Alongside Payne the other police characters were well done and I think their is plenty of growth for there relationships to grow.

The family element needs work

The relationship between Payne and his father played by Michael Sheen is interesting but I must be honest I didn't feel much for the scenes involving his mum and sister and feel like they were just tacked on. I hope this part of the story gets more interesting and more developed.

It could get dull very quickly

This is something I am worried about. We see Payne and crew solve a murder in this episode and I have checked and there are 20 episodes here, so I am just worried that if every episode goes like this then it could become very repetitive very quickly.


Overall, I quite liked this first episode of Prodigal Son and even though there are some issues, I am going to stick with it and would recommend giving it a chance. 

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) Review

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) Review

So next on the list for my X-Men review series is the first solo movie X-Men Origins: Wolverine and I have now watched it and here is my review for it. The premise of the film looks at the history of Wolverine and how exactly he got his iconic Adamantium Claws and lost his memory. 

Main Character

Hugh Jackman is once again back as Wolverine and I really feel sorry for him here. He really tries to give a great performance and there are a few moments where he shows it but the writing for the character is so poor and it does nothing to advance his character and provides a dull origin story that for me actually hurts the character in the long run. 

Supporting Characters

Liev Schrieber is cast as Victor Creed, who is Wolverines brother here and I thought he was great casting here. He fit his role well and he came across as a good antagonist and his relationship with Jackman is easily the highlight of the movie. Danny Huston Plays William Stryker and he is fine, he does a good job in the well and fits what we know about the character from the previous film X2 where the character is the main antagonist. But the rest of the cast as poor, Wolverine has a love interest and she was just so boring, I didn't buy into their relationship and it really took the drama away for me. There is also some weird casting like Taylor Kitch as Gambit and Will I Am which also really took me out of this movie. Plus don't get me started on how this film uses Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool and thank goodness he got redeemed on a later date. 


The story here has one redeemable quality which is the relationship between Logan and Victor which I thought was pretty well handled in this film. But the rest of the plot does not work at all, it is just all over the place. So the love story doesn't work at all and this film tries to force some famous characters here and it doesn't work at all and makes this story not work. Also if you want X-men continuity it is not here, this film counteracts previous films and just makes it a bit confusing. 


The script here doesn't work for me, the drama comes across as forced and Wolverine really lacks any sort of charm and charisma that he at least had some of in the previous films. It becomes so convoluted that the film forgets what it is doing and rushes parts of Wolverine's origin story. 


The style of the film has some okay action scenes, especially the one in the last act which is quite entertaining. But there are also some terrible action scenes and they even screw up Wolverines claws making them look completely fake and CGI which is blasphemous in a Wolverine film. 


Overall, this film just feels really pointless, I was watching it going it isn't terrible but I have no idea why anybody should watch this so I would advise not watching this film.

Rating - 4/10

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

How to Build a Girl (2020) Review

How to Build a Girl (2020) Review

So this film recently found its way to streaming in the UK and has been gaining a bit of buzz so I have watched How to Build a Girl and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a teenager living in Wolverhampton become a popular but conflicted music critic. 

Main Character

Beanie Feldstein plays the main character and no slander on the actress here because I am sure she is talented but I couldn't get on board with her character. Her character came across as so annoying and I know this is part of her story arc, but even when she is meant to be good she comes across as annoying and I really found it hard to sympathise for her. As well the accent just didn't work for me, I am pretty certain she isn't from the midlands and it is pretty distracting here.

Supporting Characters

This film actually has a talented supporting cast, but most of them are in very small roles which is a let down. Paddy Considine plays her father here and I thought he was great, he is just a very charming actor and you see how his character affects her and he does his job well. Alfie Allen most known for playing Theon Greyjoy in Game Of Thrones is here and he does a really good job, he plays her friend and I just think he is a good actor and he does a fine job in the role. But the rest of the family and co workers didn't interest me and felt like generic stereotypes that actually does a poor job in representing men and at times it makes this feel like a feminist puff piece. 


The story here is okay, it is one of those coming of age stories and it is done okay, the character starts in one way and ends up in a completely different way which is a good sign. But this film hits every beat of that formula without going against it once and it really holds it back, also as I said earlier this film is clearly not aimed at me and it feels like a film that tries a deeper message but just fails. 


The script is also okay, there are a few chuckle worthy laughs and moments which makes it pass nicely. It is just never that moment that really makes you laugh and I thought the majority of the drama fell flat. 


The style of the film didn't do enough for me, I felt this film was a bit slow and meandering and it just didn't do anything to particularly stand out and rise above its pretty generic story. 


Overall, I thought this was a pretty poor film that just didn't do much for me personally, though I think there might be a demographic for this film I wouldn't recommend it. 

Rating - 3/10

The Umbrella Academy Season 1 (2019) Review

The Umbrella Academy Season 1 (2019) Review

So season 2 of The Umbrella Academy is set to hit Netflix on Friday and for some reason I never got around to watch it when it came out so I have watched the first season now and here is my review for it. The premise of the show sees a group of former child superheroes have to reunite to attempt to stop the apocalypse. 

Main Character

Ellen Page plays Vanya and I was on the fence over her performance, but I ended up liking it. No spoilers here, but she is a more human and normal character here and that at times makes her seem quite boring compared to the rest of the cast but when I thought about it the character worked for me. Tom Hopper plays Luther and I liked him too, he is just good in his role, he is pretty charming and a good character, there are some things you learn about him that make him more interesting but it does take some time to get there. 

Supporting Characters

Young actor Aidan Gallagher plays a character simply known as Number 5 and I don't want to go into too much detail as his character is easily the most interesting and unique about this show but he is fantastic here. Robert Sheehan as Klaus as well is a really interesting character, he is easily the most bizarre character here but I thought compared to everybody else here the dynamic worked well. The characters of Diego and Allison are also well done though I didn't find them as interesting as the other characters mentioned above. 


The story is really good here, this family is so interesting to watch and seeing the different skill sets adds a lot to the characters. Basically imagine the younger members of The X-Men grown up and damaged because Charles Xavier is a bad person and it works incredibly well. Though there were a few story elements I thought didn't work as well. There are two hitmen played by Mary J Blige and Cameron Britton who were both great here, it is just it felt like their story could have been over much earlier then it is and it just ends up dragging out too much. Also there are some things that aren't explained at all and are a bit confusing and I would have liked to see more flashbacks of the crew as a team, but the ending to this season is amazing and one of the best season finale's you will see. 


The script is also really good here, there is your family drama but it works and the humour is actually funny here. I think this show thrives because of the wildly different personalities involved in the family and how the actors bounce off of each other. 


The style is fantastic, the action scenes are all really cleverly done and well choreographed especially in hand to hand combat. The soundtrack is also a real highlight rising the action scenes above and beyond what they should be, the 10 episodes felt the right length too and were paced out pretty well.


Overall, I loved the first season of The Umbrella Academy, it is an interesting and unique show that I would say should be enjoyed by everybody and I am really excited for season 2.

Rating - 9/10 

Monday, July 27, 2020

Netflix announces Witcher Prequel show called Blood Origins - My Thoughts

Netflix announces Witcher Prequel show called Blood Origins - My Thoughts

So big news came out today that Netflix have officially green lit The Witcher prequel which will be called Blood Origins and here are some of my thoughts on this news.

It will have 6 episodes

The original show had 8 episodes but it has been confirmed that this show will only have 6 and I think that is good news. One of my criticisms of the original show is that maybe it had a few to many episodes so this could be considered a great length and could trim the fat off of the show.

Will be set 1,200 years before the original show

It has also been confirmed that this show will be set 1,200 years before the events of the original show and will focus on the original Witcher and the history of the elves. This could be interesting as we don't learn too much about the history of the Witchers so this show can flesh out the order and maybe look how people would react to be given this power. 

Will Henry Cavill make an appearance

We know that Henry Cavill loves playing Geralt of Riviera so any chance he could get to play the character I think he would take it, but I am not sure he will be seen here. With the show taking place 1,200 years before his show it seems like this story will focus on other characters and leave Geralt as the face of the main show. 

Could this show have multiple seasons

The main show was incredibly sequel and is easily set for a great future and I wonder if as successful could this show do the same. With the time difference between the two shows I think there is potential for a multiple season show and that is pretty exciting. 


Overall, I think this great news, I loved The Witcher and I think there is plenty of story to be told so this hopefully will be of similar quality. 

Snowpiercer (2013) Review

Snowpiercer (2013) Review

So after watching the first season of the show Snowpiercer, I have decided to go back and watch the film called the main title. This film is based on a book and was bought to the cinema screen in 2013 and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees after the world is destroyed a group of human survivors are living on a train where different ends of the train clash. 

Main Character

Chris Evans plays the main character here and he is really good, it is funny how at this point I find it strange to see him and not think of Captain America but he does that well. He is seen as this leader of the worse off population and you just see how it affects him and puts the stress on him as he goes on. His character has plenty of depth and by the end of the film you see this character in a different light which is a true testimony to the great script and Evans great performance. 

Supporting Cast

Jamie Bell is an actor who has gained decent recognition but I have to be honest I have never been that impressed but I thought he was good here. His chemistry with Evans is well done and I liked how his character has some energy here and really adds some life to this film. Tilda Swinton has a role here as one of the upper class and she was truly fantastic here, she was so good I had to check online that it was her as she transformed herself. She has quite a bit of dark humour here and I thought it played off the other characters very well. Kang-Ho Sung who was in Parasite and Ko Asung play interesting parts in the film and I don't want to go into too much detail as there are some surprises but they both do a really good job and are some of the more interesting characters here. The late John Hurt, Octavia Spencer, Ed Harris & Ewan Bremner also do good jobs in their roles here. 


The story is really interesting, really we are alongside the people in the back at the train called the tail and we see the train with them. It feels like we are on a journey with these people as we see different parts of the train at the same time as they do. The characters are really well written and it makes them feel more complex and not one dimensional characters. But I thought there was maybe even more they could have done with the story, there are parts of the train they go though that maybe I thought they could have explored a bit longer and in more depth. 


The script here is expertly written, there is a great amount of drama that is both horrifying and tense throughout. Also there is a nice injection of dark humour in there, mainly from Swinton's character which is why she feels like an important cog in this film. 


Bong Joon Ho the director of the amazing Parasite is the director here and he gives a great visual experience here. It shows the different levels of the train brilliantly and I got a better idea of the class system then the show by just following these people which is really well done. But also I thought the action scenes aren't truly great, there is plenty of shaky cam here and over use of slow mo and it does hold it back a bit. 


Overall, this is a great unique experience, it is chilling and claustrophobic and feels like a great film. This is a great experience and a film that is a great film to watch and I would advise watching Snowpiercer for sure. 

Rating - 8/10  

Sunday, July 26, 2020

X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) Review

X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) Review

So the next film on my X-Men reviewing list is the third film in the franchise X-Men The Last Stand and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees the government come up with a Mutant cure which cause a divide in the mutant community, while Jean Grey comes back with a darker more destructive personality. 

Main Character

Hugh Jackman is once again the lead here as Wolverine and he is okay here. He still has that charm and charisma there which is good for an action star, but the character development and the intrigue of his character is gone here. It just feels like he relies on his charisma and the actual performance just isn't as strong and honestly I think the lesser quality of the whole film does hurt his performance. 

Supporting Characters

Halle Berry as Storm was really good in X2 and I think she is just as good here. She takes a larger role here and she fits her role here. Sir Ian Mckellen is back as Magneto and once again he is a great villain here and even though I think it is the least interesting of his performances he still rises above and does a great job. Newly added to the cast is Kelsey Grammer as Beast and this was inspired casting, he is superb and such a cool character here in this film. But then to the rest of the main cast, Sir Patrick Stewart is good as Xavier it is just he is so poorly used here and it feels like he was an afterthought here and wasn't a character of importance. Now onto Famke Jenssen as Jean Grey and she is so dull here, this is a very lifeless performance and this film does nothing to make her interesting at all. Also characters like Iceman, Shadowcat and Rogue are here and really poorly used and are clearly afterthoughts here too. 


This story is an absolute mess, it literally is all over the place. It just seems filmmakers don't know how to do The Dark Phoenix saga as it really doesn't work here and we will talk about it when I review Dark Phoenix. This cure storyline and The Phoenix stuff could be interesting if told individually but trying to fit both of them in this film, means neither stands out and neither have enough intrigue to keep you interested and this really just makes this film brainless action. Also this film really lacks conviction, it makes some radical decisions but by the end of the film goes completely against them and takes the easy way out. 


The script here is not good, the drama for me didn't work it was really poorly done and I just didn't find myself caring for the heroes, in fact the film does such a bad job I actually ended up rooting for Magneto which I am pretty sure I am not meant to do. The humour only works when Jackman does it, I mean Vinnie Jones as Juggernaut has some of the most absurd lines in any film ever made and it really doesn't work. 


As mentioned earlier, this film tries to focus on its action and yeah there are some pretty grand and exciting action scenes here. But I mean there isn't anything that is truly amazing here at all, I would argue there are much better action scenes in X2. Also the pacing of the film is all over the place, it is really choppy and tries to focus on too much in the first hour of the film. 


Overall, this film really brings a sour note on this trilogy, and changing director really doesn't help things. I would say even if you are an X-Men fan maybe this one is one to skip as I feel like it doesn't really add anything much of worth. 

Rating - 3/10 

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Agents Of Shield Season 7 loses its UK Provider - what is the future for the show

Agents Of Shield Season 7 loses its UK Provider - what is the future for the show

So this week some news came out that I think won't affect a huge amount of people but it does me so I thought I would talk about and it is that Marvels TV Series has lost its UK Provider as E4 have decided not to renew it for its 7th and final season. So I guess this leaves me to look at the alternatives for what the future could hold for the show in The UK. 

Move to Amazon Prime

This I think is quite a likely action, all 6 seasons of the show are on Amazon Prime so it would be natural for Marvel to use prime as a way to show the final season and make the whole collection available. But Marvels only team up with Amazon was the show Cloak and Dagger that received very little fanfare and was cancelled after its second season so the question is will they want to risk less people seeing the final season of a pretty great show in Agents Of Shield. 

Move to Disney Plus

This also would seem a smart move, we have already seen with the success of the final season of The Clone Wars how bringing a new season of a franchise to Disney Plus could be a great idea. The streaming service has 5 seasons of the show only missing out on the 6th so the majority of the show is there to watch already plus if numbers are good it could even spawn possible spinoffs and future content. But I am not sure that Disney right now with its commitment to other Marvel Shows will want to link itself to this show. 

We won't get the chance to see it

This for me is the least likely option but both E4 and Channel 4 have cancelled this show due to low ratings so maybe Marvel will just cut their losses and decide that it isn't worth the hassle, but again I highly doubt that would happen.

Overall, I really hope this situation gets sorted as I love Agents Of Shield and think people in The UK deserve the chance to see the resolution to the show. 

Friday, July 24, 2020

Radioactive (2020) Review

Radioactive (2020) Review

This film was supposed to get a run in the cinema earlier this year but due to Covid that didn't happen, though now Amazon have decided to put it on their streaming service and I have watched Radioactive and here is my review for it. The premise of the film looks at the life of Marie Curie the woman who discovered radioactivity. 

Main Character

Rosamund Pike plays Marie Curie here and I thought she was really good, since the film Gone Girl I think she has delivered some strong performances. She just fits very nicely into this role and gives a strong performance doing a good job in giving a strong portrayal of Curie, with a few strong moments in the film. 

Supporting Characters

Sam Riley plays her husband Pierre Curie and I thought he was really good too, the chemistry between the two leads is really good and really the main reason why I found the first 45 minutes the best part of this film. Though the rest of the supporting cast are pretty dull, Anna Taylor Joy is here for like 5 minutes and I just wish she had a larger part here as I thought she was good in the screen time that she has. 


The best part of the story is the chemistry between Rosamund Pike and Sam Riley as they are very likeable together and they just have a really good dynamic. Also the film looks at some things to do with Marie Curie that I never knew and it maybe could change peoples mind on her as a person. Though I have a real issue here and that is that for a film about scientist Marie Curie we don't see her do enough science, this is a huge missed opportunity as we are told how great she is but we really never see her doing any of it. Also the film tries to show the long lasting effect of Curie but it is used so jarringly that it really feels like a bizarre choice and a missed opportunity. 


The script for me was pretty good, I liked the dramatic dialogue here and thought it rose this film above complete trash also the dialogue between our two leads felt very natural and helped make them more interesting characters. 


The style for the film is the worst part of the film. It just feels really drab and dour, nothing here stands out and it takes this film that is actually under two hours and makes it feel like 2 hours 15 minutes which really hurt the quality. 


Overall, this is a fine movie. If you are a fan of biopics or Marie Curie then you might like this film but for me it is just okay and one I probably will never watch again. 

Rating - 6/10

Fear City: New York Vs The Mafia (2020) Mini Series Review

Fear City: New York Vs The Mafia (2020) Mini Series Review

One company that has really benefited from the worldwide Lockdown has been Netflix and once again the are back with a documentary called Fear City: New York Vs The Mafia and here is my review for it. The premise of the show looks at how the police attempted to take down the New York Mafia crime families in one go. 

So, for the me The Mafia is a really interesting subject and one thing I like about the documentary is the way it shows people from the police and the mafia and the different ways they look at it from the two different perspectives.

Also they do a good job in showing just how big the mafia had got in New York and just how many people in the FBI it took to take part in this job and this documentary. 

But this show just isn't very memorable at all, I guess it is one of those things, we have seen so much of The Mafia in films and TV series whether more factual or cinematic that nothing really surprises me or shocks me which is a let down here. 

It also feels like there is a lack of detail here, usually I am happy with three episodes in a documentary but I thought more detail could have helped here, and maybe a further episode which looked at the aftermath of the Rico Case

Overall, this is just a very forgettable documentary, the mafia is interesting but this show did nothing to keep me invested and though not bad won't be one to watch unless you are Mafia obsessed. 

Rating - 5/10 

The New Mutants (2020) Comic-Con Trailer Review

The New Mutants (2020) Comic-Con Trailer Review

So Comic-Con At Home started for real last night and there wasn't too much big movie news apart from films having their releases pushed back, but we have a new trailer for The New Mutants and I thought there was enough to talk about. But first a little history of this films release date it has been pushed back like 4 times now, it was meant to initially be released in 2018, then moved to 2019, then to middle of 2020 and now hopefully sometime towards the end of 2020 so it will just be nice to see this film after so many years. 

Still set for an August 28th release date which it will not hit for sure

Okay first to the release date, there has been rumours going around that it will be moving to Disney + but it was confirmed that the film is still planned for a release in the cinemas on August 28th but there is no chance this will happen. We have just seen that Tenet and Mulan have been pushed back indefinitely and those are much hyped films, apart from comic book film fans there is not much hype for this film so the average movie goer will not risk going to see the cinema to see this film so I am expecting a Video On Demand release instead of it being put on Disney +.

Looks like an interesting Horror take on The X-Men

The X-Men has been played out a bit at this point but this film looks really unique. Set mainly in an insane asylum it shows different powers and really horrific imagery which is really unique. It seems this is going to show a different take on Mutants and how there powers could be seen as pretty terrifying, as this isn't really something that has been looked at before.

Seems like a mix of craziness and intensity

Judging from this trailer it seems this film is going to have a mix between intensity and craziness. I mean this trailer shows Anna Taylor Joy fighting a Demon Bear with a magical sword which is something I didn't know I needed to see until watching this trailer.

Overall, I am more excited for The New Mutants as I thought this little trailer was very good but I just hope this film gets released for us to watch at home just so I can finally see this film.  

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Above Suspicion (2020) Review

Above Suspicion (2020) Review

So this film has just been released to Amazon to rent and I have watched Above Suspicion and here is my review for it. The premise of the film is based on a true story that sees the first conviction of a murder by an FBI agent. 

Main Character

Emilia Clarke fresh off her turn as Daenerys on Game Of Thrones plays the lead here and she is okay here. She delivers a strong emotional performance and she actually delivers her a Kentucky accent pretty well here. The issue is just her character is totally unlikable and hard to root for, the film tries to make you care and I just never really did despite her quite strong performance. 

Supporting Characters

It's funny that Johnny Knoxville is just the Jackass guy and he is in this film and I actually thought he was pretty decent here. He is crazy when he needs to be and very intense, the humour isn't there and it works for his character and shows that maybe he could have a future as a more dramatic actor. Jack Huston plays the FBI Agent here and he didn't really do anything for me, it felt like he could have just been played by anybody and they would have done a decent role which is a letdown. The rest of the people here don't provide much to the film as this feels like the Emilia Clarke show here. 


The story here was a letdown to me and wasn't particularly interesting. As I said earlier Clarke's character is just pretty unlikable and it really took me out of the film. The chemistry between Clarke and Huston also wasn't there for me and the overall plot just didn't provide much of interest at all and with a film like this the story has to be well done and this film fails miserably. 


The script was a mixed bag, there was some decent dramatic moments pretty much all from Clarke. But the majority of time it doesn't hit the dramatic moments that it thinks it does and it misses its mark more times then it hits. 


The style of the film has some pretty dark and intense moments to it that will make you feel uncomfortable which the film achieves well. But this film is really slow paced, which lulled me almost to sleep and in just the visual style it looks very cheap and dull looking. 


Overall, this is a pretty forgettable film. It isn't an interesting story and though not terrible I would advise to skip this one this week. 

Rating - 4/10  

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Snowpiercer Season 1 (2020) Review

Snowpiercer Season 1 (2020) Review

So this show recently finished its run on Netflix and I have now finished the first season of Snowpiercer and here is my review for it. The premise of the season sees after the world has frozen over a train full of survivors have to fight society and class issues. 

Main Character

Jennifer Conolly plays a lead character here and I thought she did a good job. She is a really good actress and her character is pretty well fleshed out and as the highest person on the train you see the situation from her point of view and I think the show achieves this target well. Daveed Diggs also plays a main role here and first I must mention he was fantastic in Hamilton even though I forgot to mention him in my review for that film and he is also good here. He has a charismatic nature to him, not as much as Hamilton but it is still here and you see why he is seen as the leader of the lower classes of the train. He is a character that is easy to root for and one that does have an interesting moral compass that maybe isn't as simple as I originally thought it would be. 

Supporting Characters

The supporting cast is a bit of a mixed bag here, there were so many characters some I liked some I didn't like much. Firstly, Steven Ogg is here and I love this actor and when he is on screen he is so great on this show, it is just he isn't here enough and is really underutilised. Also Alison Wright plays a character called Ruth and she gets better as the show goes on and I found her character interesting and a bit tragic in the way that she thinks. But there are also a few characters I didn't really care about such as Mickey Sumner as Bess, her character is very dull and I really didn't care about the romance involving her and clearly the show doesn't as they forget about it. There are also other performances, mainly younger ones that I found hard to care about and found a bit cringe at times. 


The story of the different classes is interesting enough, being set on a train is really interesting and seeing the different levels of the train is an interesting aspect of the show and there is a twist in the last half of the show that I thought worked well. But I felt like there was a bit of a missed opportunity the class divide story feels a bit simple and lacking the shades of grey required to raise this story up. Also there is a story arc in the first half of the season that lacked a natural conclusion and it kind of feels like a waste of time. 


The script here is pretty by the numbers, there is some decent drama here and a few bits of humour but nothing that ever stood out for me. There was never that moment that is truly memorable or makes any of the characters really stand out more. 


The style in the train is pretty cool, lighting is used pretty well to show the differences in the cars on the train and the difference in the classes of people. There are also some brutal sequences on the show that fit the nature of the tone of the show well. Though there are probably a few too many episodes here and the actual train here is really CGI and it just doesn't look very good at all. 


Overall, this is a decent show, it has plenty of issues that most people have seen but I think there is real potential here for a much better second season so maybe this is one to give some time to watch, but only if you are a patient watcher.

Rating - 6/10

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Tenet Delayed Indefinitely, what does this mean for the future of cinema

Tenet Delayed Indefinitely, what does this mean for the future of cinema

So obviously since the pandemic started the cinemas have been closed and any new releases have gone straight to video on demand. Hollywood pretty much have been putting all there eggs in the basket of Christopher Nolans film Tenet bringing people back to the Cinema, but last night Warner Bros announced that Tenet is still planning a 2020 release but it has been delayed indefinitely and these are the ways I think this news could affect Cinemas for the rest of 2020 and maybe even beyond. 

Tenet could be released in The United Kingdom First 

The main reason Tenet has been delayed is that Covid 19 has hit America much worse then most countries meaning Cinemas are pretty much still closed, meaning Tenet wouldn't be seen as a financial success. There are reports that this film could be released first in The UK as cinemas are back open here to at least allow some people to see it, however, I am not convinced by this. With the age of the internet, people will spoil the movie which will infuriate people in the US and stop them from seeing it eventually which will hurt the film long term. 

There might be no big cinema release for 2020

This is something I have been thinking for a bit now and with Tenet being delayed, I am not convinced that we will see a new film release for the rest of 2020. With America not seeing to get better, Hollywood are not going to risk finances by releasing films that people can't see or won't see. 

2021 could be the biggest year for film in a long time

Trying to spin this into a positive is that even though 2020 will be a poor year for film, 2021 could be a huge year for film. The majority of blockbusters haven't hit the cinema yet this year and if they get delayed to 2021 then there will be a blockbuster every week it will feel like. As long as the pandemic calms down by then film fans could be in for a real treat next year. 


Monday, July 20, 2020

The Prestige (2006) Review

The Prestige (2006) Review

So in prep for Tenet, if it ever comes out I have gone back and watched some of director Christopher Nolans films and the one I have watched today is The Prestige, which is actually the first time I have ever seen this film and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees after a tragic accident two magicians engage in a battle to create the ultimate illusion and will do anything to stop the other. 

Main Character

Hugh Jackman for me is one of the most underrated actors ever in my opinion, he is mainly remembered just for Wolverine but there is so much more to his acting and he is amazing in this film. His character is so fascinating and you see him become more and more obsessed with figuring out Bale's characters trick that it takes over his whole life and it is honestly brilliant and I am surprised there was no Oscar nomination for him for this film. Christian Bale plays the other magician here and he is also great, his character has a really interesting mentality and these two actors really clash amazingly to create a great dynamic. It becomes hard to pick one to root for and that is what is so interesting about the two leads that there is so much moral complexity to both of them. 

Supporting Characters

 Michael Caine plays a veteran magician here and he is brilliant too, his chemistry with Jackman in particular is great and their dynamic is also really interesting here and he gives a standout performance. Scarlett Johansson and Rebecca Hall have supporting roles and they both do great jobs, there chemistry with the two leads is a highlight of the film and adds even more complexity to the relationships here. It is also nice to see rare performances from David Bowie and Andy Serkis who are also good in there roles. 


For me the story of this film is amazing and breathtaking, something as simple as a simple professional rivalry is made so complex and deep that it makes this film one of the most interesting I have ever seen. This film isn't really about magic, it is there but this is a film about rivalry, about obsession, about jealousy and it is one that needs to be seen. Also just like most of Nolans films the ending of this film is so gratifying and interesting that it really makes you think and you won't be able to get this film out of your head. 


The script here is amazingly written, not only the truly great dialogue but the way the twists and turns are presented is literal screenplay perfection. Both Nolan brothers deserve so much credit for their writing of this film as it is a true masterpiece. 


Some people would argue that Christopher Nolan is a star in his own right and you can see it here. The film conveys so much tension and suspense and it is one of those films that you really have to pay attention as it is truly detailed. It is slower paced, but I was so interested by what was going on that it never really felt that way.


Overall, The Prestige is one of the best films I have seen in a long time. Nolan has made many amazing films and The Prestige is up there with being one of the best and this is an absolute must watch.

Rating - 10/10

Sunday, July 19, 2020

X-Men 2 (2003) Review

X-Men 2 (2003) Review

Next on my X-Men film watching comes the sequel to the original film the weirdly named X2 which later just became known as X-Men 2 and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees an army colonel attack the X-Mansion which forces The X-Men to team up with Magneto & Mystique to take him down. 

Main Character

Hugh Jackman is back in his second time in the role and he maybe even better here then he was in the first film. He still has the charm and charisma, but in this film we see a more feral Wolverine and this is the first time we really get to see him in brutal and heavy action scenes. Also his character has a more personal arc here, his connection to the villain is well established and adds to the intrigue of the character of Wolverine. 

Supporting Characters

Sir Ian Mckellen is back as Magneto and he is superb here, he is brilliant in the role and seeing his dynamic with the rest of the cast is a highlight of the film. For such a legendary actor seeing him revelling in this role is truly fantastic and he is just an absolute treat to see here. Sir Patrick Stewart is also back as Charles Xavier and he is also great, his character is in the background a bit more here but he still gives a powerful performance and it works here. I gave Halle Berry some criticism as Storm in the first film, but she is so much better here and her character is really well done and she is given a chance to show more of her powers off which is great. Alan Cumming comes in as the mysterious Nightcrawler and he is the showstealer here, he delivers possibly the greatest opening scene in comic book history and has a really interesting character here. Famke Jenssen as Jean Grey is even better here then she was in the first film and Rebecca Romijn is even better as Mystique and along with Nightcrawler is a real standout here. Also Brian Cox is great as William Stryker and is a worthy antagonist here


The story is really interesting, focusing on Wolverines past and a different human angle is great and provides a different experience from the first film. The individual team members get good character arcs and seeing Magneto and The X-Men team up is great to see. My few issues with the story is that Xavier & Cyclops really get pushed into the background here which is a disappointment, also the first act of the film is a bit choppy. It introduces so much that it is a little unfocused which means some characters have much more screen time then others. 


The script here is great, similar to the first film there is a real great blend of humour and drama. The drama I felt was increased here and made this a much heavier movie then the first which really helped make this film better the n the first. 


The film looks fantastic, the action scenes are so well done. It feels more intense and more action packed then the first film, there is a siege of The X-Mansion which is amazing and a fight scene between Wolverine and Lady Deathstrike that is better then any action scene in the previous film. 


Overall, this is a fantastic sequel, that pretty much improves on everything from the previous film. It is a truly great comic book movie and for me is one you must watch, after you have watched the first film. 

Rating - 9/10 

Cursed Season 1 (2020) Review

Cursed Season 1 (2020) Review

So this show hit Netflix on Friday and I how now found time to make my way through the first season of the show Cursed and here is my review for it. The premise of the show sees a teenage sorceress who comes across a sword of power which puts her in the view of many different warring factions. 

Main Character

Katherine Langford who plays Hannah on the show 13 Reasons Why plays the main character here and I thought she really tried but her character was really lacking. I think she is a talented actress and there are sometimes where it shows but there is not enough. Her character is really boring here and I didn't find anything remarkable about her at all, also at times it is actually hard to root for her or care about her which becomes an issue as the show goes on. 

Supporting Characters

Gustaf Skarsgard plays Merlin her and I thought he did a good job, he is for me the most interesting character here and he gives a fun performance. I just kind of wish that he had more to do in the middle part of the season as he kind of starts as a small part of the show and becomes more important as it goes on. Daniel Sharman plays a villain here who is full of mystery, he is good in the action scenes and as you go on you learn more about his character which makes you more intrigued by him. Relative newcomer Devon Terrell plays Arthur here and I just couldn't get on board with with his character, he was also dull for me and I didn't think his and Langfords chemistry was good here to care about their relationships. Also all of the other villains came across as cheesy and dull to me especially the king, who is so over the top he feels like a part of a different show. 


The story for me was a real weak point of the show, the characters mostly are just not that interesting. The motivations of the characters weren't particularly interesting and it hurt in trying to make them feel multi dimensional but they just weren't. I also felt like there was too many factions in this show and it meant that some of the factions don't get the time that it needs to make you understand their motivations. The ending of the season is done okay, but there is nothing that gets me really excited if there is going to be a second season here. 


This was the most disappointing part of the show for me, the script was really weak and really hurt the actors performances. The drama isn't interesting and the humour here feels forced and at times is actually quite cringeworthy. 


For all the things that doesn't work here, I thought this show actually looked pretty good and some of the action scenes were okay. But then there were plenty of action scenes that were poorly choreographed and poorly edited together. There is also something small but I found it annoying and it is the way this show transitions between story arcs, it uses animation and for me it just feels really obnoxious and forced. Plus this season has 10 episodes and it was easily a couple too many, which causes this show to be a drag and a hard show to get to.


Overall, I was excited to watch this show, but Game Of Thrones this is not. It is so poor and it feels like a really basic fantasy show that is really basic and does nothing to stand out. If there is going to be a second season then it needs to improve so much to get me interested. 

Rating - 3/10

Friday, July 17, 2020

Miracle Workers Season 2 The Dark Ages (2020) Review

Miracle Workers Season 2 The Dark Ages (2020) Review

So after watching the first season of Miracle Workers, I have just finished season 2 of the show even though there is literally no connection between the two seasons and here is my review for the second season of Miracle Workers The Dark Ages. The premise of the season shows how people get by day to day in the medieval times. 

Main Character

Geraldine Viswanathan was more of a supporting character in the first season but I felt like here she is the main character and I thought she was okay. I think she is a talented actress and she has some fun moments here it is just her character that I didn't really enjoy. She comes across as really pretentious and above every other character here and it makes it hard to care about her and the plights that she goes through. 

Supporting Characters

Daniel Radcliffe is more of a side character here but he is still really good, he plays the prince of the village and he was very likeable for me and was funny here, like he was in the first series. Steve Buscemi is back but he is not God this time around but he is still funny, he is likeable here and still looks like he is having plenty of fun. Karan Soni is back and he is still a fun part of this show and has some good chemistry with Radcliffe throughout. Also the addition of Peter Serafinowicz as the King was an inspired choice and I thought he did a great job. 


This is mostly where the show falls down for me, the plot really doesn't do anything for me, mainly because I still am not sure exactly what the point of the story is. There is this basic romance and family drama and it just didn't work for me and if I am just being honest I would have much preferred a second season in Heaven.


The script is still quite funny here, I cannot deny that at times I was finding myself laughing quite a bit. It just lacked the charm that I thought the first season had and the lack of intrigue that the first season had as well. 


The one thing I like about the style of the show, is the use of modern day ideas in the medieval times and the creative ways that they use them. But, a slight criticism I had of the first season was having a few too many episodes, so they thought it would be a great idea to give this season 10 episodes which is way too many which hurts the show.


Overall, this is an average second season, that feels more paint by numbers which is disappointing. If you enjoyed the first season, you might have some fun here but I wouldn't recommend this.  

Rating - 5/10

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Fatal Affair (2020) Review

Fatal Affair (2020) Review

This film hit Netflix today and I have now watched Fatal Affair and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a woman attempt to rekindle her marriage when she has an encounter with an old friend, but he can't leave her alone. 

Main Character

Nia Long straight from the 90's is the lead here and she is fine, she does a decent job here, it is just there is nothing remarkable about her character at all. She is fine in the role, but as all of this movie is she is really bland and generic here. 

Supporting Characters

Omar Epps plays the stalker here and again he is fine, he doesn't stand out as an amazing character but he plays the creep fine and does come across that way at some times. Also the rest of the cast are just fine but again nobody stands out at all. 


The story is so bland it is unreal, I can't believe films like this are made these days, Fatal Attraction came out so long ago and this film is just a cheap imitation of it and does nothing and I mean nothing that feels unique or interesting. 


The script here is truly awful, it does nothing to help the actors, they do okay jobs in spite of this script not because of it. There is no big dramatic moments and no sense of humour at any point and it fails miserably here. 


The style has some good moments of tension, I must admit that at times when Long's character is meant to be creeped out, I was too so it worked there. But this film is paced so slowly, even though it is under 90 minutes it felt like 2 hours to me and that really hurt the film. 


Overall, I think this must have been one of the quickest reviews I have ever done. It is a boring generic movie and I would avoid missing it and literally do anything else for 90 minutes of your life. 

Rating - 3/10 

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Bad Education (2020) Review

Bad Education (2020) Review

This film hit the US late last year but it has only recently made its way to UK and I have now watched the film Bad Education and here is my review for it. The premise of the film is based of the true story that documents the largest public school embezzlement in US history. 

Main Character

Hugh Jackman plays the lead here and he is fantastic here, honestly one of the best performances I have seen so far this year. He is the right mix of nice and charming and intense when he needs to be. His character is really interesting and the film even does a good job in making you care about him even though he does some questionable things here. 

Supporting Characters

Allison Janney plays the main supporting character and she also does a good job. She is a larger part of the first act of the film and is kind of relegated later on but her performance is really good. Ray Romano plays Jackman's boss and I thought he did a good job, he is just very Ray Romano here and he fit the role very well. Though there are some performances I didn't much care for, Geraldine Viswanathan who funnily enough I recently watched in Miracle Workers plays a crucial part here, but I never found myself invested in her as a character or what she was doing. It felt like her arc was dragged out a bit which hurt the film, also there were some other lesser performances that weren't as strong as they could have been. 


The story is interesting, seeing this act occur and how these people got away with it is a pretty fascinating watch. Also seeing Jackman's character development is great and his arc is really the thing that carries this film. But this film moves at a pretty slow pace and just takes too long to get going, it takes an hour for this film to really get going. Also the most interesting part of the story is glossed over and it was disappointing to me. 


The script here is really good, it has a nice blend of humour and drama. Jackman has some powerful scenes here but also has some nice funny moments as well. 


The style of the film has some good direction and unique use of transitions. But this film very much feels made for TV, it doesn't have a huge budget and you can tell sometimes it drags as I mentioned in the story part of the review.


Overall, this is a good film, with an interesting story also with a great lead performance. It is held back by some things but it is worth a watch if you are a fan of interesting real life stories.

Rating - 7/10   


Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The Secrets She Keeps (2020) Series Review

The Secrets She Keeps (2020) Series Review

So this show recently found its way to the BBC and I have finished the 6 episode season of The Secrets She Keeps and here is my review. The premise of the show sees two pregnant woman have a chance encounter which leads to a web of serious events.

Main Character

Jessica De Gouw is an actress I pretty much know for playing The Huntress on Arrow and not much else but I thought she was good here. She gives a strong emotional performance as you really do understand her plight. But some of the writing for her character does hurt her and makes her more unlikable then she should have been. Then we have Laura Carmichaels character who I kind of get what they were trying to do, but it just didn't work for me. Honestly, I hated her character and we spend so much time with her which really hurt my enjoyment of the show.

Supporting Characters

Some of the rest of the cast do a decent job here, I thought De Gouw's husband on the show did a good job as well as their family friend Simon who was good too. But there were also some weaker supporting characters, specifically Carmichaels character's boyfriend who I thought was so over the top and just truly awful here. 


I have tried to keep my description of the premise as vague as possible, because if i go into any detail of the plot you will work out exactly what is happening on this show and that is a big problem here. I don't know if it is because I watch a lot of TV but I predicted every twist before it happened which made this a by the numbers bland show. Also all of those twists weren't that interesting and you have seen it done better in other forms of media.


The script is a pretty forgettable one, there is some okay drama. Though considering some of the subject matter that this show deals with it is surprising that it doesn't get more heated and more intense which is disappointing. 


The style has some decent tension building moments in it, which make average moments much better. But this show is pretty slowly paced, honestly it feels like it could have been a few episodes shorter as it just really dragged for me. 


Overall, this is a pretty below average slow show. I would advise this is one you skip as though not terrible it is utterly forgettable and sometimes that is even worse. 

Rating - 4/10


Monday, July 13, 2020

Star wars: The Bad Batch animated series set for Disney+ in 2021 - My Thoughts

Star wars: The Bad Batch animated series set for Disney+ in 2021 - My Thoughts

So big news for fans of Star Wars: The Clone Wars today as a spinoff series was announced today surrounding the group of clones introduced in Season 7 - The Bad Batch. With this exciting news here are my thoughts on what they could do on the show. 

The Bad Batch did not commit Order 66

The biggest news to come from the press release from Star Wars & Disney is that it confirmed that The Bad Batch did not commit Order 66 and will start off the show as mercenaries trying to avoid The Empire. It has been theorised that due to there abnormalities they would not have the inhibitor chips like other clones and this news seems to coincide with that theory.

Needs to finish Commander Cody's story

It is funny, pretty much every important Clone trooper has had a conclusion to their story apart from The Bad Batch and Commander Cody. The last time we see Cody is when he turns on Obi-Wan Kenobi on Utapau, I think due to his history with The Bad Batch, he would be the perfect candidate to be sent by The Empire after them and thus this could give us a fitting ending to his story. 

Be careful what Clone Wars cameos to include

This is an important one for me, there is no doubt at certain points in its story Star Wars Rebels relied heavily on cameos from the films and Clone Wars in order to get eyes on it. I hope this show takes a bit of a reserved approach, I think there are some opportunities for cameos, such as Cody and maybe we could even see Assajj Ventress & Boba Fett due to the group of Clones being Mercenaries. 

Could the group end up as Darth Vader's Jedi hunting stormtroopers

This is just a theory of mine, but we know that Anakin Skywalker knows of The Bad Batch and even worked with them so is it out of the realm of possibility for him to forcibly recruit them at the end of the season. A second season seeing The Bad Batch hunting Jedi could be epic in nature. 


Overall, I am so excited about this news. The 7th season of Clone Wars was fantastic and this show could be a great opportunity to show us more stories with the entertaining Bad Batch. 

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Miracle Workers Season 1 (2020) Review

Miracle Workers Season 1 (2020) Review 

So the second season of this show hits the UK tomorrow and I have now finished the first season of Miracle Workers and here is my review for it. The premise of the season is set in Heaven Inc when God attempts to destroy Earth, two low level angels make a bet with him, if they can make a couple fall in love he won't destroy The Earth. 

Main Character

Daniel Radcliffe has had an interesting time of it since finishing up as Harry Potter and it has led to him being on this show and I thought he was great here. He just has a very dry sense of humour here that works for me and his awkwardness made him a likeable character. He also has a nice character arc here that mirrors other parts of the show which I thought was handled pretty well. 

Supporting Characters

Steve Buscemi here plays God and I will go on a bit later about some of the choices they make with his character later but I also thought Buscemi was really funny here. You can just tell he is having fun here and with somebody as funny as he is that means he makes you want to have fun with the show which I did when he was on screen. Geraldine Viswanathan is the new character to the group and I thought she was good, her and Radcliffe's characters are so different that it works and I thought the chemistry between the two of them was a real driving force of the season. Karan Soni who is best known for playing Dopinder in the Deadpool films is here and I also thought he was funny, he also adds a nice blend to the group and I thought it worked well. 


The story is a pretty funny one, seeing Heaven as a business is a really smart idea and I imagine the ideas are endless that if they want to explore more of this idea they would have stories for years. Also as I mentioned there are some decent character arcs which help rise this above it's generic main plot. But there are also some of the side plots I didn't really care about and now onto the controversy, basically the show makes God an idiot. This caused a lot of offence to people which is understandable, me myself I just wish maybe they hadn't made him so stupid here. 


I have to admit, this show had me laughing, so in that it completed its main objective by just making me laugh. It also had some nice drama, though most of it is pretty safe and by the numbers, also there is never that really funny moment for me, every truly great comedy has that moment and this show just lacks it. 


As I said earlier the premise of the show is great and this is linked to the style, seeing the different departments of heaven is really funny and I kind of wish we could have seen a bit more. The show only has 7 episodes and most of its pacing works, it's just I maybe could have gone with something like 5 episodes and this could have been one of the best comedies in recent memory but it falls a bit short.


Overall, this is a fun little show, it is really quick to get through and will provide plenty of chuckles. Just don't expect the next Office here but if you like comedy then this could be worth a go.

Rating - 7/10  

X-Men (2000) Review

X-Men (2000) Review

So with New Mutants hopefully hitting the cinemas soon I have decided to go back and watch all of the previous X-Men films and here is my review for the original film that started the franchise. The premise of the film sees two groups of super powered people called Mutants clash - the militant Brotherhood and the peaceful X-Men and how their two ideologies force opposition.

Main Character

It always amazes me that Hugh Jackman was never supposed to be Wolverine, he got the role due to Dougray Scott dropping out and the rest is history. So this is his first time as the character and he is fantastic here, he has the right mix of gruff and humour that makes him such a great character. He owns the screen with his charm and charisma and it is easy to end up rooting for him and wanting to find out more about him as he is shrouded in mystery for the majority of the movie. 

Supporting Characters

Possibly as iconic is Sir Patrick Stewart and Sir Ian Mckellen as Professor Charles Xavier and Magneto. These two's relationship is one of the most fascinating that there is and I love how the film treats it, yes Magneto is the villain here but the film gives him logical motivations and you truly understand where both characters are coming from even though it is clear Magneto's is more drastic. Both actors nail there performances and it would lead to many films together in the future. Famke Janssen plays Jean Grey and I thought she did a good job here, her chemistry with Jackman is good here and is a nice addition here. Also high credit to Rebecca Romijn for her performance as Mystique, first the makeup is great here and in the action scenes she does a fantastic job. But there are some performances that don't work for me, Anna Paquin has a big role here as Rogue and honestly watching it back it is pretty weak, there is just no real character development and her southern accent felt really forced as well. James Marsden as Cyclops is just a pretty boring character and Halle Berry as Storm has this awful accent that comes across poorly which does affect her character. 


The story here is really good, seeing this world where mutants exist but are discriminated against hits a lot of real world themes and it creates plenty of interesting character dynamics. As I said you understand both Xavier and Magneto's ideologies and it is handled really well. Seeing Wolverine finding out about X-Men is like he is the window for us and it is a good story device that works well here. 


The script here is really good, there is a great mix of humour and drama. Jackman has some really funny lines here and with the drama involving Xavier & Magneto it is a great script. Though it has to be mentioned this film includes possibly one of the worst lines in film history, if you have seen this film you know which line I am talking about, but it is a great script regardless.


The style is good here, there is some decent action scenes, particularly one involving Wolverine and Mystique which was well handled. Also this film is paced really well, it is shorter then I remember but it fits everything it needs in it and doesn't include any pointless scenes. But this film is now 20 years old and it shows a bit, some of the wirework and CGI is really noticeable and makes it seem dated, it is a criticism but also a bit of a harsh one considering when the film was made. 


Overall, this film was really the first mainstream Marvel film and is a great film, if you are a fan of these characters then you will know how enjoyable a film this is. But if you haven't got on the X-Men train then I would say this will be a great time for you to give it a go.

Rating - 8/10 

Saturday, July 11, 2020

The Old Guard (2020) Review

The Old Guard (2020) Review

This film made its way to Netflix and I have now seen The Old Guard and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a group of immortal mercenaries fight to keep their identity secret when a new member is revealed.

Main Character

Charlize Theron plays the main character Andy here and I think she is fantastic here. If you have seen Atomic Blonde or Mad Max: Fury Road then you know she can pull off a great action role and she is no different here, she is awesome and totally believable in the action scenes making every fight that more intense. They also do a great job with her character, I thought she was really interesting and a certain thing they do with her character just helps boost her interest even more for me. 

Supporting Characters

Newcomer Kiki Layne plays Nile, the newcomer to the group and I thought she was good too. She was also great in the action scenes and her and Theron had really good chemistry together here that makes there story really interesting. Every member of the immortals team is really good, they have interesting backstories and you are given interesting reasons to care about there characters and motivations. Chiwetel Ejiofor has a role here which wasn't as large as I initially expected but he does a good job here. His character has an interesting and well done motivation here I just maybe wish we could have seen him more as I think there was potential to do something even better with his character. 


The fact that these characters are immortal could have posed difficulties in its story telling but this film did a really good job, they show and explain enough of the backstories to keep you interested and intrigued without going overboard with it. The dynamic of the team is well done, and even though having a new member join the team is a trope I thought it worked well here. But my one issue here was the film has a weak main villain and his motivations are as generic as you can get which took away from the experience. But it isn't a huge issue as there is so much going on that is good here but it is an issue. 


The script is good, there is some nicely woven in humour here which helped build the friendship between the crew which made them better characters. Also surprisingly there is some really well done drama here that worked and made me care about the characters on the screen, I even think the cheesy dialogue is done well here. 


When looking at the style, the action is my priority and it is done fantastically. It is filmed so well, it is hard hitting, brutal and exciting. The fact that these characters are immortal allows the filmmakers to come up with some really unique action scenes that will keep you on the edge of your seat.


Overall, this might be one of the most surprising films I have seen in recent memory as I loved it, I can honestly say that I think this is the best film that Netflix has produced. If you are a fan of action films I think this is a must watch and will keep you on the edge of your seat throughout and hopefully Netflix can make a franchise out of this as there is so much potential.

Rating - 9/10