Saturday, July 11, 2020

New TV show announced that will focus on The Gotham City Police Department - Will be set in the same world as The Batman

New TV show announced that will focus on The Gotham City Police Department - Will be set in the same world as The Batman

So big news broke last night that after the release of The Batman a TV series in the same world will be released focusing on The Gotham City Police Department. It will be made by Matt Reeves who is the director of The Batman and will attempt to create a universe that is unique to his version of Batman. So this is pretty big news so here are my thoughts on the matter. 

Is it too soon for another show focused on the GCPD

This is the first thing I thought when I heard this news. The show Gotham which was pitched as a show focusing on a young Commissioner Gordon but turned into basically a Batman show finished up last year, so is it just too soon to focus on a similar idea. Honestly I think this goes either way, Gotham ended up for better or worse focusing more on creating Batman and his villains then being a police drama. If this new show can hit the tone of a cop drama while incorporating some things from The Batman mythos then I am on board to at least give it a try. 

Will Robert Pattinson or Jeffery Wright appear?

The big thing here is will Robert Pattinson make an appearance as Batman or Bruce Wayne here and my first thoughts is no. I think if this show wants to focus on The GCPD then it needs to be a world that has Batman but doesn't show him as it will take away from what we are watching. However, I think Jeffery Wright who is playing Gordon in The Batman is much more likely to show up here. Gordon is an important part of The GCPD that it would be strange not to see him here, plus Wright is an accomplished TV actor appearing in Westworld. So I would say no to Pattinson but yes to Wright. 

Will it be a Prequel?

A rumour I saw going around is that this show could even be a prequel to the film, thus making it easier to explain the lack of Batman. I think this is possible but I would be more interested in a show that takes place after the film showing how the characters here react to the world built up in the film. 

Are we getting too much Batman?

I think this is a fair argument to be made and I might go into more depth in an opinion blog in the future but maybe there is just too much Batman on our screens. Lets face it we have had Titans, Batwoman, Gotham, Justice League, The Batman and now this show in the last couple of years that all heavily involve the character of Batman. I just wonder if this overexposure is hurting the character and makes it harder to get excited about him.


Overall, it is hard to judge this news as there are such little detail about it. I am cautiously excited but I can be convinced to be more excited once we learn more about the show and The Batman itself.  

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