Monday, July 27, 2020

Snowpiercer (2013) Review

Snowpiercer (2013) Review

So after watching the first season of the show Snowpiercer, I have decided to go back and watch the film called the main title. This film is based on a book and was bought to the cinema screen in 2013 and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees after the world is destroyed a group of human survivors are living on a train where different ends of the train clash. 

Main Character

Chris Evans plays the main character here and he is really good, it is funny how at this point I find it strange to see him and not think of Captain America but he does that well. He is seen as this leader of the worse off population and you just see how it affects him and puts the stress on him as he goes on. His character has plenty of depth and by the end of the film you see this character in a different light which is a true testimony to the great script and Evans great performance. 

Supporting Cast

Jamie Bell is an actor who has gained decent recognition but I have to be honest I have never been that impressed but I thought he was good here. His chemistry with Evans is well done and I liked how his character has some energy here and really adds some life to this film. Tilda Swinton has a role here as one of the upper class and she was truly fantastic here, she was so good I had to check online that it was her as she transformed herself. She has quite a bit of dark humour here and I thought it played off the other characters very well. Kang-Ho Sung who was in Parasite and Ko Asung play interesting parts in the film and I don't want to go into too much detail as there are some surprises but they both do a really good job and are some of the more interesting characters here. The late John Hurt, Octavia Spencer, Ed Harris & Ewan Bremner also do good jobs in their roles here. 


The story is really interesting, really we are alongside the people in the back at the train called the tail and we see the train with them. It feels like we are on a journey with these people as we see different parts of the train at the same time as they do. The characters are really well written and it makes them feel more complex and not one dimensional characters. But I thought there was maybe even more they could have done with the story, there are parts of the train they go though that maybe I thought they could have explored a bit longer and in more depth. 


The script here is expertly written, there is a great amount of drama that is both horrifying and tense throughout. Also there is a nice injection of dark humour in there, mainly from Swinton's character which is why she feels like an important cog in this film. 


Bong Joon Ho the director of the amazing Parasite is the director here and he gives a great visual experience here. It shows the different levels of the train brilliantly and I got a better idea of the class system then the show by just following these people which is really well done. But also I thought the action scenes aren't truly great, there is plenty of shaky cam here and over use of slow mo and it does hold it back a bit. 


Overall, this is a great unique experience, it is chilling and claustrophobic and feels like a great film. This is a great experience and a film that is a great film to watch and I would advise watching Snowpiercer for sure. 

Rating - 8/10  

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