Saturday, July 11, 2020

Hanna Season 2 (2020) Review

Hanna Season 2 (2020) Review

So after recently watching and enjoying the first season of Hanna I have now had the chance to watched the 2nd season and here is my review for it. The premise of the season sees Hanna and Clara on the run from Utrax while Marissa meets an old acquaintance who is the new leader of the group. 

Main Character

Esme Creed-Miles is back as Hanna and again I really liked her character this season. The show mostly moves away from her trying to be a normal girl and really focuses on her strengths which is the darkness of her character and the action scenes. She is so great in these action scenes, whether it be a gun fight or a hand to hand encounter they feel enthralling and exciting to watch. Also her character goes through quite a bit this season which does add some more depth to her, but I think her as an action heroine really worked here. 

Supporting Characters

Mireille Enos is back also as Marissa and once again she is great too. Similar to Hanna they get rid of her side plots to really focus on her as a cool spy who always tries to be one step ahead of everybody else in the show. Her character maybe isn't explored as much here as the previous season but her relationship with Hanna is well explored and well progressed. Dermot Mulroney is the new main antagonist this season and I liked him here, he is just good at playing the corporate bad guy and he clearly enjoys this role. But there were quite a few supporting characters I didn't think worked as well, Yasmin Monet Prince plays Clara and I don't know what it is but I just couldn't get on board with her character. I like her her story arc and how it compares to Hanna's but I also just think the performance was a bit too wooden and it made her quite a bland character. There are also quite a few pretty poor teenage performances that we have to deal with for a lot of the show and it just took me out of it. Also there is this new character called Terry Miller and I just have no clue why she was here or what the point was of adding her to the show.


The relationship between Hanna and Marissa is one of the more intriguing parts of this season, going from their dynamic in the first season to where they are now feels appropriate and it makes them an interesting duo. I also liked some of the individual character arcs such as Mulroney's character and even Clara's to an extent but then there was just some I couldn't get on board with. Plus for me it is way less interesting then it was last season, we are given very little information about Utrax's plans and to a certain extent sometimes I worry why exactly they are seen as such a threat as the show never gives you a reason. 


Unfortunately, this is where the show starts to fall down. I personally think this is a pretty weak script, the dialogue isn't there like it was in the first season, the drama never hits the heights that it should which made me care about it less. But also this season tries humour a bit more and I thought it just fell flat on its face.


One of the highlights of the season though is the great action scenes involving Hanna, she is one of the coolest and most dangerous protagonists that there is. It even seems like she is more capable this season then she was previously and it is most pleasing to watch. But I noticed that when Hanna isn't in the fight scenes there is an excessive of shaky cam, which tells me that the other actors are weaker when filming the action scenes and it is clear to see. Also, I really liked the setting of Romania for the first season but this season just felt more generic in terms of it's location which overall just made it like any other show you can watch.


Overall, after the first season I had high hopes for this 2nd season but for me it was a big letdown. There are still enjoyable things here mainly Hanna's character and her action scenes but it feels like a more generic show and hopefully in the 3rd season they can find a way to make it more interesting and unique.

Rating - 5/10

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