Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Opinion - Why Disney Shouldn't ignore the new Star Wars Trilogy from Canon

Opinion - Why Disney Shouldn't ignore the new Star Wars Trilogy from Canon

So I must admit this opinion piece is based on nothing but rumour but I wanted to give my opinion on this topic as it kind of links to my thoughts on these films. The rumour is that Disney are set to reset Star Wars and ignore that the new trilogy The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi & The Rise Of Skywalker ever happened and here is my opinion on the rumour. 

There are fans of these films

This is a big one for me as I am a fan of this new trilogy. Just because some people don't like these films doesn't mean they should be ignored, as there are fans of these films for sure. I am not a huge fan of the prequels but there are good things about these films and I am glad they are a part of canon and can be expanded on in the future.

These films end the story of Han, Luke & Leia

A huge thing for me is that these films end the story of Han Solo, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa. These are three of the biggest characters of the franchise and if these films don't exist we will never know how their story ends. I felt the individual stories were handled well and again if the reactions are mixed then why should fans of these films and story arcs be punished.

There are ways to expand these films

With Star Wars being expanded in Games, Comics and Books I think it would be foolish to get rid of these films as the characters can be expanded in these mediums. There have already been books on Poe Dameron and a comic book on Kylo Ren so why get rid of a resource that could be valuable.


Overall, I don't believe that Disney will erase these films from Canon as they will realise that there is still worth in these characters in other mediums and that there is a fan base for these films. 

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