Friday, July 24, 2020

The New Mutants (2020) Comic-Con Trailer Review

The New Mutants (2020) Comic-Con Trailer Review

So Comic-Con At Home started for real last night and there wasn't too much big movie news apart from films having their releases pushed back, but we have a new trailer for The New Mutants and I thought there was enough to talk about. But first a little history of this films release date it has been pushed back like 4 times now, it was meant to initially be released in 2018, then moved to 2019, then to middle of 2020 and now hopefully sometime towards the end of 2020 so it will just be nice to see this film after so many years. 

Still set for an August 28th release date which it will not hit for sure

Okay first to the release date, there has been rumours going around that it will be moving to Disney + but it was confirmed that the film is still planned for a release in the cinemas on August 28th but there is no chance this will happen. We have just seen that Tenet and Mulan have been pushed back indefinitely and those are much hyped films, apart from comic book film fans there is not much hype for this film so the average movie goer will not risk going to see the cinema to see this film so I am expecting a Video On Demand release instead of it being put on Disney +.

Looks like an interesting Horror take on The X-Men

The X-Men has been played out a bit at this point but this film looks really unique. Set mainly in an insane asylum it shows different powers and really horrific imagery which is really unique. It seems this is going to show a different take on Mutants and how there powers could be seen as pretty terrifying, as this isn't really something that has been looked at before.

Seems like a mix of craziness and intensity

Judging from this trailer it seems this film is going to have a mix between intensity and craziness. I mean this trailer shows Anna Taylor Joy fighting a Demon Bear with a magical sword which is something I didn't know I needed to see until watching this trailer.

Overall, I am more excited for The New Mutants as I thought this little trailer was very good but I just hope this film gets released for us to watch at home just so I can finally see this film.  

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