Friday, July 24, 2020

Radioactive (2020) Review

Radioactive (2020) Review

This film was supposed to get a run in the cinema earlier this year but due to Covid that didn't happen, though now Amazon have decided to put it on their streaming service and I have watched Radioactive and here is my review for it. The premise of the film looks at the life of Marie Curie the woman who discovered radioactivity. 

Main Character

Rosamund Pike plays Marie Curie here and I thought she was really good, since the film Gone Girl I think she has delivered some strong performances. She just fits very nicely into this role and gives a strong performance doing a good job in giving a strong portrayal of Curie, with a few strong moments in the film. 

Supporting Characters

Sam Riley plays her husband Pierre Curie and I thought he was really good too, the chemistry between the two leads is really good and really the main reason why I found the first 45 minutes the best part of this film. Though the rest of the supporting cast are pretty dull, Anna Taylor Joy is here for like 5 minutes and I just wish she had a larger part here as I thought she was good in the screen time that she has. 


The best part of the story is the chemistry between Rosamund Pike and Sam Riley as they are very likeable together and they just have a really good dynamic. Also the film looks at some things to do with Marie Curie that I never knew and it maybe could change peoples mind on her as a person. Though I have a real issue here and that is that for a film about scientist Marie Curie we don't see her do enough science, this is a huge missed opportunity as we are told how great she is but we really never see her doing any of it. Also the film tries to show the long lasting effect of Curie but it is used so jarringly that it really feels like a bizarre choice and a missed opportunity. 


The script for me was pretty good, I liked the dramatic dialogue here and thought it rose this film above complete trash also the dialogue between our two leads felt very natural and helped make them more interesting characters. 


The style for the film is the worst part of the film. It just feels really drab and dour, nothing here stands out and it takes this film that is actually under two hours and makes it feel like 2 hours 15 minutes which really hurt the quality. 


Overall, this is a fine movie. If you are a fan of biopics or Marie Curie then you might like this film but for me it is just okay and one I probably will never watch again. 

Rating - 6/10

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