Thursday, July 30, 2020

Prodigal Son - First Impressions

Prodigal Son - First Impressions

So I am giving this a go, I have watched the first episode of Prodigal Son and I just wanted to give my opinion on the first episode and my first impressions of the show. This blog will include spoilers for the first episode so if you haven't seen it yet then maybe read this at a later time. 

Tom Payne is Fantastic in the lead 

I mostly know Tom Payne for appearing on The Walking Dead as Jesus and I always thought he was underutilised and a pretty dull character. But here I thought he was fantastic, his relationship with his serial killer father is really interesting and seeing how it influences his life and work in the police force is fascinating and not just your generic heroic lead.

Looks like it is building a fun crew

A Cop show like this relies on it's crew of characters and I thought this show established this well. Alongside Payne the other police characters were well done and I think their is plenty of growth for there relationships to grow.

The family element needs work

The relationship between Payne and his father played by Michael Sheen is interesting but I must be honest I didn't feel much for the scenes involving his mum and sister and feel like they were just tacked on. I hope this part of the story gets more interesting and more developed.

It could get dull very quickly

This is something I am worried about. We see Payne and crew solve a murder in this episode and I have checked and there are 20 episodes here, so I am just worried that if every episode goes like this then it could become very repetitive very quickly.


Overall, I quite liked this first episode of Prodigal Son and even though there are some issues, I am going to stick with it and would recommend giving it a chance. 

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