Sunday, July 19, 2020

X-Men 2 (2003) Review

X-Men 2 (2003) Review

Next on my X-Men film watching comes the sequel to the original film the weirdly named X2 which later just became known as X-Men 2 and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees an army colonel attack the X-Mansion which forces The X-Men to team up with Magneto & Mystique to take him down. 

Main Character

Hugh Jackman is back in his second time in the role and he maybe even better here then he was in the first film. He still has the charm and charisma, but in this film we see a more feral Wolverine and this is the first time we really get to see him in brutal and heavy action scenes. Also his character has a more personal arc here, his connection to the villain is well established and adds to the intrigue of the character of Wolverine. 

Supporting Characters

Sir Ian Mckellen is back as Magneto and he is superb here, he is brilliant in the role and seeing his dynamic with the rest of the cast is a highlight of the film. For such a legendary actor seeing him revelling in this role is truly fantastic and he is just an absolute treat to see here. Sir Patrick Stewart is also back as Charles Xavier and he is also great, his character is in the background a bit more here but he still gives a powerful performance and it works here. I gave Halle Berry some criticism as Storm in the first film, but she is so much better here and her character is really well done and she is given a chance to show more of her powers off which is great. Alan Cumming comes in as the mysterious Nightcrawler and he is the showstealer here, he delivers possibly the greatest opening scene in comic book history and has a really interesting character here. Famke Jenssen as Jean Grey is even better here then she was in the first film and Rebecca Romijn is even better as Mystique and along with Nightcrawler is a real standout here. Also Brian Cox is great as William Stryker and is a worthy antagonist here


The story is really interesting, focusing on Wolverines past and a different human angle is great and provides a different experience from the first film. The individual team members get good character arcs and seeing Magneto and The X-Men team up is great to see. My few issues with the story is that Xavier & Cyclops really get pushed into the background here which is a disappointment, also the first act of the film is a bit choppy. It introduces so much that it is a little unfocused which means some characters have much more screen time then others. 


The script here is great, similar to the first film there is a real great blend of humour and drama. The drama I felt was increased here and made this a much heavier movie then the first which really helped make this film better the n the first. 


The film looks fantastic, the action scenes are so well done. It feels more intense and more action packed then the first film, there is a siege of The X-Mansion which is amazing and a fight scene between Wolverine and Lady Deathstrike that is better then any action scene in the previous film. 


Overall, this is a fantastic sequel, that pretty much improves on everything from the previous film. It is a truly great comic book movie and for me is one you must watch, after you have watched the first film. 

Rating - 9/10 

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