Thursday, July 9, 2020

Javicia Leslie cast as Batwoman - My Reactions

Javicia Leslie cast as Batwoman - My Reactions

So a couple of months ago the news hit the internet that Ruby Rose had left her role as Kate Kane AKA Batwoman from the show of the same name. So the job of DC was to hire a replacement for the 2nd season and today it was announced that actress Javicia Leslie has been cast in the role and here are my thoughts on the casting.

She is a relatively unknown actress

So after the news broke I thought I would try and do some research on Leslie and I found very little. She has been in a few shows so has experience of the TV environment but being an unknown isn't necessarily a bad thing. Lets face it for all these Arrowverse shows the lead perfomers weren't big names before they took the roles and now they are decent size names. As long as she has the talent her previous work won't matter and she can grown into the role.

The first Black Batwoman

A big factor that has been played up by the media is that she will be the first black Batwoman on screen. With the current climate having a lesbian Black actress play a lead superhero is a great thing and credit to the heads of the DC TV department for adding this extra diversity to its already very diverse set of actors and actresses. 

She will play a new original character

This is an important detail, that she will not be playing Kate Kane, she will be playing a new character who takes on the role of Batwoman in the second season. Her name is Ryan Wilder and will be a character who is down on her luck, this is an interesting take as it seems it will take a pretty grounded person and turn them into this comic book character which could be a nice story.


Overall, I think this is a good casting, honestly I don't know much about the actress but I have faith that she can bring an interesting lead to Batwoman. 

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